Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (extended version)
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw him
You could even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Ruddy
Join in any reindeer games
So Rudolph grew frustrated
He was angry beyond words
Thought he was underrated
By his fellow reindeer friends
So he took a fatal step
He went over to the Grinch
When he put him to the test
Rudolph didn't even flinch
He soon became a bad guy
His appeal grew instantly!
Dark and quite beyond the pale
What a life of misery!
Something was wrong with Ruddy
Santa could tell right away
Rudolph was after glory
Young Ruddy had gone astray!
So one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
Farewell to babes and liquor
Rudolph was ever so proud
Guiding the sleigh's an honour
And well worth the sacrifice
Then all the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph you red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history!