Cho Chang slowly walked towards the canopy of the restaurant, she was ready to confront Draco once more on their little issue. She peered over the framing hedging to see him finishing up an order and walking briskly away, she took the chance to scurry around, and try the race to the kitchen door before he got there.

"Hey you!" She stalled at the door which Draco was coming towards when he looked up startled when he was harshly addressed. His shocked face was replaced with an all too casual smile.

"Why Cho Chang, don't you look radiant, I'd say th-"

"This isn't a social call you smug pig, I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself or else I'll show you up in front of your bachelorettes." Cho seethed, Draco had to look around to make sure nobody heard before cruelly grabbing her arm and dragging her to a water cooler.

"Okay spit it out, sweety." It came out as a harsh whisper which startled her.

She collected her venomous expression "How about keeping what decency you have left and help pay for the removal of the issue." She nearly cringed at her own clinical words. "It's probably failed to slip your's your problem, and I can only make it worse, I can easily tell the boss anything I want, and the proof is right here." Fingering her stomach. "So what's it to be." She finally breathed.

Draco's deadpan expression only added insult to injury, and he eyed the people at the tables. "Oh yes, and you really think the boss is going to listen to a tramp like you." Cho was about to bite back, and he squeezed her arm. "Your proof won't be required, he's in our favour, not yours. Whether or not he figures out about me it won't disrupt anything, it's you that he will have a problem with; waiters who score hardly lose their jobs over pregnant women who can't dance." He scoffed, he missed her other hand which flew up to slap him in the face, his head collided with the wall, and it took a satisfying 10 seconds for him to compose himself, by then Cho had already got as far away as possible.

Hermione was squatting on the veranda, her arms resting on her knees, rocking her head from side to side tiredly, though she was enjoying Harry's beautiful display, which wasn't initially intended for her enjoyment. Harry was taking up the veranda, throwing his body in a course of spins and skips, it was a solo dance which was to take place in the middle of their incomplete, and haphazard routine.

She knew at some point, that she had her own solo part which she would do simultaneously with his own. Harry flexed, his shoulder blades nearly meeting, his leg stretched outward before meeting the other, his movements almost feminine, if not for those muscular arms, the ones which had held her, and had grazed her thighs as they danced the pasa doble. She quickly turned her head away, embarrassed at such mildly impure thoughts. He had stopped suddenly and was now looking at her reproachfully, hands on hips." Up you get, you need to work on your stamina." She snapped back round to look at him, noticing he was all sweated up, she avoided eye contact with him.

"I've never had such a thorough work out. Never thought I'd ever dance like a pro."

"-Yeah well you not dancing like a pro quite yet, you still need a little work." His outstretched hand beaconed her as she took it with no thought, and he easily pulled her up into him, she restraint the urge to let out a sigh.

"Okay surprise me." For a moment she thought he had semi smiled at her, but alas it was a cringe, she was about to be offended when she noticed the reason for his negative attitude; Cho was moodily climbing onto the veranda. "Oh."

She hadn't failed to notice Cho's scowl. "Well it's official, he is a sleazy tight fisted bastard."

"You didn't go anywhere near him did you?" Harry had released her and approached Cho who was balling her fists.

"Don't give me a lecture, Harry, I've had enough for today." She mooched past him and tempted to smile at Hermione. "How's it going?"

She returned the friendly gesture. "Good-."

"-Room for improvement." Harry interjected rather bitterly, his eyes avoiding her completely. "She has a short attention span."

Hermione went crimson. Shit had he noticed. "What! Hardly, I'm inexperienced, though my paso doble was good, no?"

"You space out." He said simply, his face deadpan. "You haven't got the feet."

Hermione tried best she could to cover her embarrassment, nonchalantly observing him. "Your method of teaching is hardly award winning, you give no breaks, no encouragement, you expect me to take to criticism to heart when I'm but a volunteer!" She was satisfied it seemed to stick, for he stared at her a second longer than he normally did before turning his sweaty vested back on her to forcibly turn of the music.

Cho seemed to have ignored this little indiscretion. "Good as long as you're getting somewhere."