He comes to me: His arrival

Disclaimer Note: Kodomo no Omocha does not belong to me it belongs to
Miho Obana's, though I wish I did so I could get my very own Hayama!
*sigh* anyways, I was bored last night when I wrote this. Grammar might
be bad, but oh well. Just thought that since there was a lack of Kodocha
fics on this list, thoughts I'd make one up.

What's it about: A sort of preview of what might possibly be a mini
series. Depending on the reviews I get out of this one. I made the
characters a whole lot older (like college age) so there are things
that I can do with the characters that probably the anime wasn't able
to do. There really aren't any spoilers in here. So any Kodocha fan
should pretty much know the basics of how Hayama and Sana are. So yes
this is a Hayama/Sana relationship thing. It's kinda brief view as to
how their relationship is at this age. Enjoy and feel free to review after
the reading ^_^

Update: Nothing biggie, just changed some wording. Made it all present tense now
because I wanted to make it sound like we are experiencing Sana's feelings kinda
thing going on. Anyways, yeah, so no big change. Story is still the same I just
wanted to fix it before I place myself into the big summer school session. So
enjoy if you want to read this again!

It's been more than 7 years since we first met. He always have those
eyes of mysteriousness when I look at him. He's never easy when it comes to
trying to figure out what is going on in his mind, his true
feelings or if he understands the things that I tell him. His eyes
always lead me into a world of unknown. But somehow...just somehow that world
leads me to him...his heart...and somehow...it always leads my heart to intertwine
with his.

I come back from a movie shoot that night. There he is standing in front
of my home along with the many gifts that lay on my door step. Since my decision
to go to college and move away from home for the next four years,
gaining access to my residence address is a lot easier. I giggle as I
notice his jealous face as he glares at some of the gifts with obvious
messages of, "I love you" or "Will you go out with me?" on them. I know he feels
like trashing the gifts, but he wouldn't because he knows that I wouldn't
like that and also how I feel about my fans. He has the urge to kick the
wall but that is when I decide to make my presence known. He turns around
quickly when he hears footsteps coming from behind. He looks at me with a
face that represents a slight pout. I slowly walk up to him and smile,
"Tadaima", and tiptoe to kiss him on the side of his face. I watch as a touch of
blush creep up on his cheeks. I lean on to his body to have him know that I
want to be held and also to let him know that I'm glad that he's here.
I hear a sigh of relief and slowly his strong arms come up and embrace me.

For 7 years, this embrace is what keeps our relationship alive. From the
many arguments to that bumpy obstacles that could literally lead us apart from each other,
somehow...it always ends up with an embrace that makes me feel secure and
comfortable from when I'm with him. I close my eyes to listen to his fast heartbeat.
His head comes down and whispers softly into my ear, "Your breasts are still
small you know." There goes that moment.


I start picking up the gifts from fans and start launching them at him.
But because of his karate background, he easily evade my attacks and comes to
a safe distance where he catches my hand and brings me into a soft kiss on
the lips. I'm shocked and furious at his actions and start to attack him with
my other hand, but he catches that as well and I'm soon put to a stop as my
eyes close and soon melt into his kiss. He's always so gentle to me when it comes
to the kisses that we share. As his lips back out from mine, he slightly smiles, "But
I've grown to love them as much as I've grown to love you." I blush brightly by
his words. No matter how many times he says it, it always touches my heart deeply. How
is he able to do that, I don't know. But still....

LOOKING LATELY?!" I continue on launching presents at you.

"Okay okay!! Crazy girl!!" He tries to block the massive gifts that I
launch simulatneously.

He comes to me whenever I need to have him close to me. It's something that
I understand for being with him for so long. It can't be explained by words, but only
by our love for each other.

to be continued.....?