Hey all. This fic is a request from Dragoshine, of the American Dragon Jake Long Fan Forum. It may not be updated too often, then again, the chapters will be short.

The idea is pretty cool. But just read the summary under the link if you wanna know kind of the premises behind it. So... here we go!



Ch. 1: The Repetitive Nature of the Dragon vs. Huntsclan Battles

Days in the life of the American Dragon- according to Jake, that is- had become a but dull as of late. Routine, that's what it was becoming. The same thing over and over.

One day, the Huntsclan's trying to steal some rare artifact. The other, trying to capture a magical creature.

Sound familiar? Oh... that's because it's the exact same thing that's been happening ever since Jake first fought the Huntsclan.

Want to bring variety into someone's life? Talk to Jake Long; he'll be glad to take it.

But unfortunately, you can't hand that feeling to him at the moment.


He's working right now.

Yep, that's right- another memorable (sarcasm) meeting with the Huntsclan was forthcoming.

Jake and Grandpa were actually outside New York City at this point, flying over a large forest. Somewhere in there, according to Grandpa, was the Huntsclan.

It had been in recent times that Jake's alter ego had been discovered by the Huntsgirl, a.k.a. Rose. She had also been transferred to another school. But she had still been involved in the Huntsclan, although indirectly. As in, she had not been with the Huntsmaster battling the dragons. But the Huntsmaster had made it a liberty to inform them that the Huntsgirl would return soon.

Could it be tonight?

And if so, how would they react to each other?

It seemed as if she had not told the Huntsclan of his identity. They hadn't come to his house or attack him in human form or anything like that.

That much was known, and that much was good.

"Jake...", Grandpa spoke up as they reached a particularly larger-than-normal clearing of trees, "I am pretty sure that the Huntsclan is down there. In a cave nearby. Do you know why we are here?"

"Um... because we always go after the Huntsclan?"

"Well... yes, but also because there is an ancient artifact of unimaginable power hidden inside the cave. To be truthful, no one is quite sure what it even does. But promise me this- don't touch it. Who knows what it could do to you."

"No prob, G", Jake replied, focusing his attention on the ground as he landed. There was something he still couldn't shake from his mind- was Rose here? Could tonight be the night she made her reappearance?


"Huntsmaster... what exactly does this artifact look like?", the Huntsgirl/Rose asked her hair-deprived uncle as they stalked through the cave's narrow passageways, the walls illuminated only be the glow of the Huntsmaster's staff.

"I am not sure... but it will be glowing", Huntsmaster replied, "So when there is something else lighting up the cave besides my staff, we shall know."

"Okay, sure...", Rose whispered, reverting her thoughts back to what she had been thinking about before- and that was Jake.

It had been two weeks now. Two weeks since she found out his alter ego, and two weeks since she had changed schools. She hadn't told the Huntsmaster... but it was becoming apparent to her that sooner or later, she would have to.

Another thing- what about when she had to fight Jake? Could she do it?

She couldn't risk doing so in front of her uncle. She would have to do it...

She would have to fight Jake, at all costs.

The light led them into a large room in the cave. And there, sitting in the middle of the cave, was the glowing object. The artifact they had been looking for.

"Finally...", Huntsmaster eyed the object greedily. He walked over to it, and handed Rose some gloves.

"Put these on and pick it up. We don't know what it could do if a bare hand touched it..."

"And I guess you'll never find out!", yelled a voice behind them.

They whirled around to find Jake and Grandpa flying in. The two dragons landed on the other side of the object.

"Huntsmaster", Grandpa exclaimed, "You do not even know what this artifact could do! Research must be done to..."

"Oh, can it, old man. The Huntsclan could do so much more with it than you dragons EVER could...", Huntsmaster replied.

Meanwhile, as the two argued, Jake and Rose realized something.

The other was there.

Jake tried to resist looking at her, but he looked up for a second...

Their eyes met...

Jake was about to say something when...

"I've had enough of this!", the Huntsmaster yelled. One swipe of his black-gloved hand, and he sent the artifact sprawling into the air.

"Huntsgirl, get it!"

"No... J- get it, young dragon!", Grandpa cried out.

They both paused for a moment, before they both went for the object.

Down it came...

And they both caught it, one hand on each side.

As Rose had no glove on, and neither did Jake, they both felt a surge of energy course through their body, a feeling of near-electrocution.

They both fell to the ground. The object fell too, and when it touched the ground, it shattered into many pieces.

Grandpa and Huntsmaster rushed to their apprentice's side, and picked them both up.

"Another day, dragon- as always", the Huntsmaster said, and used his staff to teleport the two of them out of the cave.

Grandpa sighed, "Jake...", he whispered, waiting for a response that wouldn't come. He flew out of the cave and back towards New York City. "We will find out what is wrong with you. Do not worry... everything will be okay."

But that is where he was wrong.

For already, in Jake and Rose, a transformation had occured...


Hey hey! It's done! Um.. On a tight schedule, so... read and review! Thanks!