Summary: Placed after Final Mix. J/A mush. Rated for suggestive-ness in second chapter.

Disclaim: Don't own C.L. Never will. Just as a note, Jeremie and Aelita seem a tad bit out of character. I noticed that after re-reading this. Sorry. But I do own the song in this chappy….yeah…I'll shut up now.

5:00 P.M.- Later that Day-Jeremie's Room

"You're going, dude. No backing out."

"I'm not backing out! I'm just…"


"Am not!"

Ulrich, Odd, and a grumpy looking Jeremie stood in the middle of the room. Jeremie stood with his arms folded, his face at it's most stubborn. Odd and Ulrich traded glances. This was going to be a while.

"Look, Einstein," Odd began, looking Jeremie in the eye. "You promised her." Jeremie opened his mouth to speak, but Ulrich cut him off.

"And we know you wouldn't break a promise to Aelita. So why are you wigging out? You think she'll try to kiss you or something?"

Jeremie blushed deeply, and glared at the pair of them. "I never said I wasn't going. I just can't dance."

For a moment, Odd and Ulrich looked at each other in exasperation, then twin evil grins appeared. "Well, that can be fixed," Odd commented, and Jeremie realized, too late, what he had done. He started backing away, blue eyes wide.

"No. You guys are not teaching me how to dance. Not happening."

"Is, and will," Ulrich told him, tossing Odd a C.D. he had snuck from his own room. A few minutes later, 'Blue, Ba Ba De Ba Ba Di' by Efil (spelling?) 65 boomed from Jeremie's computer sound system.

A half hour later, Jeremie half-collapsed onto his bed. Odd and Ulrich had to leave to take Kiwi for a walk. Thank God. Jeremie took off his glasses and closed his eyes. Almost immediately, Aelita's smiling face appeared before him, and Jeremie smiled. In only a few hours, he could see her again. He wondered what the surprise was that she had mention last night. He felt a blush creep up his face at the memory of the night before. Had she been flirting with him? Jeremie dismissed that thought instantly. Not Aelita. Not her. She thought of him simply as a friend…didn't she? Jeremie opened his eyes, sat up, and put his glasses back on. No time to worry about that now. He had to get ready.

Same time, Aelita's Room-

Aelita was nervous. Beyond nervous. She sat on her bed, staring at her quivering fingers. She stood, and looked at her self in the mirror in one corner. A human girl with pink hair, dressed in pink and black, stared back out her. Well, she looked almost human. She had strange eyes. Aelita smiled, and began to hum something softly. A tingling feeling ran down her spine, and her fingertips shown the lightest pink. At least she wasn't completely useless.

"Aelita, you in there?"

Yumi knocked on the door, then came in at Aelita's greeting. The Japanese girl grinned as she looked her friend over.

"Jeremie's gonna faint when he sees you."

Aelita's blush matched her shirt perfectly. "I doubt that. I still haven't gotten used to these shoes yet." Yumi laughed and shook her head.

"Avoid the subject if you wish, Princess," she told her. "But you can only run for a little while before love catches up."

Aelita's eyebrows went up. "Where on earth did you hear that?"

Yumi grinned. "It's a proverb from a book I borrowed from Odd once. But, anyway. We've got to get you ready."

"I am ready," Aelita protested, confused. She looked back at the bed to see if she had missed something, and saw that it was empty. She looked back at Yumi, to see that she was now holding up a small box.

"Not till I'm done with you, you're not."

Five minuets later-

"Sit still!"

"It's strange—what is this for, anyway?"

"It'll make the green in your eyes stand out. Hold still!"

"What do you mean, stand out?"

"Aelita, just please hold still!"

Aelita sighed and tried to calm her nervous energy. Whatever this color substance Yumi tried to cover her face with was, Aelita wasn't quite sure liked it. She had an 'itch', as she called, but Yumi squeaked every time she moved.

Finally, Yumi stopped. "Okay. It's time." That woke Aelita up.


Yumi grinned. "Good luck. Blow Jeremie away." With that, she left a blushing but anxious Aelita standing in the middle of the room, staring after her.

One Hour Later-

"Dude, Jeremie, calm down. It's just a dance."

Jeremie didn't answer. He was watching the stage intently. Watching for Aelita. He could barely hear the yells of his fellow students, or see the mass of bodies around him.

"So lonely…"

Suddenly, a whisper echoed through the gym. The lights went off. Jeremie's heartbeat escalated.

"So lost without you…"

A slim figure against a dark pink screen. The crowd began to cheer. A single beat began, and the rhythm that it made seemed to rattle Jeremie's very bones.

It began.

Aelita, a glowing, radiant Aelita, walked out to the front of the stage, the high contrast of her black and pink out fit seeming to fit with the black world around her. Without realizing it, Jeremie moved, trance-like, to the front of the crowd. She stood in front of a small turn-table, a smile on her face. She looked up, and straight into Jeremie's eyes. She winked, and suddenly began to sing.

"Did you remember me,

those days that you were gone

Missing you is like dying

All the world was wrong

My mind was fading

My sanity too

I didn't understand

How I felt for you…"

Jeremie's eyes were like heated blue fires behind his oval glasses. Aelita almost forgot what she was doing, so mesmerized by the look in his eyes. A strange feeling sizzled down her spine, and she began to sing again, forgetting all else but Jeremie.

"So lonely, so lonely

without you by my side

So lost without you

So lonely inside…

Did you think of me

The days that I was gone

I know I thought of you each day

It helped me, kept me strong

Even when my mind

It was dying

It felt like all the world

Was crying…

I do know how I feel for you

I don't know what to say

I've loved you since the time we met

Each and every day

I wished that I could feel your touch

I never dared to call

Call your name into the night

I thought I would fall…

So lonely, so lonely

Without you by my side

In my heart, not in my world

A thousand tears I've cried

So lonely, so lost

So lonely inside…"

Aelita shivered, and stopped singing. The beat of the song slowed, then stopped. Despite the roar of the crowd the followed, all Aelita knew was that Jeremie was smiling brilliantly up at her.

How she got off the stage, she couldn't remember. But suddenly she found herself in a midst of people yelling her name and patting her back. Suddenly, she felt a warm hand take hers, and she turned.


The young man smiled down at her, then, still watching her, pulled her to a slightly emptier spot on the dance floor.

"Jeremie," Aelita said again. Was that all she could say? "I…Did you like my song?" Jeremie raised an eyebrow.

"Like it?" he echoed. For a few moments, he just stared down at her, then with what sounded like a muttered oath, he pulled her against him and kissed her.

Aelita's eyes went wide, her mind, blank. Then her eyes closed, and her mind simply focused on Jeremie. His lips caressed hers gently, his hands softly stroking her back. Suddenly a moan escaped her throat, and she threw her arms around Jeremie's neck, kissing him back. Nothing had ever so entirely filled her senses as Jeremie was doing right now.

Suddenly, Aelita's lungs started screaming for air, and she pulled back, breathing heavily.

"What was that for?"

Jeremie smiled, and cupped her face in his hands. "That was my answer." Aelita shivered with joy at the look in his eyes. Very slowly, the rest of the world started to reappear. The beat of the next mixer echoed in her ears.

Jeremie smiled again, offered her his hand. "Dance with me?" Aelita simply nodded, and let Jeremie turn her around so her back was to him. Then his hands rested on her hips, and Aelita's eyes widened when she felt Jeremie pull her back against his chest and begin to move.

"Jeremie…" His fingertips caressed her waist, sending little goose bumps of pleasure all over her body. Something in her human body told her that this sort of dancing was very different from the ones others were doing. Very, very different.

Suddenly he stopped and pulled back. Aelita let out a whimper as she turned, then saw the look in the young man's eyes. He was blushing like mad, but the blue fire was now brighter than ever. He was being shy again, she realized. He had let his feelings get the better of him, and now he was afraid she didn't like it. A smirk crossed Aelita's face, and pulling Jeremie back toward her, she kissed him just as deeply as he had her. Jeremie let out a groan, his hands wrapping around her. Aelita could practically taste the need that he had for her, she could feel it in every little movement he made to touch her. She shivered suddenly, feeling his tongue probing her closed lips. She gasped, and Jeremie gained entry. For a few minutes, their tongues fought an epic battle for dominance, then Jeremie pulled back, panting.

"Aelita…where'd you learn to kiss like that?"

Aelita, now beyond blushing point, smiled. "I was going to ask you the same question."

"You're not mad at me for…"Jeremie looked down. "Dancing like that with you?"

Aelita shook her head, and hugged him tightly but gently. "I liked it. I love you."

A shock went through Jeremie's system, and he gapped at her. "You love me?"

Aelita smiled again. "That's what I said in my song, Jeremie. You were listening, weren't you?" A smile crossed Jeremie's, and he pulled her closer.

"Believe me, Princess, I was." He hesitated, then leaned over to kiss her neck lightly. Aelita gasped softly, her arms tightening around as he moved to kiss her earlobe. "I love you too," Jeremie whispered. "I always have."

Aelita, smiling brighter than ever, pulled back slightly, and took Jeremie's hand. "Dance with me?" Jeremie grinned, and took her hand.

Well, that's the end. I do hope you liked it. It was just an idea I had. Thanks for reviewing!