Complete, thanks for the reviews.

Happy Birthday, Baby – Chapter Three

"Freaky baby."

Rebecca gave a mischievous cackle, raising her head to look at where her mother was playfully pouting at her, grinning as she tugged on her fathers hand, pointing at Charlie.

"She's just a bad loser." Smithy smirked, stroking his daughters hair. "Bad mummy."

"Bad mummy." Rebecca repeated, nodding emphatically, stepping out the way of Nick as he moved to take his shot, falling onto her backside. "Oh dear…"

Smithy bit back a laugh at Rebecca's tone, helping her stand as he brushed her down, "Oh dear…" he repeated.

Rebecca looked up and grinned at him, tugging on his cue for the next shot, before being distracted by Dan walking past, launching at his thigh.

Charlie smirked at Smithy's put out expression, wrapping her arms around him from behind. "What was that about being a sore loser?"

"Hello Becca…" Dan sighed as he looked down, trying to loosen her grip on his leg.

"Dan!" Rebecca lifted her arms for him to pick her up, giggling as he did, snuggling against his shoulder.

"Awww, look!" Amber looked up from where she'd been talking with the girls, smirking as Dan and Rebecca approached them. "Dan and his girlfriend…"

"Shut it, Amber." Dan scowled at her as Yvonne and Honey made a fuss of Rebecca.

"I'm only jealous." Amber playfully mocked, smirking. "How do you do it? Is it the bribe of the chocolate or the promise of a bedtime story?"

Dan scoffed and turned his back on Amber, Rebecca waving at her over his shoulder.

"Nick!" Mickey waved the bread knife he was holding in a threatening manner. "Pack it in!"

"I'm only doing as the apron tells me to!" Nick held his hands up, a grin threatening his lips. "Why wear it if you don't want kissing?"

"It ain't for you!" Mickey scoffed, lifting the bread knife up again as Nick tried to approach. "I'm warning you!"

"Isn't it fun when the grownups play together nicely." Gina smirked, standing beside Charlie as they watched Smithy take on his next victim, Leela circling the table as she looked for a shot.

Charlie glanced up and followed Gina's line of sight, watching Nick about to pounce on Mickey and laughed. "He's threatening to do karaoke later." She grinned, "Fancy a bit of Tina Turner, Ma'am?"

"…I'll pretend you didn't say that." Gina said dryly, raising an eyebrow, listening to Mickey's threats against Nick.

"Boooooob da buildeeeeeer." Rebecca waved her arms, giggling as Nick sang the song chosen by her, incorporating several actions that Rebecca copied, dancing along.

"Can we fix it?" Nick grinned.

"YES WE CAAAAN!" Rebecca bounced, clapping her hands.

"…He's never going to live this down." Charlie chuckled, resting her head on Smithy's shoulder as they watched, giggling along.

Smithy just smirked and continued pointing the video camera in Nick's direction, a wicked grin marking his lips.

Nick carried on reading the words from the screen in front of him, oblivious to his finest hour being caught on tape, Rebecca clinging to him for the final chorus.

"Thanks for coming…" Charlie smiled tiredly as they stood at the doorway, kissing Gina's cheek, most of the other guests, excluding Mickey and Nick having left earlier.

"Certainly not going to forget it anytime soon…" Gina chuckled, softly kissing Rebecca's forehead as she slept in Smithy's arms, smiling up at him. "Enjoy the rest of your birthday…"

"I will." Smithy smiled, kissing her cheek. "Thanks for everything…"

Gina just smiled and left, walking across to her car, stifling a yawn herself.


"…Sounds like the children are still having fun…" Charlie chuckled, resting against Smithy as she looked at Rebecca, "We tired this one out…"

"Shame the others ain't…" Smithy moved to look out the living room window at the garden that Nick and Mickey were attempting to 'tidy up'.

"NICK!" Mickey snapped again, threatening to punch him if he used the litter picker he was holding to pinch any other part of his body, Nick just laughing.

"Best go make sure they don't kill each other." Charlie smiled and moved to the backdoor, standing by it as she watched, laughing to herself.

Smithy smirked and looked down at Rebecca, carrying her upstairs and laying her on her on her bed as he covered her up and tucked her in, softly pressing a kiss against her forehead. He watched her for a few moments and smiled to himself, closing the door behind him.

"Boys!" Charlie stepped forward as Mickey turned to punch Nick, smirking. "You!" She pointed at Nick. "Other end. You." She pointed at Mickey. "This side."

"Not helping, Chaz?" Nick smirked, already knowing the answer.

"I am helping." Charlie insisted, "I'm supervising."

Half an hour later the garden was resembling something nearing normality, Charlie calling the boys back to the house as she held out two cans of lager, smiling gratefully at them. "Thanks for all your help today…" she yawned, tying her hair up as she reached for another two cans.

Nick shrugged. "S'least we could do." He smiled, blinking at the noise coming from the living room. "…What's that?"

Charlie frowned and listened, shrugging, carrying the cans through to the living room, holding one out to Smithy as she caught sight of the tv, laughing.

Nick followed her through, blinking as he saw himself on screen, cringing as his karaoke turn started, rolling his eyes as the others laughed along.

"Don't give up the day job, mate." Mickey sniggered into his can.