Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters.
The Sharingan and The Blossom
really do..
His breathing came out labored and rough, he struggled to walk as he staggered every now and then. Maybe he should have minded his alchohol take in a bit more? His lips thinned when he thought again about the reason for his actions.
For once in his life he found himself at a loss. He didn't realise he was in love with her until his brother all but flauned her that evening after their little fuck. He came home roughly around 8 o' clock and somewhat sober.
Not a few hours ago he had seen her. Earlier that day he had seen her face when they were intimate, how her little pink nipples hardened when he touched them. How her hair clung to her body when he thrusted right into her...
Sasuke's eyes darkened once more.
After their first small peck behind the parents he noticed her cheeks glow. He sighed at his memories...defeat riding his features as continued his slow steady pace toward Ino's place, that night while he was wandering he came across her. Like the other fan girls did, Ino would blush profusely when she talked to him.
Through her consistency, she managed to convince him to go to her house for tea. He was early, since she told him to come around 12:00pm. His head rose slightly, while his eyes caught something peculiar.
It was Sakura...
Walking down the little steps of the exit of Ino's property. And then she turned, not seeing him...she began to walk in the direction of the Uchiha household. Her face looked so bright and somehow, a bit more mature than it was the day before.
Her sexual appeal seemed to heighthen to many curious eyes there, As she ruffled her dress she felt a strange presence there, turning quickly she found Sasuke standing there before her.
"Haruno.." Sasuke greeted with a strange expression on his face, surprised? "S-sasuke, how are you?" She asked and then faced behind her to the street of people walking around. "Are you headed home?" She asked.
Sasuke shook his head, he felt his cheeks heat up. Why was he getting nervous? Sakura covered her mouth and giggled from his reaction, "Oh I see..." She said and pointed to ino's house. "You're next up for this, hmn?" She asked.
Sasuke stilled, and nodded. "She wants to have tea..."
Sakura felt herself laugh. Sasuke simply stared at her, his lip slanted up slightly. "Yeah.." Sakura... you're so easily amused...
"Gotta love Ino. She adores tea, no matter how many cups.. it's like each flavor has it's own stomach!" She said.
Her smiles were contagious...
"So... where are you headed off to?" Sasuke asked seeing Sakura push her silk pink hair out of her face. "To the Uchiha household." She said her face turning pink as well. Sasuke felt a stab, which triggered the little pound in his head to turn 20 times harder.
"Ah..." Sasuke spoke seeing her blush darken. "Hai!" She said looking at her watch, "I should be there about an hour or so... but, I want to surprise him." She said with a small hop.
'She should be mine...' He thought seeing her lips continue to move, her tongue sliding along inside her mouth as she formed the words. "Yes..." She said reaching her hand behind her head, scratching it slightly. "Uchiha-san and I... got a bit intimate yesterday."
Sasuke went stiff. 'She's actually... telling me this?' He thought and turned to her with an expectant look. "Really."
Sakura went stiff and completely red. "H-hai."
"Well, good for the both of you." He spat out while he turned and headed toward the entrance gates. "ja."
Sakura blinked, something wasn't right.
"Sasuke-kun?" She asked him, when he didn't stop, having it clear that she did call his name. She let out a small pout and ran to him.
Sasuke knew her foot steps. He could have moved or evaded... he expected a hard whack on the head. He knew she hated being ignored... and of course after so many years of getting use to the fact that they were actually friends. Good friends, he would never ignore her purposely.
So one good hit, or a slap... or even a punch, was something he greatly deserved.
I felt a thin pair of arms wrap around my neck. A small-warm frame push up tightly against my back. Her exhale tickled my hair, her legs dangling high above the ground as she held me tightly.
"Stop that." He said in a calm voice.
I feel like i'm going to cry. I want to grab her, scream at her, shake her until her sense returns. Kiss her until she loves me again... until she loves only me... in the way that she knew best. Love me... so yearnfully, so...fully... that with just one look from her would send me to another place of comfort i never dreamt of.
"Let go of me." He said in a harder tone this time.
You hurt me... You dropped me. You said you loved me... you confessed it when we were 13. Does your heart change after one proposal? From just one or two well picked words?-
"I love you, Sasuke."
His heart stopped, his jaw tightened. And tears that he couldn't stop began to pool in his eyes. Her arms tightened around his shoulders while she burried her head in his neck, "I love you so much!" She said in a harsh whisper.
I love you too... but not in the same way that you love me. God...I love you, I love you, I love you!
"So please..." She let out a labored breath. "Please be happy for me." She whispered.
He felt her shaking, and maybe because she was shaking so much, she didn't notice him shaking too. Nor the tears that fell on the floor, Sakura never saw his face that day, the way his lips morphed from a steady straight and simple expression to a tortured one.
So this is how you felt... every time I said those words to you. Every-time I got a new girlfriend and told you of my stories with her. Is this how deep those words cut you? Did I really make you ache and hurt this much?
His hand shakily reached up... and he gently rested the tip of his fingers on her small arm. "I'm sorry..." He said in a defeated tone, his eyes leaving a sad expression, now perfect pools, reflecting even the smallest detail. Ready to roll down his perfect pale cheecks again.
I'm sorry I was so cold with you, I'm sorry I never took you seriously. I'm sorry I was so careless with your heart...
Sakura laughed, sending small vibrations into him, and to this his eyes closed. Letting all the emotion flow from his eyes. "Hmn..." He hummed.
I'm sorry I took so long to fall in love with you.
"It's all right Sasuke-kun. I forgive you." She said as she let go of him, and gracefully landed back on the floor with a gentle 'tack' while she turned and ran the other way.
Sasuke stood in the front gate of Ino's property. His eyes glazed over as Ino walked out of her front door and ran to him. I'm so sorry... I regret not listening to you... I regret not holding you just once. He felt Ino's cold finger tips touch his cheek, making him snap out of his thoughts.
"Sasuke-kun? Why are you crying...? Are you all right?" Ino asked, her eyes knitted in worry. He seemed broken... lifeless.
I Love You...Sakura.
"I Love You." He breathed out at last. His teeth clenching, his heart tightening. Damn it, why did I have to be so...stupid.
Ino turned completely red, "S-sasuke-kun?" She asked again. He then stilled suddenly, and then without warning he turned the other and ran as fast as he could. His face burning, more tears coming.
The heat from his back was slowly leaving him, her sweet scent trapped in his raven locks as he ran out. He needed to find someone to take this away, he needed to stop thinking, to stop everything.
He wanted to kill, he wanted to cry and curl up. He wanted Sakura's heart back. 'You took her from me.. you stole her heart you fucking bastard.' he thought while he increased his speed, running passed many people. 'It's all your fault.' He thought his fists clenching so hard his nails slightly tore through the skin of his palm. 'She belonged to me, me!'
Sakura stopped, her arms wrapped around herself as she leaned against the Uchiha household. Her chest was hurting from the fast running she had just done. 'I did it.' She thought while she slowly slid down the door, giving out a light sob. 'I said good-bye.'
'I'm in love with Itachi.' She thought as she covered her mouth. 'I'm really in love with him.' She thought her shoulders shaking. 'I'm hurting you Sasuke, I feel it. I'm hurting you... and I don't want to.' She thought while she sobbed harder.
She turned and noticed a shadow almost touch her sandle. Blinking out the tears she came to notice the form. "Itachi?" She asked seeing the shadowed body hunch over and grab her by the arm, roughly dragging her against him.
The scent was different from Sasuke's. Strong, male, closely reminding her of those rainy days that she liked so much. "Uchiha-san." She whispered gently reaching to wrap an arm aroung his neck.
"I talked to Sasuke today." She said her eyes slightly hollow, he cupped her cheeks, making her face him eye to eye. "What happened?" He asked with a possesive tone. She merely blushed and shook her head, "He..." She said blinking her tears away.
"He was so sad..." She said in a worried smile, "It made my heart ache." She spoke seeing his beautiful features, actually recognizing them. Was he angry...?
I saw you hug him... tell him you love him. Both of you looked like suffering lovers there, holding each other. Itachi thought with a sickened expression on his face. "Uchiha-san?" She asked seeing him while he held her there. "Who do you love more." Itachi spoke.
He leaned into her neck, kissing it gently. Sending a pleasured spike through her body, "Who the hell do you love more, Sakura. Him or me...?" She asked feeling Sakura go still, "What do you mean Uchiha-san?"
"You love him..." He spoke while he reached behind his back and untangled her fingers. "You love my younger brother." Itachi spoke seeing Sakura's expression change to a confused one as she allowed herself to be detached from him.
"Of course I do." She said bluntly, pushing his hands away from hers while she herself pushed away from him.
Itachi stiffened. 'She admitted it?'
"I love Sasuke dearly, just as you do." She said, her tone turning cold. "Is that wrong, Uchiha-san?" She asked, her tone cold but her eyes knitting together in a sad expression. "You love him as a man." Itachi spoke with a tone yet colder then ice. "And that with you being my finace is wrong."
Sakura looked away her eyes turning glassy. "How dare you make such an assumption."
Itachi stilled.
"How many times have you used the word, I love you." Itachi asked. Sakura straightened, "Twice, once to Sasuke when I was 13 years of age." She said and looked to Itachi with straight faced glare. "I used those three words with the same meaning... Itachi." She spoke, and hen noticed her blush crimson.
"And I used those three words again yesterday... to name my feelings for you."
Itachi felt himself relax, "How many times have you used those three words Itachi?" Sakura asked, turning the tables on him. Hearing him go silent, his breathing halt suddenly.
He then felt her small-warm palm on his arm. "Stop doubting me."She told him, "Trust me." She told him and then sighed releasing him. "I do really love you."
She said and looked at her watch, "I guess I shouldn't have come so early." She told him and turned, "I'm not like your other lovers, Uchiha-san." She said and then padded away from him. "For one thing, I respect your feelings, even though at times it may seem like you have none." She said and stopped, ruffling her dress.
"But I wonder..." She said and turned to him. "Are you as sure about loving me as I am to you?" She said seeing his face harden, "how dare you-"
"I dare." Sakura interjected. "How many times have you used, 'I love you', Uchiha-san?"She asked and let herself give a small smile, it looked hurt. "Surely more than I have told you?" She said.
He said nothing, his gaze not leaving hers. Then looked down and gave a light chuckle. "What do you know about love? You're just an innexperienced girl..." he said coldly. "You agreed to marry me out of the blue and for what?-"
Sakura sighed and folded her arms across her chest. "Do you honestly believe me such a fool? It's true that I only have a mere perception of love is, but when I say it I mean it with all my heart." She said ger eyes shinning.
"I wonder how many times you've told a woman without meaning it, Itachi-san. Or have you ever meant it." She spoke. Itachi went and took her by the hook of the arm dragging her roughly, "Now see here wench, I wont have you-"
She shoved him away, hard. "And I wont have you treating me like some bird that you have to lock up." She spoke her eyes angry.
"it doesn't feel good does it?" She asked.
he looked away. She met his eyes again, forced him to keep eye contact with her, "To be doubted, to be suspected. I love you."She spoke as he felt his eyes go wide, a spark radiated in his gut.
Get away from me... you can't possibly mean this. You manipulate, your not pure, you're not kind, you're a liar. Liar...
She moved to he'd meet her eye to eye again. " I love you." She repeated, her words sounded just as meaningful as the last. Yet once again he looked away.
...And yet why do you face me head on with so much determination. With so much will power... could you possibly.. could you honestly.. really...
This time he felt a soft pair of hands cup his face and gently turn his head toward her direction. "I love you, Itachi." She murmured, "But if you don't trust me, this marriage.. wont work one bit." She said and slowly made a move to get away from him.
His arms wrapped around her small waist as he held her close. A sigh being released from his mouth, "I'm sorry..." He said suddenly, his nose nessling in her hair, "I got jealous." he said bluntly.
She blushed, "Why?"
"I saw you today, the way you threw yourself on my younger brother... and when you said that you loved him.. i thought that maybe you were one of those girls that-.."
"I'm not." She spoke, "As I told you, he was in pain. I noticed it and wanted to know what was wrong, but when i got to try to asking what was wrong he began to act strange..." She spoke.
"I wanted to hold him... to hug him." Her head lowered.
"but when I did he was shaking...so badly." She whispered, "So much that I became afraid."
"I've never seen Sasuke act like this before... and all I could really do was what i did, what you saw."She continued, "but then when I did it.. and I was there.. everything.. all my worries for him, all these bottled up thoughts.. came rushing out." She spoke, "He's very special to me, and I don't like to see him hurting like this Itachi-san... so I told him how much i cared for him." She said and looked to Itachi, her eyes glassy.
"I told my dear friend that I loved him."
sigh...you're hopeless Sakura...He thought while he held her tighter and let her rest against his chest. You're the reason that he's hurting... you should know him better than anyone...you should know.. He thought while he tried to calm her now sobbing frame.
Dense... so Dense... and yet... I..
"I love you too...Sakura.. I love you too."
I really do love you...
... God...
I fucking love you... so much...
So damn much...
To Be Continued...