Note: I will have the next chapter for Unexpected Guest up sometie this week. This is only Short story, about 3 chapters long.

Disclaimer: AsI said in my other storier,I do not own BeyBlade. Non of it, allI own is my OC's that might apper in this story

I Don't Believe In Love

Chaper 1: Confused

By: ShadowsOfTheHeart

Love is a dreadful thing, why? Because it causes pain and suffering, and it's a weakness that I can do without. Well that's what I though until he came alone.

Every since I met him, I have been wondering about this whole, banish the love from my heart. He showed me kindness, even when I was out to get his betbest, he still showed me kindness. And I still don't know why?

Where I grew up when someone showed you kindness, you were expected to repay them. But not him, he just did it and that was that. He didn't ask for anything in return.

But I still did, he was hurt, so I helped him, and again he didn't ask for anything in return.

It has been a few years since I last saw him, but I never stopped thinking about him. He is always on my mind, and I don't know what to do.

My brother thinks I'm going crazy, my friends say I'm in love.

But how can I be in love when I have forced myself to believe that love is for the weak?

Maybe I'm getting weak. I don't know.

And if I am in love, is he? I don't even know if he even remembers me, let alone love me.

I have been back in town for three days, three long days. And all I can do is think about him, and what he looks like.

My brother and my friends are going to meet them tomorrow, and I don't know what to do, I don't know how I well react when I see him, or what I will say.

I'm so confused, and I hate it.

I remember once when I called myself a strong girl, and nothing like this bother me, I could pass the hottest guy and not even blink. I could have the hottest guys hit on me, and not even spare them a look. So why is this so different? Have I really fallen in love? Or am I just thinking too much on this. Or maybe I'm still surprised about the kindness he showed me so long ago.

I'm 18 years old, I'm starting college in the fall, and I can't get my mind off one guy, that I only know for not even a year, and that was four years ago. For all I know he could have a girlfriend, and not even know who I am.

Damn it all.

Love what is it for any way. I don't remember ever feeling loved, well beside from my brother, and my friends. But I mean real love, the between tow people, that want too spent the rest of their lives together. I want to feel it, but I can't, or I won't let myself.

I don't know.

"Are you all right?" came my brothers from behind me.

"Fine, just thinking" I answered looking out over the water, the sun was setting and it panted a beautiful scene of orange and pink on the water.

"Again, you think too much. And beside the others are getting worried about you." He said in a joking manner and taking a place on the hill by my side.

"They always worry" I answered not looking at him, but at the amazing sunset in front of me.

"True, but what are friends for, right, and besides, we have to get up early to catch the famous beybreakers before the start training. If Kai is the same Kai, they well be up at six or earlier." He teased.

I sighed and got up not bothering to look at him, my mind was still else where. "I guess" was my answer as I started to walk back, not bothering to see if my brother was following or not.

I hope you enjoyed it, andI know that it might be a bit confusing, but all well be answered in the next chapter.
Till next time
I ShadowsOfTheHeart take my leave.