Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron
Chapter 1- "An Ultra Debate"
The students at Lindbergh Elementary were impatiently waiting for the last bell of the day, marking the beginning of summer vacation. Mrs. Fowl was going to take the students on a trip to Egypt to explore its culture and enrich the students' lives to keep them from wasting away on their couches. However, things will be far from ordinary……..
In Mrs. Fowl's Classroom……..
"Bawkkkkkk. Okay, students, before you bawk go for the week, I wanted to remind you that bawkkkkkk the plane to Cairo is departing from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. I bawkkkkkk expect you to be there next Saturday at bawk 10:00 A.M. with your bawk boarding passes."
The bell rang after this oratory, and Mrs. Fowl's voice could barely be discerned over the cheers from her fifth grade students.
"Bawkkkkkk, remember to bring sunscreen," she said as students started filing out of the room. Our flighty five stayed behind to talk about the trip. They had become even closer friends than ever since League of Villains.
"I can't believe we have to take a cramped plane to Egypt when we can just fly in my hovercar," Jimmy said.
"The same one that you and Cindy fell out of a few months ago?" Libby slyly interjected.
Jimmy and Cindy both turned a deep shade of crimson.
"I'm just saying that the hovercar is more compatible to the loft of the wind and the trajectory……"
"As long as my Ultra Babe sits next to me, I could care less," Sheen said while grinning.
"Relax, Sheen, I'm going to," Libby reassured him.
"Can you prove it?"
"Sheen, I got the tickets right here. We are sitting next to each other."
"Can I use you as a flop-tation device?"
"It's floatation, Sheen, and you use the seat in front of you for that."
"Darn it."
and Sheen, don't bring your Ultra Lord action figure. It's
"Don't worry, my Queen, by the power vested
in me, I shall no longer need any dolls to protect you. Or, I might
just slip it in my bag."
"Sheen, one day you're gonna have to grow out of Ultra Lord."
"No, my queen, Ultra Lord shall protect you for all time until you join me in the marital bed."
get a life."
"I shall have one only with you, my
"Please, Sheen, stop that stupid voice."
harbinger of female-dom, I must continue to pursue this voice until
you join the Ultra League. The power is growing in you. You shall
rule this galaxy….."
"Enough, Sheen." She pulled him by the ear out of the classroom and gave him a stern talking-to in the hallway. Carl, Cindy, and Libby were intently listening to their "conservation." It was really more of a scolding. When they re-entered the room, Sheen was whimpering.
"Ultra-lord is going to stay….. home," he whimpered.
"That's what I'm talkin' about. If I'm your "Ultra-Queen", then you gotta do what I say. You undastand?"
"Yes, my queen."
"Oh, before I forget, Jimmy, I noticed you got seats with Cindy. Hmm."
"Oh yes, Libby, well… ahem.. (coughing)… We feel that it would be best for the balance of weight on the um……. Plane…….
"Right," Cindy agreed. "Balance."
"Whatever," Libby said smiling.
They exited the classroom as Carl interposed, "Can I bring Lemon Chewies?"
"Over and done with," Jimmy said sternly.
"Oh," Carl said disappointedly.
"Can I bring……?"
"No llamas either, Carl."
End Chapter 1