A/N okay before anyone reads this story they should read Running Never Helps. If you don't you probably won't be able to understand the events that happen in this story, or well certain events. Please please please review weather you like this story or not. I love to read reviews and they really do make me feel better, even bad ones because they can help me to improve my writing. I know I'm odd happy about getting bad reviews. Anyways this is just a prologue so the actual story hasn't yet begun.

Disclaimer: I will say this once and only in this chapter. The only characters that belong to me are the kids, victims, Sandra Stokes, or any other character that has never been put into the television show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. All else belongs to the creators of the show and the writers and actors or anyone else involved. Do I really need to tell everyone this?

Dedication: This story is dedicated to all the reviewers of Running Never Helps. Thanks for reviewing that story and I hope you review for this story.

A/N 2: I ask again please please please review. The more reviews I get the more confident I am and willing to post my next chapters. Plus I think more on this story then I would the others. Now time for me to post this and go work on another sequel story.


December 25 2007

They had the entire week off. Greg and his fiancé Sandra sat on one couch smiling at the Christmas tree. Warrick, his fiancé Mia, and their daughter Michelle sat on the floor waiting with smiles also on their face. This year Christmas was being held at Sara's and Nick's place. They walked downstairs hand in hand in matching green pj's with Santa on them. The four adults burst out laughing at the outfits. Nick pressed play on the radio the Christmas music began.

"Sara gets the honors this year," Greg yelled. Sara grumbled and took a seat by the tree. Nick took the chair closest to her and the tree. She handed the first present over to Greg, who opened it quickly.

"Thanks 'Rick," Greg said holding up a little mini crime lab. Everyone laughed.

"Press the little green button," Warrick smirked. Greg did so and his normal rock music filled the DNA lab. The little Greg figure began to dance to it. Everyone started laughing but soon fell silent as the Catherine figure walked down the hall eyeing the lab. They watched as each person in the lab moved around.

"Thanks man," Greg said pressing the red button making all movement cease. The others opened their presents from Warrick finding them to be the same. "Now that is lame."

"That is just the first present," He replied. Sara dug deeper but paused all of a sudden. Her brow furrowed as she pulled a beautifully wrapped present from the tree.

"Who's it for?" Greg asked leaning forward. His eyes were looking at the shinning gold wrapping and bright red ribbon with a bowtie. Sara looked up.

"All of us," she sounded angry. "From Ecklie."

"Burn it," Nick said taking it from her grasp and throwing it across the room. It was silent for awhile and then Sara grabbed the next present opening it.

-Desert Palms-

This was not how she wanted to spend her Christmas. She rather be with her daughter and son happily opening presents. Not transporting a prisoner. Not only a prisoner but her attacker. Back in Vegas she was and it was not exactly the place she wanted to be. As she and a couple other local agents, along with her partner and two other DC agents, walked into the hospital reporters began throwing questions. Ignoring them and the looks of her colleagues she entered the building and headed straight for the reception desk.

-Sara's and Nick's-

The news was on, since Michelle was playing with the remote then got bored. They were having a wrapping paper fight, girls vs. boys with the girls leading three to none. Plenty of laughter could be heard until they heard her name on the news. A name they all kept from saying. The name of a person they hadn't expected to see or hear about for another couple months. All eyes turned to the television screen where she and her band of agents were making their way into the hospital. The very hospital they knew Grissom had just been released from and Ecklie was currently staying. Then they heard his name.

"Agents Willows why did the FBI send you to retrieve Mr. Ecklie when he tried to kill you?" A reporter yelled. Some how they had been able to follow her into the reception hall of the hospital. Officers were rushing to get the reporters out when Catherine turned.

"Stop," She yelled. "Apparently your information is wrong. Mr. Ecklie was not trying to kill me and I was sent here by my boss on orders to transport a prisoner from here to the DC area. Now leave this hospital before I have you all arrested," she snapped. They obeyed. For the next thirty minutes they got to watch the front of the building. When a bunch of Officers walked out to form a barrier they knew it was coming.

-Desert Palms-

When she entered they had given her many forms. She groaned filling out the ones necessary and then handing her own forms. They then lead her up to the hospital room that held him. When she and Agent Black entered Ecklie had been exiting the bathroom having been changing into his orange jumpsuit. "Suits you Conrad," she held her hand out. Black placed the cuffs in her hand and she walked over.

"Brave enough to come near me now," he whispered when she stepped in front of him.

"No one gave you permission to speak Mr. Ecklie," Black snapped. "Catherine can we get this over with I have a life to get back to."

"As do I," she responded cuffing him and pushing him towards the door. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him exiting his own room with a duffel bag. His eyes found her and the other Agents. "Christmas dinner my house right?"

"As long as you're cooking," he replied with a smirk. She could sense him walking behind the group silently listening.

"How is Lindsey doing Catherine," Ecklie asked.

"Well Conrad," Catherine replied and then Ecklie's face met the corner of the wall they were going around. "Opps."

"Police brutality," Ecklie smirked. "Wonder what Director Andrews will think of that."

"That I'm the luckiest person to walk this earth right now," she replied. Her eyes followed him as he walked around them and towards the back exit. Black looked at her.


"Hell yeah," She responded as they walked straight for the exit.

-Sara and Nick's-

They watched the screen as they walked out Ecklie in the center. A large smile was plastered on her face and occasionally they would see her mutter something to the other agents. Sara pointed out something and they all laughed. Conrad Ecklie's lip was bleeding and he had a small cut on his forehead. It seemed someone got physical. Soon the news went back to the parade where they talked briefly about the arrest and then went on.

"Hey guys lets go deliver Grissom's presents," Nick said standing.

-Grissom's house-

When he got to his home he saw the large pile of presents on his step. He knew they stopped by and dropped them off. Entering his house he took them and placed them on the chair. Sighing he walked to his kitchen grabbed the bottle of vodka from the top cabinet and headed back to his bedroom. By the time he got there he had already had three large gulps. Upon entering a single white envelope lying on his pillow caught his eye. Walking over he recognized her scent. Opening it he began to read her voice filling his head:


You want to know why I didn't pack anything. Well I didn't have time. I knew you be home soon and be stopping me. I waited for three hours for you to come home early and ask what was wrong. I found the ring in your dresser and stood by the door waiting. Lindsey kept begging for me to tell her what happened. I wanted to speak with you first. But you know what you did. You broke my heart by staying away. Didn't bother to rush home and see what was bothering me. No you stayed at work and planned on waiting. So I didn't bother to pack leaving you a reminder of what you lost and let. I put the ring back with a note. Bet you didn't even bother to look did you?

Well now I'm leaving again for the same reasons almost. They came to stop me but I had to leave. I had formed a home away from you and I was happy in DC. I had a family their, a real family one of blood, that loved and cherished me. When I walked up to Mike's doorstep tears streaming down my face I didn't even have to knock. He let me in and held me like a big brother should do. He is older then me though my sister is younger by two years. Anyways he held me for five hours and Mary-Anne held Lindsey as she slept. I told them what happened and how I was pregnant.

They made it their responsibility to take care of me. And they did. Mike got me a job and I worked my way up from their. I soon got an apartment and meet my partner, my neighbor also. You know what's funny is when I was receiving Alex I was waiting for you to beg me to stay yet all you worried about was how I was treating you. I left once and you didn't come after me so I'm telling you now don't bother coming after me this time. I have things to worry about and you coming will just make them worse.


That was all she signed it with her name. No I love you. Or your former love. Or even your friend. He was nothing to her now. Drowning the rest of the vodka he bent over his bed opening his side dresser and pulled out the small black velvet box. Opening he found a small folded up note. Pulling it out he opened it and read the note.

'Chase me,' it read. Tears streamed down his eyes at the two words. Soon he cried himself to sleep only to wake ten hours later with a hang over and start the day over. Drink. Read note. Read letter. Repeat. Until he fell into a drunken slumber.

August Fourth 2008

"Hey Mia," Sara said from her hospital bed. Mia sat by her holding her own daughter of exactly one years of age. Her name was Michelle Marie Brown (Marie for her 'Grandma Willows' middle name.) "How's little Michelle doing?"

"Wants to meet her baby brother," Mia said happily. "Or cousin should I say since your her aunt."

"Funny," Sara said smiling down at the baby boy in her arms. "Dylan Nicholas Stokes," she whispered. The other 'family' members, save Grissom who had dropped off flowers earlier in a drunken state, entered carrying flowers, presents, balloons, and other gifts. Nick smiled taking a seat as close to possible to his wife. Warrick walked over wrapping his arms around his wife. Greg had his arm around Sandra's shoulder, who was holding their baby girl of only a couple months by the name of Jennifer Elizabeth Sanders (Elizabeth for Greg's favorite 'sister' Lindsey)

"Dylan were going to tell you a story," Nick started off. "Of a women by the name of Catherine Willows. Now Catherine Willows is our 'mother' therefore she is your grandma. Grandma Willows is what we will call her."

"Grandma Willows ..." Sara continued the story each child had heard so far many times.

July 7th 2010

It was Sandra this time sitting in the hospital bed. She held two babies, twins by the name Gregory Gilbert Sanders (Gregory for Greg and Gilbert for his Grandpa Grissom) and Martina Alyssa Sanders. Sitting in a chair next to her was Greg smiling as happy as could be. The rest of the family entered, each holding their perspective children. As they sat down around the bed and said hello to the new kids in the family Greg prepared to start the story.

"Greg Jr," Greg spoke to the babies. "Martina we're going to tell you about your Grandma Willows. Now your Grandma Willows is not ..."

July 8th 2011

Again Sara was the one in the hospital. This time she had a new baby girl by the name of Lindsey Elizabeth Stokes. (Named after every ones favorite 'sister' Lindsey!) Everyone had already made their way into the room and said hello. The children were sitting on the edge of the bed or being held by their parents eagerly waiting to hear the story.

"Lindsey this is the story of your Grandma Willows ..." Nick began quietly.

November 12th 2013

This time Mia was the one in the hospital bed. Warrick sat next to her holding his new born son William Marcus Brown. The others entered quietly, their children also silent as can be. Each took their perspective seats and said hello to William. Warrick looked around the room slightly disappointed that yet again Grissom hadn't come. True he stopped by, no longer in a drunken state but depressed, to give off flowers or balloons but he quickly left afterwards. It was as though the thought of new life frightened him.

He was sure it was true but didn't understand why. He reminded himself to have a discussion with Grissom as soon as possible. "Will we are going to tell you the story of Grandma Willows ..."

A/N okay before I get on with present time I'm going to just quickly go through each of the children of the CSIs and their age.

Michelle Marie Brown-Born August 4th 2007 Age-7
Jennifer(Jenny) Elizabeth Sanders- Born July 4th 2008 Age-6
Dylan Nicholas Stokes- Born August 4th 2008 Age-6
Gregory Gilbert Sanders & Martina Alyssa Sanders- Born July 7th 2010 Age-4
Lindsey Elizabeth Stokes- Born July 8th 2011 Age-3
William Marcus Brown- Born November 12 2013 Age-1

The godparents for each child are the other two couples. So for the Browns, Stokes and Sanders are the godparents and so forth. Anyone confused leave a review about it and I'll make it clearer. Hope you read all this and if you didn't oh well.