My third anime story. Hopefully it will be more popular. YAY!

The crowd roared its approval as an Angelic Fight ended. The loser threw off her helmet, gathered up her Angel and stomped off the stage. The winner's angel glided to the edge of the layer and dove off. The girl caught her and gently cradled her.

"-And Waterlily does her spelndid dive off the layer! The mysterious girl known as Running Wind will continue to the final round in Toyko, Japan! The whole of the United States wishes her luck!" the announcer thundered from his perch. Running Wind blushed. She gave a slight bow to the crowd, which roaredeven louder.She walked off the stage, head down, eyes adverted. As she passed other combatents, she heard the snide remarks, almsot too low to be heard.



"She just got lucky,"


"I wouldn't want to show my face if my Angel won only by luck,"

"I hear she does some sort of ritual to the 'gods' the night before a competition. That's why her Angel keeps winning."

"I hear she's a demon."

"I'm so ashamed that she's from my hometown." This one made her look up. Her eyes caught the ones from an old friend, one that turned her back on her when she needed her most. Running Wind turned her head at the girls smirk. Sarah knew jsut how much she had hurt her, and continued to thrust the knife in her back even deeper. Running Wind exited the arena, amid cheers and congradulations. 'Where's a real friend?' she thought, weaving in and out of false smiles and made-up excitment. She looked up to the sky, as blue as the water that was in her soul. 'Will anyone love me for me?'

"And just where have you been?" snapped her mother, as she entered her house.

"I was at an Angelic Layer competition mother. I won," she said, lifting her head up for the first time since she left the arena.

"I expect no less. Now go do your homework." her mother turned back to the computer, and sent a flurry of IM's to her secret boyfriend. Running Wind sighed, and climbed the stairs to her room. It was pointless to tell her mother that she hadn't had school in a week because it was summer vacation. All her mother cared about now was that "secret" relationship online.Her brother thundered past ehr on his way to a football try-out. He gave her a noogie as he dashed by.

She entered her room and tossed her backpack on her bed, and gently placed her Angel in a bed that she had made specially for her, it looked as if it had been made fora mermaid. Made of a large mussel shell, the inside was as shiny as a pearl, the bedding was as gently as seaweed, the canopy as if from the very water itself. She smiled at her sleeping Angel.

"At least I have you, Waterlily." she said, looking at a photo on the dresser of a family, all smiling. Her brother, mother and old papa. She was in the middle, holding a balloon and a bag of candy. She sniffed, and wiped away a tear. "At least you make life worth living..." And as she turned away, she could have sworn that Waterlily smiled at her.

Hi...if you like this...please review...I'm not really good at this, writing anime. So could you please give me some pointers?