A/n: This chapter is dedicated to Channie M. You inspired me to pick this story up and continue it. So thank you very much. :)

By: Aningme

Chapter 39

Dilemma: The Sequel

It felt like old times, Dumbledore thought, as he studied at the three young people before him. He felt torn with the situation at hand; glad that they're all back in his old Hogwarts office together again, but dejected at the thought of the troubles ahead of them. He glanced at Ron Weasley, all grown up now, looking strong but troubled at their current situation. He appreciated the fact that the lad went out of his way to help Hermione and Draco through this tough time. He agreed that the couple needed someone other than themselves to look out for them. He then turned to Hermione Granger... No. Hermione Malfoy... looking so thin, frail, and worried. He noticed how shadows under her eyes lurked on her face. He also noticed that she was thinner than she ought to be. But, worries aside, he couldn't help the hint of a smile forming around his mouth as he watched her cling to her dear books like she used to when she was just a student in his school.

Without his own permission, he glanced at Hermione's side and expected to see a face that he was so used to find with Ron and Hermione. Feeling a sudden stab in his heart at the unconscious thought, Dumbledore closed his eyes for a moment of peace for Harry Potter, and shook his head in grief. He was surprised to still feel the heavy sorrow engulfing him at the thought of the boy. He'd been so used to finding the three of them in his office that having them back here now only caused him a reminiscing pain. Calming himself, he took a deep breath and let the pain dissipate by thinking of the current issue at hand.

Sighing, he turned now to Draco Malfoy, so pale and ghostly, as if all life had left his body. His face looked gaunt and bony, as if he was carved and scraped down to mere muscle and bone. His eyes looked empty and tired, as if they never had a shut eye in months. He couldn't blame the man to be so out of sorts, especially with the current issue at hand. He thought he wouldn't be able to sleep or eat too, if his precious loved ones are in jeopardy.

He remembered not being able to sleep or eat too, when he knew Harry Potter was in the hands of the Dark Lord. He remembered it too well, as if it was just yesterday.

"This is much unexpected, I must say." He muttered softly, his voice cracking due to misuse. He softly cleared his throat and paused again, as if to think. "Madame Pomfrey made it known to me that the status of the child is good, but she is worried that any symptoms of the damage done to your son by this potion might not be visible as of the moment. She is also worried about your state, Hermione. She believes you need more nutrients and rest."

Hermione frowned at that. "I'm fine." She glanced at Draco beside her now, not knowing how her voice sounded defensive at the professor's accusation. She knew she couldn't be any better, now that he's with her. "I guess the nausea just gets my appetite down most of the time, but I'm fine."

Dumbledore raised his brows at her statement. The way Draco frowned with her response made him think that she didn't know she was worrying the people around her. "It might be just nausea, but it is possible that this is a symptom of the potion affecting your child."

"But nausea is normal during pregnancy." Hermione insisted, not wanting to worry Draco even more. She could see him fidget beside her, knowing he was thinking the same things as Professor Dumbledore was. "It's just morning sickness, that's all."

"We can't take risks, Hermione." Draco mumbled to her, almost inaudible to everyone else. "You need to rest more and eat more."

She turned to him and sighed. She can say the same for him, especially now that she was staring at his tired eyes and paler skin, if it was even possible. But she knew if she resisted him now, they'd be fighting again. "Fine. But I have so much reading to do. It might be helpful if we get more information regarding this potion in me." She turned to Dumbledore now, hoping he agrees with her. "I have plenty of leads to follow with my research. And Draco said there is this book about the potion. If we can only look at its information and—"

"Why can't we just find the damned book?" Ron demanded, cutting off Hermione, his arms flailing on his sides. For him, it was as simple as finding the source of their problem, and discovering the solution from there. He couldn't believe no one initiated to find the book in the first place. "If everything is in that book, why are we wasting time speculating about this cursed potion? Hermione wouldn't need to work so hard if she has the book!"

"We're wasting time and efforts if we look for it. It's been gone since the war, and we won't know where to start looking." Draco answered back, addressing Ron's impatience with his own. He knew the answers were in the book, but he also knew he couldn't let Hermione see the book. He just couldn't. She'd stop him from doing what he needed to do if she saw the book and understood...everything. "And besides, everything in that book is in my head." Draco pointed out, frustrated. It was true; he could still remember every page of that damned book. And because of that, he carried the heaviest load among anyone else in the room. He paused, as if reconsidering his thoughts, and shook his head, choosing his words carefully. A part of him wanted to tell them everything he knew, just to remove some of the weight he was carrying on his shoulders. But he knew he can't risk that. He couldn't worry Hermione more than she already is. "I've read it a million times since I was a kid. There's nothing new from what we already know that we can get from it."

"But you're not Hermione, are you? You don't piece together things like how she does with her freakishly smart brain?" Ron snapped at him, earning a glare from Hermione.

"Ronald." She almost growled his name, and just shook her head at him. When Ron only rolled his eyes at her, she turned to Draco, studying his face. She noted his eyes were blank, staring at particularly nothing in front of him, as if he was dazed. She couldn't help it but worry. "Why not write some notes about the things you remember from the book, Draco? We can have comparative analysis with the other spells similar to it." She reached for his hand, and found it ice cold.

When Draco didn't respond, Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. Taking a glimpse at Draco, he knew something wasn't right. "Time is very limited in this case. We cannot afford to just sit back and do nothing."

"Can we continue letting Hermione take the Restingere Potion? The one she'd been drinking to avoid her flashbacks? It might protect her in the meantime." Ron suggested, thinking from the top of his head. If Draco was being useless, he'll be damned if he didn't do anything about it. "Madame Pomfrey can easily make them, can't she?"

"Yes, I am taking that into consideration. Thank you, Ron." Pausing to think, Dumbledore drifted his floating chair along the area behind his desk, as if he was pacing. "I'll have Madame Pomfrey make more of that potion and have it delivered to your room this afternoon. Avoiding Hermione's flashbacks may be indicative of avoiding harm to the child. In the meantime, I would like to ask if there is anything more that the three of you have discovered, other than the possible danger of the child." Dumbledore looked at Draco now, knowing well enough that he was withholding something from them. "Any thoughts might be helpful in this investigation."

When he remained silent, Hermione shrugged and turned to Ron and Dumbledore. "I'll conduct more research, in hopes that I find something that can help us—"


She almost jerked in surprise by Draco's sudden response. Turning to him, she frowned at him and whispered to him. "We already talked about this, Draco."

"I'm not having you overwork yourself again." Draco insisted, this time turning to her. He remembered the last time she overworked in the library. She was sleeping then, and was dreaming of a past memory with him. "The last time you overworked yourself, you had a flashback. It could be that stressors are triggering them. It will only cause more harm than help."

Hurt at being rejected, she frowned at him and took her hand from his. She turned to Dumbledore and Ron as if seeking assistance. "I can't just sit back and do nothing."

"I know." Noting her pained face, Draco reached out and held her hand this time. She was being stiff, but he ignored it and just held on to her. "But, please. Just stay in our room. I'll bring you as much books as you want. But please stay in our room and keep yourself rested."

When she remained silent, Ron sighed and shook his head. "I know that you have the best of intentions to help, Hermione, but I have to give this to Malfoy. You do need to back up a bit from work and rest more. You haven't been eating the way you should have and you haven't been sleeping well."

Sighing in defeat, she glanced at Ron before turning to Draco to study his face. He was watching her, his eyes capturing hers as if he was waiting in anticipation for her reply. When he merely furrowed his brows at her, she couldn't help it but nod at his request. He seemed like he was pleading. "Alright. But I can have my books?"

Draco smiled at that, admiring her stubbornness regardless of their situation. "Of course."

"You do not need to fret about anything else now, Hermione. You have to rest and take care of yourself and your child. Draco and Ron are here to protect you." Dumbledore gave her a warm smile. "Just let them."

Beaten, she just nodded at him and hoped that she got all the books in the library she needed for her research.

Taking pity on the child, Dumbledore blew out a breath and nodded at the three of them. He knew Hermione couldn't handle being a damsel in distress well enough. She was a fighter, like she always was, with or without her memories. "Very well then, I shouldn't hold all of you any longer." When Ron and Hermione started standing up, he quickly added. "Though I would like to ask Draco if you have a moment to speak?"

Hermione glanced at Dumbledore at that, a funny feeling suddenly creeping in her gut, then at Draco. "I'll wait for you outside."

"No. It's fine." He muttered, standing up, still holding her hand. She noted the way his thumbs rubbed at her hands, as if she was some fragile glass that he could easily break. "Just get some rest and stay in our room. I'll be right there soon."

Pausing a moment to study him, she frowned at him and held his hands tighter. "What's wrong, Draco?"

He smiled at her, but she could see right through him. "Just go on ahead. I'll catch up." He answered and kissed her cheek, glancing at Ron.

Taking the hint, Ron nodded and invited Hermione for tea. "Lowry has the best brewed tea I have ever tasted. Why don't we ask him to bring some to your room while we wait?"

Though Ron was pulling at her, she let her gaze rest on Draco a moment longer before she nodded at him and kissed him back. "I'll be waiting for you."

When the door closed behind them, Draco turned to Dumbledore and took his seat. "Thank you for helping me convince her to rest. She doesn't listen to me when I tell her to."

Dumbledore raised his brows at that and chuckled. "It's only the right thing to do. Hermione has always been a tough woman. Sometimes she couldn't help it but overwork herself, not knowing she's giving too much." He watched Draco form a half smile at that thought, and had to smile himself, seeing how much he loved her with just the way he looked, thinking of her. "But I must also say the same thing to you. You are not looking so well, Draco."

"Just having trouble sleeping, is all." He answered, waving his hand to dismiss the worry in the Professor's voice.

"Then you must sleep more. If you really can't, we can suggest Madame Pomfrey something to help you sleep. You must also have enough nutrition in your body." Frowning at him, Dumbledore studied his face again. "I was being honest when I told Hermione that you and Ron will protect her. But if you continue at this rate, that might not be the case."

"Yes, Professor." Draco smiled politely. "But your worries are unnecessary. I am perfectly fine."

Dumbledore was perfectly aware that he was not. But there was no point in insisting that to a determined man like Draco Malfoy. He may not know it, but he was just as stubborn as Hermione. "Very well." He paused a moment, as if organizing his thoughts in his head. "The reason I asked you to stay is not only because I am worried about your wellbeing." He began, clearing his throat. "From the look of things, I now wonder why this book Hermione and Ron were pertaining to is so hidden and not spoken of, when clearly this has everything to do with the situation at hand. What is it called again? The Book of Demise and Time?"

Draco merely stared at him now, gauging his own response. He didn't need another soul to know his plan. He couldn't afford to risk mistakes now, now that time was an issue. The longer he waited, the more at risk his son will be. He merely shook his head at the professor and clasped his hands. "From the look of things, it isn't relevant anymore, especially when I conducted my own studies and reached my own conclusions." He answered, mimicking Dumbledore's tone. "Besides, that book is long lost since the war. I'm not even sure if it still exists. Narcissa..." He paused, as if her name tasted bile on his mouth. "She and I only know it by heart because Lucius... wanted us to study it." He paused, noticing the numbing pain caused by memories of his dead father. "He was preparing us for the war even when I was very young, and it was a useful weapon to know those spells and potions. She may not remember anything about it now because of the Macmuth spell she put herself through, but I remember it very well."

Nodding, Dumbledore merely played with his beard for a moment before continuing. "But I do believe there is one small detail that you're conveniently leaving out about that book."

Draco merely stared back at him, his silver eyes suddenly becoming alert and clear. "I don't understand."

Dumbledore smiled at that. "You are a very smart young man, Draco. I do believe you understand." He hovered his chair around his desk so he could move closer to Draco. Cautiously studying him, he noted the way his eyes turned from a dull shade of grey to piercing knives. "I asked for a private meeting in Azkaban with Narcissa Malfoy. I tried to reason with her to speak of the aforementioned book." When he saw Draco's knuckles turn white from gripping on the chair, Dumbledore felt a sinking feeling that perhaps, his assumptions were right. "She may have forgotten that particular potion she used, but she still remembers the book. She told me about the only way to remove the spells from that book after a long moment of convincing and persuading." When Draco remained silent, Dumbledore spoke with a voice so quiet, it was almost inaudible. "Draco... if you are thinking about it and your conclusions involve such things, I beg of you..." He stopped for a breath, feeling his lungs quiver in despair. "Please... stop considering it. It is not the right way. It cannot be the only way."

He didn't speak at first, letting himself drown in his own thoughts. When the fact that Dumbledore knew about his plan dawned on him, he blew out a breath, breaking the hanging silence. "It is the only way." He whispered his voice suddenly as empty as his gaze. "I have no other choice, Professor. I may have other options before, but when it endangers my son?" His face suddenly contorted in pain, his chest suddenly tightening, as if someone was grasping his lungs. "I have no other choice."

"But you have not given other options a chance for consideration."

"What other options?" Draco demanded, his voice suddenly dropping so low, as if he was begging him for the answers. "Research? Just giving it time? We can't afford that, Professor. I can't."

"Draco. I am well aware that time is an issue. But we have a lot of willing hands to help. Madame Pomfrey and Professor Snape can produce counter potions to aid Hermione's and your child's safety—"

Draco shook his head, crudely cutting him off. "You cannot be sure of that."

"Nothing is sure in all situations, Draco. Not even what you are considering to do."

"My chances of keeping her and my child safe are far wider with my plans rather than with mere studying and waiting, Professor." Draco paused, stressing his point. "Believe me; I have considered a lot of options. I am grateful for all the help everyone is offering and giving us, but..." He let his words trail off as his eyes dropped to the ground, suddenly feeling the exhaustion seeping into his bones.

Dumbledore just watched him, his hope of changing his mind suddenly dissipating into thin air. "Why can't you just let us help you?"

Draco smiled at that, but shook his head. "I would accept other options if it could really help, Professor. If it would keep them safe..." His mind drifted to Hermione's face. He couldn't help it but smile, just thinking of her. "She asked me to just forget about bringing her memories back. She even told me she can live without them and just make new memories with everyone... with me." His clasped his hands, just exactly where Hermione was clutching on him minutes ago. "I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say yes so badly and tell her that I can just let her experience everything again, relive her memories with everyone... but it took all of my will and power to say no to her."

Dumbledore merely listened, painfully understanding his situation. "You're still putting all the blame on yourself."

"I can't just let her give up her memories when I did this to her—"

"You're mistaken. The one who did this to her is in Azkaban—"

"But that doesn't change the fact that the damn poison was meant for me." Draco hissed, his steely gaze matching Dumbledore's. Dumbledore just furrowed his brows out of frustration. It was apparent that Draco won't change his mind about this matter. All hope for that is gone now. "I can't just give up on her. And now... I also can't give up on our son. I won't risk his life."

"And just risk yours?" Dumbledore finished for him, his tone dejected.

"Like I said," Draco began, leaning back in his chair. "There really is no other choice. Not when it involves risking the lives of the most important people in my life."

Dumbledore stayed silent, grief suddenly overwhelming his frail body. He couldn't imagine himself being capable of knowing that another student of his is risking his life to save others. Closing his eyes, his hand reached for his temple and rubbed there, feeling the beginnings of a throbbing headache. "Mr. Malfoy..."

"Don't worry Professor. I have everything planned out." He assured him, forcing his voice to remain steady, unlike the nerves that unsettled his stomach. If only the professor could see the chaos in his chest, in his mind. "Besides, Madame Pomfrey will be there to help me. I have someone to watch over me."

Taking this into consideration, Dumbledore stared at him for a moment and sighed. He'd been thinking of other ways to deal with this when he learned about the antidote from his agonizing conversation with Narcissa, but he saw no other alternatives as of late. Swearing to himself that he'd still look, and noting to take a closer look on Draco, he nodded and gave him a weak smile. He swore to himself that he won't allow another student of his to die on his watch. "As I have mentioned, help will always be offered for both of you. Do not hesitate to accept mine."

Feeling too tired to talk and chat after tea, Hermione requested some time alone in her room and asked Ron if they could have dinner later instead. Staring at her watch for the millionth time, she frowned, noting that it had been an hour and a half since they left Professor Dumbledore's office. She glanced at the door, expecting Draco to barge in any minute. When he didn't, she hissed at it and went to her bed, crawling under the sheets and laying to her side, still facing the door. When another hour had passed, she couldn't help it but succumb to the fatigue that suddenly overwhelmed her system and dozed off. It was only when she woke up late in the afternoon that she realized that the tea they had was not just an ordinary tea. Stretching herself, she started sitting up and cursed when her world suddenly started spinning under her.

"Damn tranqs." She hissed to herself, shutting her eyes for a moment. When she felt like the world stopped spinning under her, she stayed still and listened to her surroundings, her eyes still closed. She hoped for a sound, anything at all, to indicate his presence, but it was suddenly all too quiet. Disappointed, she was surprised to feel her eyes starting to water up. Frowning at herself, she rubbed at her eyes until they were sore and tried opening them to adjust to the late afternoon light.

When she gazed at her surroundings, the first she noticed was the set of food on their small dining table. It was supposed to be lunch, but she was out cold, unconscious, almost the entire afternoon. When she glanced at the other bed on her left, she felt her heart sank, finding it empty. Bitter that he left her alone almost the entire day again, she slumped back to her pillows angrily, when she suddenly heard an irritated grunt. Her heart almost climbed up her throat and choked her when she realized someone was lying beside her.

The first thing she saw was his golden hair peeking from the sheets. He was completely covered from head to toe and almost seemed invisible from where she was looking. Slowly lowering the sheets from his head, she couldn't help it but smile like an idiot when she found his gorgeous face, sleeping peacefully beside her, his body face down on the bed. She merely stared at him, and had her stomach fluttering with butterflies with the fact that he came to bed with her, while she was sleeping. It took her a while to realize she was staring and ogling. Annoyed at herself for being such a love struck teenager, she frowned at him and decided to get up from the bed. But before she could even sit up and swing her feet to the floor, his arm suddenly came around her waist, pulling her to him. Abruptly and overly conscious, she tried to turn away from him. When he continued to pull at her, she couldn't help it but be spooned by him.

She could feel her heart starting to race and her breath becoming more rapid as she surveyed how close she was to him. Shifting a bit, she couldn't help it but feel his breath over the nape of her neck, caressing her softly. She tried to straighten herself and relax, but she couldn't stop herself from shuddering, raising goose bumps all over her arms and legs. She was starting to gingerly loosen his hold on her when she felt strips of gauze across the palm of his hand. Bewildered, she lifted his hand and pulled it closer to her face, alarmed at finding the gauze stained with blood. Concerned now, she carefully removed the gauze to check if the wound was properly cleaned. Worried at the fact that the gauze was drenched in blood, she found a nasty slash across his palm, as if a blade had passed through it. Removing the gauze made it bleed more, and his hand suddenly jerked, as if he felt some pain as the blood seeped out.

She was starting to wrap it up again to stop the bleeding and get up to find some new gauze from her first aid kit in her bedside table drawer when he abruptly wrapped his arm around her waist again and buried his face in her neck. Her eyes popped wide like saucers and her body froze in his arms. But when his lips suddenly moved to her neck, kissing her softly, she melted right in his arms.

"Good morning." He whispered on her skin as his lips continued to shower her neck with kisses.

She struggled with all her might to contain her giggles and tapped on his arm to let her go. "It's already late afternoon—stop it!" She laughed harder when he started kissing her jaw and her ears.

"Had a good nap?" He muttered in her ear, savoring the scent of her skin and her hair.

"You were right about tranqs. They're bummers." She chuckled and turned to face him. She managed to stare at his dazzling silver eyes before she looked away and stared at his soft lips. "I... I think Lowry..." She cleared her throat and watched as his lips started to draw near hers. "I think Lowry prepared lunch... for us... while we were sleeping..."

He couldn't help it but tease her, slowly leaning towards her, loving her reaction at his every move. When his lips were only centimeters from hers, he stopped and smiled at her, watching her cheeks fill with a lovely shade of pink. "Actually I brought the food in, thinking you'd be awake, but Ron and Lowry told me they put you to sleep." He grinned at that and brushed a stray hair from her face, kissing her nose. "It was nice to see you asleep for a change."

She frowned at that and forced her eyes to move from his lips to his silver ones. "You would see me sleeping more often if you stayed here more often."

He paused at that and nodded at her in acknowledgement. "I know." His injured hand softly stroked her cheeks and lingered there. "I'm sorry."

She studied his face and had her hands climbing up to caress the lines on his brows. "Me too." Sighing, she cupped his hand on her cheek, brushing her fingers on the gauze. "What happened, Draco?"

Studying her carefully, he smiled at her question and leaned in to kiss her gently. "It's fine. I cut myself when we were doing a potion for you."

"Potion?" She started to sit up, letting her gaze down at him. "What for?"

"Madame Pomfrey and I were working on another potion that might help you stabilize the flashbacks for now. She was worried that the Restingere potion wasn't enough to contain them anymore. It's much stronger now and definitely not good tasting." He smoothly explained, even if it was an outright lie. He hated every second of lying to her, but he was grateful that he was good at it. "When it's ready, Madame Pomfrey will deliver it here."

She frowned at his comment and swallowed, imagining how bad it could be. "Does it taste worse than a flu medicine?" He laughed at that, making her wince.

"I'm sure you'll manage. I'll buy you some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans to make your taste buds feel better."

She winced at that too and sighed. "I was never lucky with those beans. I'd get snot, earwax, or mud flavour every time."

He sat up with her and shrugged. "A box of chocolate isn't as adventurous, but it's safer."

She smiled at him in agreement. "Your wound is cut so deep." She muttered, now studying his hand and deciding whether she should remove the gauze again. "I think the gauze needs to be changed."

He watched her get up from the bed and rummage through her drawer for her kit. Madame Pomfrey could easily take care of his wounds for him, but he knew Hermione wanted to take care of him, do something for him.

"I think you'd need some stitches. But since we're in Hogwarts, using a little spell won't harm anyone."

"Lucky me, then." He had to beat himself up over the fact that he let her feel unneeded, when in truth, he was merely not used to someone wanting to take care of him. It may take a while for him to get used to that.

Sitting right beside him again, she opened a little bottle and dampened its contents onto a clean cloth. "This will sting a bit. But it will help it heal quick—Oh god."

His body jerked straight and jumped right out of the bed when she dropped the bottle and had her hands over her mouth. "Hermione? What's wrong?"

She closed her eyes and stayed still a moment, slowly shaking her head at him. "I'm..." She gagged for a moment, her eyes suddenly sheened with tears. "I think I'm going to throw up again."

He immediately swung her into his arms and carefully carried her to the bathroom, grabbing a glass on the way. "I'll get you some water."

"No no no no no no no. Just—" She had to close her eyes and bite her lip to keep her head from spinning. "Just stay in bed. I can take care of my..." The moment he settled her beside the toilet, she gagged and threw up her breakfast into it.

He calmly rubbed her back to soothe and held her hair away while she cringed, hiding the fact that his nerves went haywire with worry. "I really don't mind staying with you while you... empty your stomach."

She winced at his comment and sighed deeply, trying to relax her burning throat. "This is not a pretty scene to watch."

He smiled at her and kissed the top of her head, handing her a glass of water. "But you're still my pretty wife. It doesn't matter what scene you're in."

Rolling her eyes, she slowly sipped the water, feeling parched but queasy. "I'm the one who should be taking care of somebody right now." She glanced at his hand, still sitting on the floor to make sure nothing was coming up her esophagus again.

"A cut's nothing compared to a pregnant woman's woes." He chuckled, digging up something from his pockets. "I reckon promising the likes of a box of chocolates, but perhaps a stick of gum would do for now?" He was kneeling beside her, handing her a stick of mint gum, relieved that she smiled at him and even chuckled at his offer.

"Very thoughtful." She nodded knowingly and hastily unwrapped the gum. She couldn't stand the vile taste of her mouth and the unsettling grumble her stomach was making. She could feel her panic and gut wrenching worry clouding her senses, but she forced herself to rein them in. Knowing she was starting to apprehend him again, she tried to sound cheerful and ignored the sudden fatigue overwhelming her body. "Well, since I practically emptied my stomach, perhaps we should devour the feast you brought me for lunch?"

He could still see her hands trembling from the nausea, though he was comforted with the idea of her having an appetite. But as he studied her for a moment, his hand reaching the side of her face, he knew food wasn't at the top of her list right now. "Hermione." He knew she never wanted him to worry, but he couldn't stand seeing her pretend. Watching her hazel eyes glaze over with raw terror, he idly caressed her cheek, wishing he could remove all of her fears. "Are you afraid?" He finally asked, noting every detail of her glorious face—her slightly furrowed brows and the way she was biting her plump lip nervously.

Knowing he could read through her right now, at her most vulnerable point during her pregnancy, she finally gave up and told him the truth. "Yes." She whispered it, but her voice shook with distress. "I am afraid. To my deepest and darkest core. I can't fathom or imagine..." She stopped, her throat suddenly throbbing, still burning from throwing up. "I can't lose our son."

Moving closer to her and facing her, he lifted her into his arms, placing her on his lap, rocking her back and forth to soothe her. "I'm sorry, my love, for not even thinking about how it would make you feel when we figured it out."

She breathed in his scent and closed her eyes, his warmth wrapping her and comforting her. "It's just that the first trimester is the most vulnerable period of pregnancy..." She frowned now, her hands caressing her stomach, as if to soothe her baby. "Knowing that, and the fact that the potion can harm our son... it's just overwhelming."

He couldn't agree more with her, knowing that he himself was clutched with fear in his heart. But he knew he should avert her thoughts and keep her calm before she gets stressed enough to trigger a flashback. Getting up and carrying her back to the room, he kissed her forehead before settling her to a chair beside the dining table. "I tell you what. Why don't we eat tonight until we can't eat no more, and maybe go out with Ron tomorrow morning just to relax and have fun?" He took the seat beside her and faced her, holding both her hands and kissing each of them. "What do you say?"

She smiled at him, realizing they never had the time to go out and just relax. "That would be really nice. But first." She muttered, this time pulling his hands to her lips, giving them a kiss too. "I have to fix your hand."

He chuckled at that and let her walk off to grab her tools. But when she grabbed for her wand instead of her med kit, he raised a brow and eyed her. "I thought I should experience the slow healing process of nature like all people do?"

"Don't be such a smart arse. Be grateful you're in Hogwarts and thus I can use healing spells on you." She snickered at him and grabbed his hand, carefully removing the gauze. Studying at the cut, she furrowed her brows in worry, knowing well that it is indeed a knife cutting through skin.

Seeing her face, he held her hand with his good one and pulled her to his lap. "Stop worrying about me." He whispered to her ear playfully.

Brushing him off, she pulled at his wounded hand closer to her face. "This is not a mere scratch, Draco. This is knife going through skin." She pointed out, looking at him this time. "What potion did you say this is for?"

"A stronger potion than the Restingere potion." He lied again to her, kissing her shoulder to distract her. "It was just a stupid accident."

Innocently believing him, she muttered a spell and watched his torn skin repair itself. "Much better?"

"Yes, very much. Thank you." He brought her hand to his lips and set her wand aside, suddenly yearning for her full attention. It had been a while since he could just bask in her presence and enjoy it. He knew they'd been fighting since they arrived. He couldn't help it but miss just being with her.

Noticing his eyes roaming all over her and studying her, she paused for a moment before garnering the guts to finally speak up. "Draco."

"Hm?" He mumbled, his arms now playfully wrapping around her waist, his face buried in her beautiful mass of hair.

She smiled at his sweet gesture, feeling his breath brush the side of her neck. "I know you already told me this story. I just want to hear it again."

"What story?" He muttered, his lips now skimming her neck and up to her ear.

She felt goose bumps all over her body, but she just shrugged it away and faced him, making him stop. She held his face between her hands and studied him for a while, before speaking up. "The story of how we met again. After all these years."

He beamed up at her. "I don't mind retelling it."

"I just... I don't know." She shrugged at first and played with his hair, still surprised at how smooth it is to touch. "Maybe if I hear it often enough, I'd remember it."

He frowned at her this time. "You don't have to worry about remembering it, Hermione. Because you will."

"You say that because you're determined to bring back my memories." She pointed out, gauging herself. She knew if she continued with her current line of thought, she could start another argument. Thinking about it, she blew a breath and shook her head. She didn't want another argument with him. But she knew she had to say her point.

"Just trust me." He reminded her, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "This will be all over soon."

Though he meant that to comfort her, she couldn't help it but suddenly feel worried. "I know. And I really do." She admitted, leaning her brow to his. "But regardless, I want you to know it's fine with me if I don't get my memories back."

He pulled her back this time, holding her by the shoulders. "Hermione, we already talked about this—"

"I know I know. Still, you're worried about me and all the implications of lost memories, but I don't mind it. I really don't." She interjected, cutting him off.

She could see his jaw muscles constrict with her statement. "You say that now, Hermione. But believe me it will be difficult. You lost memories of a lot of people. Removing ten years of your life is not something you can just set aside."

"But don't you see? That's going to be my problem, not yours." She blurted out, her voice raising a degree higher than she intended. Baffled with her own reaction, she pushed back from him and got up from his lap, pacing away from him. She couldn't help the emotions now running from her chest, agitating her whole body.

Watching her pace the room, he couldn't help it but feel insulted with what she said. "Your problems are my problems, Hermione. That's what marriage is." He corrected her, his temper starting to flare up. But when she didn't speak, he stopped himself and blew out a breath to calm down. Dejected, he leaned to his knees and propped his elbows, running his hands through his face. "Look, I'm sorry for upsetting you." She just stood still, her back facing him. "But I won't let you suffer just to make things convenient for me."

"But I'll let you suffer so it would be convenient for me? How is that fair?" She retorted back.

"It is fair because it wasn't you who caused all of this."

"You didn't cause this either, Draco. Narcissa Malfoy did."

"She was aiming for me and I could've stopped it."

"She was in our house and I could've stopped it."

"You don't know her the way I do, Hermione."

"So is this a matter of knowing more about the subject?"

He didn't speak now, knowing she decided to be difficult about this. He wished he could tell her more, assure her that she has nothing to worry about. But even he was afraid... for her and for himself. Slipping his hand through his pocket, he grasped at the vial that would be the key to save her. She may not be able to forgive him about it, but it was the only thing that would save her and his son. It was only a matter of time now before he used it on her. If only she could see the fear that was engulfing his being, knowing that this may be the last time that he could spend with her, that he could see her. He couldn't even let himself think about not seeing his son.

Noticing his silence, she took a moment before she turned to face him. Looking at him, she saw the pained look on his face, breaking her heart. "I don't want another fight." She admitted, her voice clearly revealing how tired she was.

"I know." He answered, brushing his thoughts away and standing up, taking a few steps toward her. When she didn't back up, he went to her and held her in an embrace.

Closing her eyes, her arms circled around his neck, just holding him. "We really are so married, aren't we? Fighting like there's no tomorrow." "Hm." He hummed in agreement, his hands reaching up from her back to her hair. He wished he could remain like this for the rest of his life. He knew he didn't belong anywhere else, but in her arms. "No matter what happens now, I want you to remember this." He whispered to her, holding her tighter.

Though she forgot most of their memories together, she couldn't understand how or when it happened. But she knew he was her home. "I won't forget it this time."

He smiled at her now, his hand tilting her chin to face him. "I love you." He said it so sincerely, so simply, that she couldn't help her throat from constricting with tears suddenly threatening to fall. "God... I missed you." He mumbled, his breath brushing through her lips.

"You have no idea how much I missed you too." She admitted, her hands climbing up to his face, her thumb brushing through his lips. "I hope you know, even if I have my memories or not, that I can never blame you."

He closed his eyes this time, shaking his head at her gently in denial.

But she held his face tighter, holding him closer. "Believe me." She almost pleaded, her heart breaking with the fact that he couldn't even accept what she's saying. "You told me all about the things you did. The war. And now this." She could feel his body turning rigid, not moving a muscle. Leaning closer now, their lips centimeters apart, she shook her head at him this time, her lips curved into a smile. "But nobody blames you for them. Not one soul." She felt his brows furrow in frustration against hers, his breath now in quick blows.

"I killed so many." He hissed at himself, his heart breaking into so many pieces with all the memories of death and suffering. "And now... My son." He shook his head again. "I cannot live knowing that I am responsible for the death of my own son."

"Don't say that." She whispered to him, caressing his face. Watching him closely, she noticed a thin streak of tears escaping through his closed eyes. Catching them with her finger, she leaned closer and claimed his lips.

She felt it, the desperation, and all his pain that he had locked up in his chest. He devoured her lips, his hands suddenly grasping at her legs, forcing her to wrap them around his waist. He pushed her up a wall, his mouth exploring hers, his body pressing against hers. She could her body suddenly tingling with a new heat, as her hands grasped at his muscled back and into his hair. Sweetly ravaging her, his lips left hers and trailed down her neck, adoring her taste inch by inch. He never felt this much need of her, this much drive to take her and be with her.

"Draco..." She almost whimpered, her body turning fluid under his touch.

"I can never forgive myself if anything happens to you and our son." He whispered to her, tracing her jaw with his mouth.

She gasped as she felt him nip at her skin. "I know."

His hands were running all over her body as he trailed her collar bone with his lips. "I cannot and will not lose you again, in any way."

But even as blinding pleasure overwhelmed her, she forced herself to speak, knowing that she must tell him now or she may not have the chance for it again. "But please." She breathed out, her hands clamping on his shoulders for dear life. "Just... please promise me one thing."

"Anything, love." He promised, brushing his lips into her ear, his hand stroking the side of her cheek.

"Do everything to save our son." She turned her head to look in his eyes, raging desire and despair evident in them. "But the moment he's safe, then let's stop."

He paused for a moment, merely staring back at her, as if he was digesting the things she was saying. He knew she was suspecting something, and she's starting to worry about him. But she could never know. "Of course I will put our son's safety first, above all else." He told her, watching her carefully, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "But, Hermione, there is no other way to keep him safe unless we completely remove the danger." His eyes seemed to drill into hers. He wished he could say more, anything to make her understand. "Only by dealing with the spell can we assure ourselves of our son's safety."

She studied his face, knowing he was being sincere. From the things she read from her research, she knew he was telling the truth. The only way to fight a dark arts spell is to counter it, and nothing else. "I know, but still." She insisted, still hoping even if hope was lost. "If there is a way to save our son without the need of breaking the spell, then let's do that and leave."

"But your memories..."

"They can be remembered. You can tell me our stories again and again until I remember it. You guys have pictures to show me and places we can visit again." She pointed out, hoping he would agree. "I may have forgotten how we came to be. But you are right. You made me fall in love with you again. I still am who I was before I forgot everything else." She smiled at him, her finger trailing his brows, his cheek, his nose, his lips... "I have many more to learn about, but I am not afraid to tackle them and absorb them again. As long as you're here with me."

He smiled at her, knowing he loved her even more, if it was still possible. "Alright." He whispered, cherishing her warmth. He kissed her forehead, her nose, and again, her sweet lips. Even if he knew that wouldn't be necessary, he humored her, knowing it would bring her peace. "We'll make new memories, and maybe remake some." He jested, kissing down her neck again, pulling her from the wall and moving to sit down on a chair near the dining table, letting her straddle him. "God knows I have a lot of memories with you that I want to relive." He winked at her, leaning closer to her.

"Of course." She laughed, pulling his face back by his hair before he made her breathless again. She studied him this time and felt relieved that there was a certain brightness to his face. She could still see the shadows under his eyes, and the way his cheekbones seem to protrude more than she got used to, but she knew she cheered him up, even just for a little while. "But before all of that, we must eat. You haven't been eating enough lately."

"So do you." He answered back, pinching her chin lightly. "But I'm really starving for a lot of things right now." He suggested, pulling her back into a kiss, playfully biting her lower lip before she could move away from him.

Heart racing and face turning beet red, he laughed at her as he watched her gingerly pull back from him and sit on the other chair. "I was pertaining to food, for your information." She clarified, cursing herself for blushing so easily.

He was still laughing when he took a plate for her and filled it inch by inch with so much food that she couldn't even finish. She felt relieved that they're finally eating together, and that he's actually eating this time. She noticed he'd been running with bread and coffee all day long ever since they arrived here. It was a new scene to see him eat normal food with so much enthusiasm as he had now. But as she watched him eat, she couldn't get the nagging worry off of her chest. She knew he wasn't telling her everything. And the fact that he'd do anything... everything... just to save her and their child scares her witlessly more than anything she could ever fathom that she didn't even realize the strange taste on her pumpkin juice where Draco added the potion he made for her.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed it! I'm a little rusty with writing, I noticed. It's been years since I last wrote. HAHA!

Thank you for reading!