A/N: (A blond girl with blue eyes peeks around the corner, looking around the room. A smirk appears on her face)

Blondy: HA FOOLED YA! Gysho is not a new author trying to catch a glimpse of the glorious fandom world of DBZ's best couple, GOKU AND CHICHI!

(Other girl with brown hair walks in and smirks as well)

Brunette: Still didn't guess who we are?

(Crickets chirp)

Blondy: We are Gosha and Wynora, here together to tell you one story we both worked on and put together!

Gosha: (raises her hand up) I am the brunette and Wynora, other wise known as WyZ or Wy, is the blondy!

Wy: Yes! We loved each others stories so much, (Well.. me like Gosha's stories so much, I made her make a story together with me… sstt) we've decided to make one together!

Gosha: Hey! I love your stories to...anyways, if you like it, maybe we'll make more stories! So don't hesitate to tell us what you like of this new story made by Gysho!

Wy: hehehe

(Wy and Gosha bow)

Diclaimer : We, Gysho, do not own DBZ... (Wy: STOP MAKING US CRY) (Gosha: (sobs) )

Blinded Heart
By Gysho (Gosha and Wynora)

Chapter One: Happy Together

Bright beams of the early morning sun touched the soils of the Earth. As it slowly roamed over each and every landscape. Waking up all living creatures to once again, start a new bright day.

In the large forest of mount Paotsu you could hear the lives of so many starting, working hard to get food that would contain them for the rest of the morning.

In the centre of the large forest, in one small field, the scent of a well cooked human breakfast covered the air. In a house, made by the hands of the humans, stood a woman. So early in the morning, cooking a large breakfast for her family.

A content smile covered on her face as she moved about, trying her best to keep the kitchen clean while cooking the large breakfast.

Her beautiful dark eyes glancing over at the clock of the kitchen door and each minute that would pass by, her pace became faster.

"Mama!" a small boy's voice nearly cried out with joy as he ran in to the kitchen and hugged his mother from behind. "It smells nice mama! Can I have some now!" the cute boy pleaded as he still held his mother close to him with his short yet strong arms around her.

"No, you wait for your father and brother to come downstairs." She spoke out calmly, still wearing a content smile on her face. "We're here mom!" another voice called as a young man sat down at the kitchen table, already holding the knife and fork in his hands.

"Wow Chi, it smells great as usual." The strong voice that belonged to her husband said, sending warm shivers down the woman's spine. Turning around she smiled and nodded, "There are my three handsome men, ready to be fed." She placed some of the food on the table, as much as the table could carry any way.

"Well, attack!"

ChiChi smiled contentedly as she watched her husband playing with their youngest son. So many things he already missed out on the boy's young life, so many things he is bound to catch up with since his return.

Happy butterflies flew through out her stomach, thinking about the time of laughter that was waiting for them in the future.

"Mom? Is it already if Videl comes over tonight for supper?" her eldest son's voice appeared from behind. ChiChi turned around and nodded.

"Sure, it would be nice having her round the dinner table again!" she replied.

Gohan nodded with a big grin and rushed out of their home, already on his way to pick up his 'girlfriend'. Laughing at the thought as soon as she would even mention Videl as his girlfriend in front of Gohan. 'Mom!' he would cry out and his cheeks turn in to red fluffy pillows.

Once sleeping time had fallen, the younger ones had already laid down to rest. Leaving their parents to spend the deserved time they wanted together.

Taking a long stroll through the forest which surrounded their home, they held each others hands tightly, enjoying the quiet sounds of the sleeping forest.

"Goku?" ChiChi asked silently, wrapping her feminine arm around his muscular male arm. "Hmm?" he responded, his hands in his pocket.

"Promise me something."

"Of course." He smiled handsomely and looked down in to his wife's eyes. She smiled back, already melting while looking straight back at him.

"Don't ever leave us again..." she whispered, reminded by the lonely seven years without him. The handsome smile disappeared, replaced by a soft and tender look.

"I couldn't do that." He smiled and stopped walking, taking his wife in his arms and hugging her tightly. ChiChi sighed happily and hugged him back, looking up into the sparkling night sky, thanking Kami for bringing him back to her again.

"Hey..." Goku said as he slowly let go. "Remember this place?" ChiChi blinked and looked around.

"Remember what?"

"You're telling me you forgot?" he laughed and made her turn around, holding her back against his body tightly, he pointed to a small passage in the tree's a head. "Before we had Gohan? And of course after we had him..." he smirked and purred in her ear. ChiChi shivered happily her eyes widened and a bright red flush appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh my…how could I forget?" she giggled a little as Goku let go of her and took her hand in his, leading her in to the small passage.

Finally they ended up at a small lake at the end of the passage. "Care to join me?" Goku winked while pulling his clothes of. ChiChi didn't think twice and followed his actions.

"I'll beat you to it!" she pushed Goku a side and took a long walk, jumping straight in to the water.

Goku laughed getting up, 'that I didn't see coming.' He told himself smiling at his unpredictable wife.

"What are you waiting for honey? Afraid you're going to catch a cold?" ChiChi said jokingly, her face just above the water.

Removing the last piece of clothing Goku smirked at her, "You're asking for it." He said noticing Chichi's beautiful stare at his naked body.

And with in a blink of an eye, he jumped in the water, causing huge waves to send ChiChi away.

Then silence over took the surrounding. No more waves and no more Goku.

ChiChi raised an eyebrow, "Goku?" she asked as she looked around. But the silence was too eerie, no movement underneath the water, no nothing. Time passed by, and ChiChi thought he would appear from below and pull her under, as he has done in the past so many times.

But nothing. Even for Goku, spending such a long time under water, was just too long.

Worried over came her. "Goku!" she shrieked and dove under the water. 'Could the strong idiot be that stupid and hit his head on a rock or something?'

Coming back to the surface, "Goku!" ChiChi nearly screamed in despair, as all of the sudden a shadow covered over her small form.

ChiChi shivered as her eyes grew wide, "G...Goku?" turning around.

"Ha!" Goku yelled out and jumped on top of his wife. Nearly drowning her in the process.

Floating up straight he picked his wife up in his arms and laughed.

"You bastard!" Chichi screamed and struggled to get out of his strong grasp. "You scared the living daylights out of me!"

Goku smirked and gave her a passionate kiss, silencing his wife immediately.

Finally, they had spent the night alone the way Goku had dreamed of ever since he was taken from her.

Hours had passed as the two lovers spent their love in a warm embrace.

Silence had fallen as they both nearly fell a sleep due to exhaustion. "Goku?" ChiChi mumbled. "We've got to go back home..."

"Noo..." Goku whined as a small child, hugging his wife tighter.

"Yes, the boys..."

"The boys can take care of themselves..." Goku yawned. Shaking her head she forced herself to stand up, "Come on Goku... I don't want to return in the morning to find my kitchen burnt down and to explain to our children where we were the night."

Getting her clothes back on she threw Goku's clothes on him. "Right..." Goku sighed.

Finally, he was dressed as they both walked back to their little home, hand in hand.

Morning had fallen and ChiChi had risen early to prepare breakfast for her family.

Again, the feast was enormous as it was just like every morning. Once breakfast was finished, Gohan went to his room to study. As Goten flew to Trunks his home to play.

"I am off to train." Goku said as he kissed his wife on her cheek.

"Okay honey, just be back before supper." She kissed him back and waved him off.

Starting the day ahead of her, she had finished washing the dishes and hung washed clothes on the washing line.

Hours had passed and it was nearly time for lunch.

"Cherries, I need to have cherries." She spoke to herself as she grabbed a basket and set out into the forest.

Humming a bright tune out loud, ChiChi stopped by the bushes which were filled with cherries.

"Stop it!" a laughing young woman said a little further away from her. "You're teasing me." The same woman said giggling.

ChiChi raised an eyebrow; there were hardly any people in this forest. No one would dare to go this far in to the forest. Her curious eyes couldn't help to look as she slowly stepped into the direction of the voice's source.

"Goku!" the girl said as ChiChi stopped dead in her tracks, seeing a young woman in the arms…of her…husband…

Her husband smirked at the young woman, held her tight against him and kissed her.

Chichi's heart stopped beating; stepping back she dropped the basket.

Goku……with another woman in his arms…

To Be Continued…


Gosha: (covers her mouth and gasps as well) WyZ no! (holds the steaming with anger Wynora back) Hold yourself! He'll beat you up!

Wy: (glares and crosses her arms angrily)

Gosha: …. This can't be the end of the great couple Goku and ChiChi! (tear drops)

Wy: (pats Gosha's back) I know kiddo... I know... (sighs)

Please review!

Kami bless xxx