(Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter does not belong to me. It is all the creation of the wonderful J.K. Rowling and I take no credit for inventing these characters.)

"Harry. Harry, wake up."

"Hmm?" Harry said, rolling over to see a blurred version of Ginny standing beside him. He groaped around for his glasses and Ginny handed them to him. "What is it Ginny? It's 5 AM!" he stated, looking at the clock.

"And I think it's time," Ginny responded.

"Time for what? To go back to sleep?" Harry muttered, rather annoyed that she had woken him up.

"No, time to have the babies."

Harry was instantly awake at these words. "N-now?" he stuttered, turning on the bedside lamp. Ginny nodded her head. He still wasn't used to this, even after 4 children. Harry threw off the covers and started to dress quickly. While Harry was rushing about, trying to get ready, Ginny sighed and summoned her already-packed suitcases. Harry went downstairs into the living room and threw some Floo Powder into the fireplace. He stuck his head in the tall, emerald green flames and shouted, "The Burrow!" His head was sent spinning past hundreds of other wizards' fireplaces. Finally he looked out to see the kitchen of the Burrow. But he was surprised to see that it wasn't empty. Arthur, it seemed, had fallen asleep in one of the wooden chairs at the table near the fireplace.

"Arthur?" Harry said. At the sound of Harry's voice, Arthur almost fell out of his chair.

"Oh, hello Harry. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Listen, how fast can you and Molly be over here? Ginny's gone into labor."

"Oh, umm, we'll be over in about 10 minutes. Just let me go wake Molly," Arthur responded. He exited the kitchen and Harry pulled his head out of the flames so he was back home again.

Ginny had made her way downstairs with her two suitcases. Harry went to help her.

"When are Mum and Dad going to be here?"

"In a few minutes," Harry responded. About five minutes later, there was a knock on their door. Harry went to answer it.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Molly, Arthur," he said, giving them both a hug.

"Any time, dear, anytime. You know that we're always here to help." Molly responded.

"Are the children still upstairs?" Arthur asked, peering up the staircase, as if expecting to see one of his grandchildren waiting at the top.

"Yes, they're all still asleep. Do you fancy some tea? I believe that Ginny was making a quick pot before we left."

They all walked into the kitchen just as the tea pot started to whistle.

"Ginny, dear, sit down, I'll get it," Molly offered and Ginny did as she was told, sitting down with a small groan of pain.

"Harry, when are we going to send for Brad? I promised him he could be here."

"I was going to have Molly or Arthur contact the school a little later… like when everyone is actually awake." Harry said.

You two had better be going. We'll be at St. Mungo's with the children in a few hours. Ginny hugged her parents before both she and Harry (Harry supporting her) Disapparated off to St. Mungo's. Mere moments later, Scott came downstairs. He had apparently heard his parents Disapparating.

"Hi Grandma! Hi Grandpa! What's going on? Why are you two here this early?"

"Your mum's gone into labor and we're here to watch all of you until later." Molly explained.

"So mum and dad are at St. Mungo's?"

"That's right."

"So when are we going? To see them, I mean."

"Later this afternoon." It was Arthur who answered this time. "Why don't you go see if your sisters are awake yet? They should be up soon," he said, checking his watch, which now read 6:30.

Scott ran upstairs and came back down to tell Molly that Hailey was awake. Molly went to retrieve her, knowing that she was now too big for Scott to pick up. As she walked into the room, she saw Hailey stretching in her crib. Molly took Hailey out of her crib and carried her downstairs on her hip.

When she got downstairs, she fixed her youngest granddaughter a cup of milk and put it in a sippy cup for her.

About fifteen minutes later, Zoey came wandering into the kitchen where Arthur had busied himself in cooking breakfast.

"Hi Grandma and Grandpa!" she exclaimed, rushing to hug them. This was Molly's favorite part of being a grandparent. The love. "Where are mummy and daddy?"

"They went to St. Mungo's about a half-hour ago so your mum could have to babies." Molly responded.

About and hour later, Arthur contacted Hogwarts to retrieve Brad via Floo Powder. Brad came whizzing out of the fireplace 15 minutes later.

"Happy Halloween!" he coughed, brushing off his cloak as his siblings rushed up to hug him.

"Everyone else already ate, Brad. Are you hungry? Or did you eat at school?"

"I'm starving. Professor McGonagall caught Elizabeth and me just as we were going down to breakfast. She says hi to you all."

Brad went to the table to eat as Scott, Zoey, and Hailey went upstairs to wait until they left for St. Mungo's. Brad soon joined them.

About three hours later, Arthur, Molly, Brad, Scott, Zoey, and Hailey all left for St. Mungo's. Once they were there, Arthur checked with the receptionist to see what room Ginny and Harry were in.

When thy reached the room, they heard babies cooing. Molly went in first to say hello. Then, after a few minutes, she motioned for everyone else to join her. When they entered, they saw Ginny laying in her bed holding one baby girl and Harry sitting in a chair next to her holding a second baby girl.

Brad, Scott, Zoey, and Hailey all ran up to get a closer look at their new sisters. Each baby had the same tuft of Weasley-red hair. They had little round cheeks with a dimple on each side, making both of their baby smiles the cutest they could be. There was one difference between the twins though. The one that Ginny was holding had hazel eyes. But the baby Harry was holding had his sparkling green eyes.

"They're so adorable!" Brad said. His brother and sisters murmured in agreement.

"Can I hold one, mummy?" Zoey asked.

"Maybe a little later, sweety. After all, they're still brand new and very fragile." Zoey looked disappointed at her mother's answer, but Ginny new she understood.

"So, are they identical? How do they tell?" Scott asked his parents.

"They look like it to me. Except for the eyes, they could be," Brad commented, examining the babies once more.

"Well, we're not sure yet, but the Healers should be able to tell us soon." Harry answered this time.

"Which one's which? How are we going to tell them apart?" Zoey asked.

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out two tiny necklaces. "Look at them closely," he said to his children. When they looked, they saw that one of the necklaces had an 'L' on it and the other had a 'K'. "See?" he said.

He held the baby he was holding in the crook of his arm and fastened the 'L' necklace around her tender neck. "The one with the green eyes is Lily. She was named for my mother." He handed Lily to Molly. "And the one with the hazel eyes," he said, walking over to the baby that Ginny held, "is Kayla." He put the 'K' necklace on Kayla's neck.

A few moments later, a healer walked in and, telling by the look on her face, was appalled at the number of people in the room.

"I was just going to take the babies to see if they are identical twins, but I can see this is a bad time. I'll just come back later…" she said, heading back for the door.

"No, wait!" Ginny called after her. "They were just saying hello. I am rather curious as to whether or not they are indentical." She handed Kayla to the Healer. Molly then handed over Lily.

"This will only take a few minutes," the Healer stated as she walked out of the room, a baby in each arm.

About ten minutes later, the Healer re-entered the room. "So?" Harry asked her in antisipation. "Are they identical?"

"Actually, they are fraternal twins. But if I didn't know any better, I'd say that they were identical." She handed the babies to their mother and left the room.