Chapter 1

Past Memories and a New Beginning

Sunlight reflected brightly against the buildings and houses of an exquisite city. Birds glided gently in the warm, afternoon breeze. Not one cloud was in the beautiful blue sky. Babbling people could be heard down on the streets, talking casually to one another, not a care in the world.

In the center of the city, was a colossal building. It reached high up into the sky. At the top, the entire metropolis was visible. It was an extravagant sight, one that calms the nerves and relaxes the mind and body.

Upon the tall building was a young girl. Her hair was of a glossy, brunette coloring; her left eye was an adventurous green, while her right eye was a blissful, electric blue. A cool wind blew her hair against the sides of her olive skinned face.

"I can't believe this is happening." The girl thought to herself. She gazed out over the city, her eyes wearing a dreamy expression. "It was only yesterday that they told me…" She closed her eyes in remembrance.

The day before…

"I'm home!" Yuna called out happily as she placed her backpack on the kitchen table. Two people walked into the room, somber looks on their faces. Yuna stared at her parents. "What's wrong? Has something happen?" This eerie silence was working up her nerves.

"Honey, we need to tell you something." Her mother walked forward and took hold of her daughter's hand, leading her to the round dining room table. Yuna followed her without a fuss. This sounded serious.

"Please, tell me. What's wrong?" The suspense was killing her. Her parents had never acted as serious as they were now.

"Now please understand us when we say this Yuna, but don't get too upset. It's for the best." Her father said as he moved a chair to sit down beside her.

Yuna remained in silence, waiting to here the important news.

"You know that job offer your father got?" Her mother questioned. Yuna nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Well, he took it." Yuna was a little confused.

"Why is this a bad thing?" She wondered. "I'm proud of you Dad. Now, you'll get paid what you deserve." She said, a smile on her face.

"That's not all sweetheart." Her father took a long, deep breath before speaking again. "Although I will get paid more, I well, we all have to do something."

"Like what?" Yuna asked.

"We…we have to move to Luca." There was silence. No one spoke or moved an inch. Yuna was speechless. The news she heard was slowly beginning to sink in, one piece at a time.

Finally able to move her lips, she stood up from the table as fast as lightning, causing her chair to hit the wall. "What? What do you mean we're moving? We can't move! I've lived here my entire life! Bevelle is my home!"

"We know honey! It's all for the best though! You're father has worked his whole life to get this position and now he has finally earned it! Believe me, if he could do the job here he would, but he can't!"

"Oh, so he gets what he wants while we don't?"

"Yuna! How dare you say something like that about your father! You know how hard he works! He wants us all to be happy, but not everything works out that way in the end!"

"I know he does Mom, but I don't want to leave my friends behind and my city!"

"You'll make new friends and your old friends will always be there for you when you need them. Besides, I'm sure we can visit every now and then."

"How can you agree with this Mom? You told me when I was younger that you hate moving, because you had to do it a lot when you were younger!"

"Katrina…" Yuna's father placed a hand on her mother's shoulder.

"It's alright Braska. She's right. I did tell her that." She closed her eyes and sighed. "You're right Yuna. I don't like moving. This place has been the only place I can truly call my home."

"Mom I…I'm sorry. I forgot that when you moved, you must have felt exactly like I do. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I understand. It's hard to make new friends and live in a whole new town, but in the end, it's the greatest thing. You meet new people and experience different things you would never experience if you stayed in the same place your whole life through."

Yuna thought carefully about her mom's words. "You're right Mom. I will accept what's happening. I'm sorry for getting so upset. I promise I'll make the most out of this experience."

"We didn't expect you to be happy about it. No one blames you for your reaction. We just want you to know that no matter where we go, we will always be together…" Her parents smiled kindly down at her.

Back to the present…

As her hair blew gently over her face, she reached her hand up, pulling the luminous locks behind her ears. "This is it…It's time to say good-bye to this place." Pushing herself off the railing, she turned round and walked towards the stairs.

The streets were packed with people walking. Yuna made her way slowly down an old side street. "This was where I made my first friend…" She thought to herself. A smile formed across her face at the memory…

"Where am I? I don't remember this road?" Yuna stood in the middle of a deserted, winding road. She began to shake in fear, being only six years old at the time. Suddenly, from behind her, a large pot fell over. "Who's there?" She called out in a small, trembling voice.

There was a moment's pause, but then, crawling out of the pot was a little girl around the same age as her. She shook her head and looked up at Yuna smiling. "Hey, my names Sierra! What's yours?"


"It's nice to meet you Yuna! Are you lost?"

"I don't know. I think so…" Yuna said shyly.

"Don't worry! I'll lead you right out of here in no time!"


"Yup! It's the least I can do for a friend!" Sierra grabbed Yuna's hand and began leading her down a path on the left.

"Friend?" Yuna asked her. "We just met though!"

"That doesn't matter! I can tell that we'll be the best of friends forever!"

"Best friends…" Yuna smiled. "Thanks."

Memory ends…

"She helped me find my way back home, and we're still the best of friends to this day. It was hard when I told her good-bye. We cried and cried. I promised her that we would keep in touch and visit on special holidays. I wish she could move, too. Life just doesn't work out that way, though." Yuna thought to herself as she continued down the crowded streets.

"Yuna dear. Please be careful in your new hometown. There will always be a place for you here child." An elderly woman had walked over to Yuna and given her a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

"Thank you Ms. Donnell. I will be careful." She accepted the flowers gratefully.

"How many times must I tell you to call me Grandma?" She said sternly, pointing her wrinkled old finger at Yuna.

Yuna laughed. "All right Grandma!" It was true, Ms. Donnell had always watched over her when she was younger, just like a grandmother.

"My how quickly you've grown! It seems like it was yesterday when I was telling you to keep your hands out of my flower bed! But no, you always would grab those flowers and pull them out by their stems, covering yourself in soil!" Yuna smiled remembering all the fun she had had as a young girl.

"My, how I wish Jonah could see you!" Yuna became silent. Jonah had been the sweet old lady's husband. He had been around when she was very young, but then he was sent away for a war that was taking place in what was now called, "The Calm Lands." She couldn't remember all that much about him. During the battle, her husband was killed, but she always said she was proud of him because he died protecting the people he loved.

"What am I saying? He is watching you. In fact, he's looking down upon us both at this very moment." The old woman gazed up at the infinite blue sky and squinted her eyes at the bright sun. "The sky is clear; that's a good omen you know?"

"I know…" Yuna said smiling. Ms. Donnell had always been slightly religious. She knew all about good and bad omens. Sometimes people would even ask her when they should do certain tasks!

"You will do fine in Luca dear child. You are blessed with so many things. Your parents are the best and your smile would light up the entire world even if it was covered in darkness." She patted Yuna gently on the back. "Take care. You are my oldest grandchild, but I have to let you go sometime."

Ms. Donnell always claimed that every child or baby in the village was one of her grandchildren. Everyone loved her so she was considered to be their grandmother. Yuna had been the first little girl she had gotten to take care of. Discovering that she liked it so much, she decided to take care of every child that was willing to call her Grandma!

"Thank you for everything! You've been here for me from the very beginning. I'll never forget you."

"You better not!" The old woman began to walk back into her small house, but turned around to say one last thing. "You better come back to visit me too!"

"I promise I will Grandma!" Seeing the woman smile at her words, brought Yuna a great since of joy and pride. "My mom was right. There are loads of people I care about, but they'll always be there for me in the end!"

The suitcase slammed shut. Yuna picked it up and carried it outside to where her parents were waiting for her by the large truck. "Hurry up Yuna!" Her father called out. She threw her last suitcase into the back of the truck where all the rest of the luggage was. They mostly just had clothes, pots and pans, and a few small pieces of furniture. They were buying new furnishings when they arrived at their new house.

"This is it…" Yuna's Mom said in a sad voice. "I'm really going to miss it here."

"Me, too." Braska agreed.

Yuna gazed out the window and stared at her house and then at the extravagant city beyond. The truck backed slowly out of the driveway and into the street. Yuna turned her head and took one last, final look at the only city she had ever called Home.