All characters and specifics of "Kidousenshi Gundam SEED Destiny" are copyrighted Sotsu Agency, Sunrise and Mainichi Broadcasting. All rights reserved. This fanfiction is property of Shikami Yamino and is not intended for any monetary purpose nor an infringement of copyright laws. No one is to post/host/use any aspect of this fanfic without explicit permission from the author.

Notes: Originally this was just going to be a little extra at the end of "Hold Me Up". But then the plot bunny ran away with it for a little while, so it became a companion fic instead (grins) Set in the same time frame as "Hold Me Up".

Kidousenshi Gundam SEED Destiny: "Pass Me By"
by Shikami Yamino

The dark colored car with the tinted windows rumbles to life behind him, diverting his attention away from her delighted features.

Absently, he notes the way the mid-afternoon sunlight bounces strangely off the surface of the glass, confirming his suspicion that the windows were not only tinted but also reinforced. Otherwise, however, the car is completely unremarkable -- no evidence of any subtle insignia that accompanied similar vehicles he'd been familiar with a few years ago.

Curiosity aroused, he watches out of the corner of his eye as the car signals and then weaves expertly into the busy traffic.

And it is in that fleeting moment that he catches a glimpse of what should be, if not for the dark windows, bright blonde hair framing a pale face.

He doesn't realise that he's gone completely still until her worried voice breaks through his frozen thoughts.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He tears his eyes away from the car that's already beginning to blend inconspicuously into the cityscape and returns his attention to her, an apology ready on his lips.

Only to find himself tongue-tied, looking into eyes of the fiercest amber instead of a gentle blue.


He shakes himself, dispelling the image of another face, intimately familiar, to look down at her with a reassuring smile.

"It's all right, I'm fine. I just thought I saw something, that's all."

She doesn't look convinced. "Are you sure?"

A corner of his lips twitches upwards as he reaches out to ruffle her hair. "I'm sure. Shall we go in?"

The grin that spreads over her face is wide and guileless, reminding him of rain storms and stray crabs and deserted islands. And then it's gone -- disappearing as she turns and tows him behind her in a single-minded endeavor to enter the store, along with the memory of a night spent under the stars with an enemy that became so much more.

Just before he walks through the doors proper, he turns to look over his shoulder as his free hand comes up to touch his chest, feeling for the blood-red jewel that rests there beneath his shirt.

Emerald eyes sweep the street one last time for any sign of a dark, unremarkable car, or a slender blonde woman most knew from television, yet he knew by heart.

And the mild ache that blossoms in his chest is a familiar companion when he finds absolutely nothing.


Final Notes: And an even shorter one! (cheers) These two pieces were essentially written because this possible manifestation of Athrun and Cagalli's situation post GSD 50 bit me a little too hard -- though I mostly wanted to show how Cagalli might deal with it. Any comments are, of course, appreciated.