So many of you know that I've been staying at the hospital (bring out shotgun and points it to brother) and I would just like to say… don't worry about my health. You can begin to worry when I die… cuz then these boneheads will collapse the story. Yes… this is a chapter for Alucard and Seras but of course we have to have Integra in there somewhere and pip needs time too; in which brings me to say… I hope I can write more often… provided that god gives me the time. Tee hee hee! I can't believe I got inspired to do a little smut just by thumbing through Brian's account! It was so inspiring… I stayed on his page for a solid two days… hack hack, cough damn do I feel like Ukitake! This sucks being in the hospital… and yes, I like Vader lots… we can be hospital buddies! Be warned… there's a little A x S smut in here… no sex but still situational.

We do not own Hellsing…

Alucard was never one to openly admit to doing anything fishy with his fledglings, but when pip started smiling and giving him thumbs up as he passed the master vampire… he was beginning to reconsider pip's living arrangements to the bottom of his stomach.

"Pip, may I have a word with you? Alucard asked as he beckoned the mercenary over by his gloved hands. The mercenary smirked and waved his fellow mercenaries to go on without him.

"Yes, zir Alucard? What is it?" he removed a small cigar from a canister with a label that read, 'do not touch… property of Integra.' He carefully placed it into his mouth and looked up to face the vampire.

"I am to assume you know what had occurred in the dungeons on all hallows eve?" the vampire hid his eyes under his long jet black bangs. He was beginning to grow frustrated with this mercenary's nudges and winks.

"Well… it was hard to miss since sir Integra inztalled camera's in every room of zis manor; zere's double zat amount in ze dungeons. Zough I cannot deny zat I was entertained by your little performance, I can guarantee zat I will never do it again. It was just… zere was nozing to do," he began to rub the back of his head out of nervousness and

"Do it again and you will become part of my child's digestive track," he grinned from ear to ear. The mercenary began to sweat and Alucard turned away to give him some air.

"You should return those before Integra has your hide. Now that she's pregnant, she going to be a lot more moody than before," and he walked back down the stairs towards the dungeon.

The mercenary took in a large inhale of smoke; Alucard had scared the crap out of him and he was about to turn around when he noticed sir Integra walking down the hall. The vampire vanished before he could be spotted leaving all trace of his conversation with the mercenary there.

"Mercenary… you haven't seen my cigars have you?" she asked while walking up to his back. His shorts needed some serious changing; twice in one day.

"Have you looked in your office?" pip asked nervously.

"I had Walter check every room for them… and he turned up with nothing," she sighed.

"You do realize zat smoking iz bad for your Childs development right?" he asked while trying his best to pocket the cigar canister inside his coat.

"Well, having a baby and the arch bishop inside my house calls for them- immediately," she grasped onto the borders on either side of the door.

"What?" pip had almost dropped the cigar out of his mouth but was smart enough to catch it without Integra noticing. "Ze arch bishop… Enrico Maxwell… is staying inside ze… Hellsing manner?" he wasn't foolish to turn around with Integra so close behind him.

"Yes… he is. And I expect you to be on your best behavior," and with that she left him shaking behind the door. Integra pregnant, Seras pregnant, and the arch bishop here… was there anything else he was missing?


"Alucard, why do I feel like there is someone familiar in this compound" Seras winced as Alucard began to touch Seras's bare shoulder while scrapping his teeth along her collarbone. She had been confined to wearing an old styled corset to constrict her new pains. Somehow the only thing she wished she could constrict was Alucard's neck for doing this to her.

"The former Arch Bishop is here," he whispered into her ear as he leaned her back onto the soft silk that lined her coffin. His hand gently brushed the surface of her jeans and gripped the back of her hip as he crawled over her now timid body.

"Seras, during your pregnancy, you are also going to require different forms of pleasure to your daily living conditions, without them, you're dead body cannot release therefore straining your new child from its needed energy," and he began to kiss up her neck.

"Oh god Alucard," she began to tremble as his hand that had been on her hip had wandered down under her Hellsing uniform's skirt. He began toying with her over her undergarment which produced a series of uncontrolled moans and gasps.

"My my police girl… what am I going to do with you?" his hand and now slipped under and began to massage her folds. Her body seemed to arch all on its own as she tilted her head back and exposed her neck to him. In all of the temptation that lay in drinking from her, he had to resist. She had chosen to give birth to his child and she needed that blood.

"Ah…" she gasped as he slid his fingers in farther. In all of the years he had lived, he had never thought that he would create a mate that could keep him entertained while entertaining her. For him, it was a win-win situation that almost never happened.

"Alucard," she moaned, lust dripping from her voice like an over ripened fruit. He began to quicken his pace which only perked her nipple under the corset. Of course that didn't help… he was limited to touching her and making her release; making love to her was as good as committing suicide.

"Seras… do you want me to go faster?" he purred into her ear. She whimpered out of frustration as he added another finger. She writhed under him and began to meet his fingers at every oncoming thrust.

"Please… master?" she begged sending chills up his spine. He wasn't sure on how he was going to get rid of his current hard-on, but with Seras the way she was… he was lucky he didn't have his release in his pants already.

"Oh…" she groaned and he felt her orgasm cover his hand. She really needed that and he smirked, as he licked away her cum. A full flush had set in and rested over her pale cheeks as her breathing was becoming regulated. She was his first… and now only fledgling that had made it to the final stage- and he liked it that way.

"How do you feel, police girl," he asked while reaching back into his vest for a blood packet. He poked the straw through and began to sip the blood gently.

"Most of my lower back pain is gone… but I can't stop shaking," she gave an exhausted laugh as she looked over to him.

"I was that good huh?" he asked amused.

"Something like that," she sat up and kissed him full on the mouth, savoring the blood that had lingered from his previous swallow. He loved it when she did this shit; it made him feel like he was a god. She began sucking on his lower lip when he pulled away to take another sip; almost before he could swallow. She roughly kissed him again; thrusting her tongue to collect what little was left of the precious metal-tasting liquid.

"Seras…" he pulled back trying to calm himself.

"Yes master?" she bat her eyelashes at him.

"You need to calm down… or else I might…" he closed his eyes; he begged his brains not to get aroused again.

"Need to what master?" she asked coyly.

"I might get aroused and take you without warning," she smirked and giggled.

"What's wrong with that?" she asked.

"I could lose my manhood to our child!" he sighed and kissed her roughly before setting her back into her coffin once again.

This pre-pregnancy part of the series has about two more chapters left in it… and now for our after show spiel. To gem of the stars, there are currently two writers and a temp writing this fan fiction. Brain is doing sentence structure, while Sarah and I are doing the actual writing. We don't know if he is staying or not (due to the fact that he is an in house doctor) but if he is… then as luck would have it, you would have three writers to this series.

All I know is that I am super glad that we had so many updates… it almost makes up for the two year no update time… almost. Anyway, I am just glad to see that we still have fans of our service. Oh and before I go, can we have a show of hands on who is going to anime expo this year? Love Nate.