Authors Note: Hey all! Sorry if the last chapter confused people… I promise it will start making sense ether this chapter or the next. Thank you all for your reviews! And as thanks I give you the next chapter!
----Breaking point----
Their laughter continued to resound in his head long after he had flown out of hearing. Jade sat next to him in silence, she wanted to say something to comfort or cheer him up but felt that perhaps silence was best for now. Jack didn't say a word the entire way back; his face stayed blank which made it hard to tell what he was thinking. Once the jet was parked in his basement and they had both gotten out Jade decided to try and say something to Jack.
"I'm tired of this…" He muttered under his breath barely loud enough for her to hear. He stood for a moment keeping his back to her.
"I'm just so sick and tired of this!" his voice raised with each word till he was shouting. He turned to kick the stool next to him sending it flying.
"I'm tired of them laughing!" he picked up a spare robot part and threw it as hard as he could not bothering to see where he threw it.
"They just think I'm a joke…" looking around Jack saw his tool box; he walked over to it, picked it up and threw it as hard as he could. It landed at an angle causing the box to open spilling the contents across the floor. Jack was in such a rage he didn't notice Jade don the helmet of Jhong and dive behind the couch. Anything loose that could be thrown or kicked was. Once the lab resembled the aftermath of a hurricane Jack began to calm down as he rested his palms on his desk and let his head hang down as he breathed heavily through gritted teeth. He was done with being laughed at… if those monks wanted to laugh… he'd give them something to laugh at, he'd show them just how funny he could be. He jumped and swung his arm quickly and Jack immediately felt bad.
"Are you ok?" Jade asked softly.
"No, but I will be once we get that Wu."
"Do you have a plan?" Jack grinned widely.
"Oh yeah, we're going to be giving the bots we've been working on a test drive." Opening a draw he rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a map and spreading it out on the table.
"Ok Jack-bots get over here." The Jack-bots mustered around as Jack pointed to various sections of the layout of the xiaolin temple telling the bots where to hide around the temple and what to do once he gave each group of them a signal. Jade's job was to retrieve the Shen-Gon-Wu while Jack made a big distraction and took care of the monks. Once Jack was done explaining the bots transferred the information to the other bots till they all had the plan downloaded into their memory banks.
"Alright, you ready for this Jade?"
Back at the temple once the monks had put the new Wu away they went to find Master Fung who was still looking over the old scrolls that Raimundo had accidentally found a few days ago when they realized the Shen-Gon-Wu had been stolen. Although in truth they hadn't found them till the following morning when Kimiko was asked to fetch the Shen-Gon-Wu for training.
They immediately searched the grounds and when they found nothing immediately set out for Spicer's home. When again they found nothing they weren't sure where to look next; this wasn't something Chase would do… he had made it quite clear that he had no reasons for having or needing any of the Shen-Gon-Wu, except of course the Eagle Scope. The monks returned to the temple to try and come up with 'a plan' as Raimundo put it.
They had gone back into the Wu vault and Dojo was sniffing around trying to see if he could get a single whiff of Wu.
"I guess there's a first time for all the hens to get out of the henhouse." Clay commented checking all the draws.
"Huh?" Omi asked looking at Clay confused.
"He means this is the first time we've lost all the Wu at once, usually there's at least one left." Rai translated as Clay nodded. Dojo had sniffed his way down the spiraling stairs to the bottom floor of the vault.
"I swear there's a Wu here… maybe more I'm not sure but… I just don't see it!" he yelled looking up at the monks on the stairs above him before falling face first onto the floor to begin sniffing madly again.
"Dojo I do not see as to why you are sniffing around down there, I do not see any Shen-Gon-Wu, unless they are invisible." Said Omi as he came down the stairs. "Do Shen-Gon-Wu become invisible?" He asked as he looked around with Dojo holding his arms out in front of him as if expecting to run into a Wu.
"'fraid not kid…ACHOO!"
"Gesundheit." Kimiko said as she and the others followed Omi down the stairs.
"Look I don't know how to put it other than we just seem to be plum out of Wu." Rai said pocketing his fists as he leaned back against the wall.
"But we cannot give up; if we do the forces of darkness will surely-"
"Omi the forces of darkness already have the Shen-Gon-Wu, I don't know of anyone on our side who would take them. I say we all go out grab some 'Go Evil' flags and join the winning team 'cause this is just-" Raimundo stopped short as he kicked his foot back behind him to hit the wall causing the tile he had hit to become loose. Turning to look at the tile he carefully pried it loose as the others gathered behind him.
"Looks like you found a secret hiding hole." Omi said looking at it in surprise as he wondered what could be in it. Rather then wonder Rai stuck his hand in and felt around.
"Watch out for spiders Rai." Clay warned.
"I'm sure I can take on any OW!" Rai quickly pulled his hand out and looked at the spot of blood he had earned on his finger from finding something sharp.
"Raimundo, why did you not listen to Clay's words of wisdom?"
"It's not a spider Omi…" Raimundo said reaching his hand in a second time this at a more careful angle. He grinned as he felt his fingers close around his prize. He quickly pulled it out to show the others his prize. "It's the shadow of fear." He passed it to Kimiko before reaching in again this time to draw out the heart of Jhong.
"Why would anyone want to hide Wu in a Shen-Gon-Wu vault? It don't make any sense." Clay said as he was passed the serpent's tail.
"Because it's the last place most anyone would look?" Kimiko guessed as Rai placed the Golden Tiger Claws next to him. When he reached in again Rai's hand met nothing. Not happy with just four Shen-Gon-Wu he wanted to make sure that there weren't any more Wu hidden in there. Lying flat he pressed himself as close as he could to the wall reaching as far back as he could.
"Anything else?" Kimiko asked hopefully as Rai continued to press against the wall as if it would move to give him more reach.
"I don't know I think…" The tips of his fingers brushed against something smooth, bamboo maybe? He wondered to himself. He carefully hooked his fingers around it and began to carefully tug it forward until he could grip it with his hand. Pulling it out he saw it was a scroll rack.
"Wow… those look old." Dojo said slithering up next to Rai. Rai gave Dojo a quick glare for not helping him get it out before looking back at the four scrolls that sat on the small time worn bamboo scroll rack.
"So what do we do with it?" Rai asked.
--End flashback—
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we please have some chores or training exercises?" Rai asked throwing his arms out dramatically. "You know… something other than dealing with dusty old scrolls."
"No Raimundo, these scrolls are of great importance. They predate the creation of the Shen-Gon-Wu."
"Now why I can see why it would be interesting to find out about the Wu and everything, I don't see what good it's going to do us here and now. We can't exactly beat our enemies with knowledge of how evil was defeated before the creation of the Shen-Gon-Wu." He had said the last part with such over done dramatics everyone gave him a funny look.
"What? I'm just saying…"
"Then please, say no more Raimundo, we must uncover the past." Master Fung said passing Raimundo a scroll. Raimundo sighed and carefully took the old scroll as he slumped down next to the others. Night fell and the monks took a dinner break. Kimiko cracked her fingers before attempting to pick up her chopsticks. Her fingers hurt from hours of rapid typing on the net trying to find something that would help them figure out the old scrolls. That and talk to three of her friends on instant message at the same time. There was little to no talk between them, their minds either buzzing with the information they were trying to cram into them or simply dead from the over dose of info.
"Do you think the Fungmister will make us do any more after dinner?" Rai asked breaking the silence as he yawned pushing what was left of his dinner around his plate.
"I sure hope not." Clay said hopefully raising a hand to his mouth catching Rai's yawn. Kimiko stiffened trying not to yawn herself.
"If we had Wu to train with it would be a different matter but…" The others nodded, the Wu they had were not exactly Wu to spar with.
"XIAOLIN LOSESRS! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" The voice on the megaphone was unmistakable and the monks groaned deciding that Jack had the worst timing ever as they hauled themselves up from the table to go to the main entrance to the temple where Jack always stood waiting for them. On the times he decided not to try and sneak in anyway.
Jack stood confidently arms crossed over his chest with his trademark smirk stretched widely over his face. There were no Jack-bots visible anywhere, but the monks knew they always accompanied Jack everywhere so they stayed on their guard.
"We are in no moods of dealing to deal with your toy tinkers and bad cracking of jokes!" Everyone paused for a moment to process what Omi said before Jack spoke up.
"Yeah I didn't think you guys would be what with being so busy and all…" Jack drawled out nonchalantly.
"And what you mean by that you two headed rattler?" Clay asked clenching his fists raising them to his sides ready to fight, any moment now robots would appear from somewhere and they'd have to destroy them all before Jack would leave.
"Oh not too much." He said adding a small evil laugh at the end.
"If you don't tell us what you're going on about right now we'll toss you out of here before you can call on any of those scrap-bots of yours." Kimiko said fiercely taking a fighting stance.
"Oh it's my robots you want… well why didn't you say so?" Jack grinned and pressed one of the many buttons on his wrist watch. A loud explosion went off right behind the monks. Turning around they saw the north wing of the temple being quickly consumed by flames.
"What do you think of my Dyno-bots? I think they're dynamite!" Jack immediately began cracking up over his joke.
"Why you-!"
"You better do something about that fire before its spreads cowboy." Jack said pointing before Clay could take a step towards him. "Oppse too late!" another button another loud explosion.
"Jack stop it!" Kimiko shouted whirling back around to face him.
"What's the matter little Xiaolin loser! Not finding me funny anymore?" he said his voice about as sinister as the grin on his face and set off the third set of bomb-bots.
"Give me that damn watch!" Rai lunged at Jack grabbing his arm trying to yank the watch off without touching any of the buttons not knowing which one did what.
"Get off get off!" Jack shouted trying to shove the Brazilian boy off of him but Rai didn't loosen his grip. "Jack-bots get them!" the bots scaled over the wall to stand between Jack and Rai and the others who were running in to help Rai. Clay steadied his feet and swung his fist at the nearest Jack-bot. Upon contact the robot exploded violently sending Clay crashing into the two. The pieces of Jack-bot moved around to reform back into a bot.
"I'm guessin Jack upgraded these since last time…" Clay said pulling himself off the others and helping Kimiko to her feet.
"Let's give this everything we've got boys." Kimiko said looking at the Jack-bots determination burning in her eyes.
The moment Jade heard the explosion she used the Jetbootsu to run over the back wall into the temple grounds. The other monks were all running towards the fire leaving her path clear. Jade swallowed hard and took a deep breath to keep her head steady. Jack said she didn't have to go anywhere near the fire, and for that she was grateful. Remembering the floor layout plan Jack had shown her she took the quickest route towards the Wu vault. Two bots followed her on either side, Jack had told them to go with her just incase, for some reason he had asked her to make sure she didn't get in any fights. Not having a reason to protest she had agreed and the bots came with her as backup. Reaching the vault she struck the bells which lowered the stairs. Walking down the stairs Jade couldn't help but feel like she had been there before, somewhere in the back of her mind was bugging her, trying to remember how she could have been there before. Reaching the draw she was looking for she opened it and looked down at the Wu. Not sure why she couldn't help but stare at it. She needed to grab it and go so Jack could get out of here with the monks none the wiser. But she felt slowed… as if something was trying to pull her away from it. Mentally chiding herself she grabbed the Wu, pocketed it and ran up the stairs to find Jack. The fire had spread immensely which wasn't too surprising since she had heard the last three explosions go off.
She reached near the front of the temple; unable to hide behind mostly anything due to the fact that it was on fire hindered her only slightly. She mainly only saw Jack trying to defend himself against Rai as the other bots occupied the other monks.
"You think you're so tough Spicer, well we'll see about that!" Reaching into his jacket pocket he pulled out what looked to be a small bird sculpture. "Shadow of Fear!" Jack's eyes widened in fright but he quickly lost sight of Raimundo as someone stepped in front of him.
"Jade no!"
Authors note: updated! Phew… sorry that took a bit all. Not to worry though I'm already working on the next chapter, so please… pretty please? R&R and I'll update asap! And this time I mean it XD see you all next time.