Evy My Love

I know no matter how many lives we have,

We will always belong in each others arms,

This beautiful gentle mother of my children,

Will always be kept from life's harms,

The person who I trust,

and the person I protect with my life,

the person who,

is my perfect wife,

The person who makes my heart melt,

and has a heart of pure gold,

and the person who captured my love,

one look from her and I was sold,

Who keeps me warm,

In the dead of night,

she's the person who I love,

she's my light.

Rick my Love

You keep me from the dangers,

of our adventurous life,

Because you're my loving husband,

And I'm your loving wife,

the person who lifts me up,

when I'm down and low,

and my love for you,

is to much to show,

I know I need you,

to be happy for sure,

when I'm sick,

you're my cure,

you give me,

the strength I need,

and together,

we will go forward and succeed.

I Love You.