Disclaimer: I do not own any part, product, script or general idea of Xiaolin Showdown. This is purely for my own sick, twisted amusement.

In the first chapter, Chase introduces an old "friend" to Omi. Chase also realises how long it has been since he has felt the allure or a woman's touch.

A New Face

It was a hard journey for Omi. He had to find his way without the help of his friends, and truth be told, it was 1:30am and the world was asleep. He was cold and tired and the distant howl of wolves wasn't very comforting in the early hours of the morning.

Finally, he came to the volcano. The cave in the middle was shaped like a demon's mouth. The molten lava spilled from the beast's eyes and soot and smoke was issuing from its head. He was about to knock on the giant stone door when he thought to himself, could this be this right? What am I doing here? Perhaps it is a trap. Should I go back? The cold had gotten to him, his tiny shivering frame quivered as he banged his fist on the solid stone. The stone cracked in half and the two halves swung in opposite directions. A wave of heat flew out and the bright light of the inside cave lit up the valley below.

Omi walked in, the soft heat bathing him in warmth. He relaxed a little.

Despite being a master of evil, Chase Young certainly knew how to create the most peaceful setting imaginable for his home. The buildings were a beautiful white and gleamed, almost emitting lights of their own. There were willow trees and rare flowers everywhere, giving a wonderful soft pastel glow.

His childish curiosity taking over, Omi stared around, only the second time he had been in Chase Young's home. A sweet little smile spread across his face. Perhaps this wasn't going to be so bad after all… he thought. Then something occurred to him. Where are all the jungle cats? And what is that noise? Punching? Explosions? He came to a clearing. A large circular stone floor, about the circumference of an Olympic swimming pool with grey slates and a winding pattern shook from the fight happening in the centre. There was Chase all right, but the other person was a mystery. Omi couldn't really make out whom it was because she was moving too fast, but from what he could tell, she was female.

Both of them were a blur; they were moving at incredible speeds. The girl fired a jet of fire, then water, then lightning, then a jet of white light at Chase, again and again in the same order. Now and then she would be punching and kicking him while using magic at the same time. Chase was struggling. He wasn't fast enough to block her blows and get in his own hits at the same time. Then they began to aim high kicks at each other. Omi was mesmerised by this spectacular scene. Chase Young. The Chase Young getting severely trounced upon by a girl, of all people!

With one final, spectacular blow, a vicious punch in the face, Chase was hurled to the ground. He skidded face first along the tiles with a horrible crunching sound. The girl was breathing heavily and resting with her hands on her knees.

"Nice match, Chase. You were an hour and a half over your last time. That's much better." She caught her breath.

Chase rose gingerly to his feet. The light threw his pale face into sharp focus. It was completely mutilated. The whole left side of his face was badly destroyed and bleeding heavily. He did not seemed phased by this, he just walked towards the girl and they shook hands, signalling the end of their fight. Chase's blood was dripping on the floor. The girl raised her hand to his face and without touching it, the skin was tightening back into place, the blood that had poured all over his breastplate and on the floor shot back into his deep cuts. His eyelashes re-grew, as did his ruined eyebrow, and with a faint crack, his cheekbone mended. He gave the girl a slight ghost of a smile.

"That was amazing!" Omi cried, running towards the two. Chased looked around. The girl just looked confused.

"I expected your curiosity to make you come here earlier, or were you reluctant to tell your friends?"

"I wanted to wait until they were asleep." Omi looked a little guilty for not letting his friends know, but matters were more important now. He bowed slightly in greeting.

"What's your name, kid?" The girl was speaking to him now. Up closer, he could see her much better. She was tall and thin, and had very short blonde hair that just fell to her cheekbones while the back was spiky. The front of her fox-tail-like fringe was purple and it fell over her left eye. Her face was a pretty heart shape, with a small nose and round pastel pink lips. She was wearing a sleeveless white top, which bunched up underher chest. Her trousers were very wide, deep jade in colour and baggy that sat just on her waist, showing her navel. She had a pale peaches-and-cream coloured skin and her long fingernails were silver.

Omi just stared, taking her appearance in. She doesn't look as strong as she has displayed. She also doesn't look like the kind of person that would shake hands with Chase either. Does evil also exist in her?

"Oh, you are so cute!" She picked up Omi and drew him into a big, warm hug. Omi's face flushed red and he smiled. She put him down and held out her hand, but before she could say anything more…

"This is Blaise," Chase interrupted, "she is an intensely strong Xiaolin master. You would do well not to cross her path." He wore his usual scowl, but his yellow eyes seemed to linger on Blaise. She pushed him slightly.

"I can do it myself!" She had her hand on her hips. Her voice was happy and bouncy. Omi was more confused than ever.


Omi grasped her long fingered hand. "Omi."

"Nice to meet you, Omi. Are you a Xiaolin monk?" she asked, indicating his robes.

"Yes, I train very hard at the local Xiaolin temple. It is very cold there."

"Eh… cold?" Blaise looked confused.

"Never mind." Omi laughed.

"That is so cute!" Blaise whispered to Chase. He said nothing.

"I mean no disrespect but," he bowed in apology, "why would one of such goodness be in the presence of such evil?"

Chase's scowl went even deeper but Blaise was laughing.

"Me and Young here, we go way back."

"Old friends."

"A little too old," Blaise laughed again, "How many years has it been? Two, maybe three thousand?"

"Two thousand, four hundred and six years since we first met." Chases voice was still cold and unfeeling. It was almost as if the presence of people aggravated him. It made Omi smile to watch them speak to each other. Chase was straight-backed and had his arms folded, he wore a lot of armour and his face was set into a deep scowl, even his voice was dark and cold. Blaise however was very curvy and she moved a lot, even when she spoke and her smile light up the room even more so. Her only armour was the clothes on her back and even her hair was as bouncy and happy as she was. How could two people who were so different consider each other "friends"?

Blaise stared. "Glad you're keeping track."

"You are also immortal?" Omi asked, his eyes wide, staring up at Blaise.

"Eh… well," Blaise scratched the back of her head, "I am, but I was born like this. Some story of a prophecy of evil or something, but I chose a different path, and I-I would rather not get into it." She hung her head and played with her index fingers.

"I've told you before," Chase started, "it's better for you to forget it. Recounting the past again and again is futile. There is no way you can move on if you keep-thinking-about-it." His voice was still as cold as his dead heart was. Blaise looked at him for a few seconds, looking fragile, then nodded.

"Why are you here, Blaise?" Omi's curiosity was getting the better of him.

"She was training. Blaise comes here regularly to spar with me. But one question still remains: why are you here Omi?"

Omi looked at the ground. He supposed that he was here because he wanted to know how to fight like Chase did. But also, because he felt like he could trust Chase. It was just a feeling inside that seemed to well up inside him. He looked to him, not so much as an older brother, but as someone he could rely on when he needed help without being scolded or laughed at or taunted. Chase… understood him. But if he were to put all this into words, it would have come out as nothing but gibberish. The only way he could seem to describe it was…

"I want to learn."

"I see." Chase had his hand on his chin. "You trust me then?"

Omi nodded.

"Well if you want to learn," Blaise bounced into the conversation, "how about a game? It was the best way I learned how to fight."

"Something fast, I suppose?" Chase was onto her.

Blaise laughed. "Well, you've never managed to catch me before. Why don't you Chase me?" A joke between them, Chase smiled slightly. He was used to her using his name in his way. Omi had no idea what they were talking about. Seeing his confused face, Chase said, "You have to catch her. I warn you though; Blaise is the fastest person I know. Even I have not yet managed to catch her."

"Okay, let's begin! Ready," she bent down on one knee and leaned back on her other leg, "set…" her fingers brushed slightly over the rough stone, "GO!"