Lovelyanime:… Dubbed Jeri played as Patamon, dubbed Koji played as dubbed Ryo on the Tamers, dubbed J.P played as Guilmon, dubbed Rachel(Case Closed) plays as Hawkeye(Full metal alchemist), also-

Takuya: Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! And that last part isn't from Digimon!

Zoe: Don't tell her to shut up. This is getting interesting.(Writes in notebook)

Takuya: Zoe! How could you betray me!

Zoe: I'm not betraying you, I just want to know. Now leave me alone, I'm mad at you right now.

Takuya: Why are you made at me for?

Lovelyanime: I'm guessing it was because you looked at Chi and drooled.

Takuya: I didn't…She… I saw the food she had and got hungry. You haven't fed us in these chapters.

Lovelyanime: So that was the noise that I heard…Oh well, on with the fanfic.

Takuya: Wait! Don't start yet! I'm not finished complaining!

Chapter 8- Koji's house

(The last chapter…I need a minute…sobs…Okay, I'm good, continue)

Takuya and Zoe were walking down the street, after running in with Takuya's friends, Tai and Mimi….

"So where is your aunt's house?" Takuya asked. "She must be getting worried about you."

"Actually, she's at work and won't be back 'til tomorrow afternoon. When she comes back home I'm sure she'll go straight to bed without noticing me." She smiled.

"Why don't you go home to your parents?"

"Because after I left, they moved back to Italy. Anyway, are you going toKoji's house?"

Takuya started to think for a minute and smiled. "Yes…We are."

"What do you mean we?" She looked at him.

"I don't want to leave you by yourself and you need to see the guys."

"I guess you're right…" She looked up at the stars once more.(There will be a reason why she always looks at the stars at the end)

They made it to his house, which wasn't that far. They walked up to the door and Zoe hid behind Takuya to surprise Koji. Takuya knocked in the door and could hear some voices. A boy about the same age as Takuya answered the door.

"Takuya? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Don't people just say hi anymore. I came by because we need to stay somewhere for the night." He said hoping he'd say yes. He didn't want to go back home with his brother and his friends still there.

"We?" Zoe came out of behind Takuya. "…Do you honestly miss Her that much to find someone who looks like her?"

"Hey! I'm the one and only. You must've gotten really dumb after I left." Zoe looked at Koji starting to laugh a little.

"I'm just joking, its been a long time Zoe. You guys can stay if you want." He lead them inside.

In the living room was Kouichi watching TV. When he saw Zoe he didn't know what to do. He would talk to her and celebrate that she's back or still be afraid from the last time he saw her.

Zoe saw him panicking. "Don't worry Kouichi, I'm not mad anymore."

"That's a relieve." He sighed(I did promise him that I wouldn't get him get hit again.)

"I have to use the bathroom." Takuya said, went to the restroom, but stopped and listened to the others talk. (So in other words, he was ears dropping.)

Zoe and sat on the couch next to Kouichi. "Man, it feels good to be back." She stretched her arms.

"Yeah, I got tired of Takuya all lonely while you were gone." Kouichi said.

"I missed him too…Not that I'm saying that I didn't miss you guys."

"That's why you came back isn't it…to be with him." Koji said as he sat on a chair.

Zoe stopped stretching. "That's right…That's exactly why I came back." Takuya's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

Takuya went to the bathroom, came back out and sat next to Zoe. Takuya and Zoe explained what happened that night. They left out a few parts like them kissing at the high school. The twins couldn't believe about Rika and Takato coming into town and some other things. Takuya didn't mention about the flash backs he had, but Koji knew.

"I'll be right back, need some fresh air." Zoe went out the front door.

"I'm going to bed." Kouichi yawned. "See you guys in the morning." He left Koji an Takuya alone.

"Listen, I know you that you had some flashback since you have them like every day." Koji laughed. "You should stop having them, she's back and you can have new memories with her instead of old ones."

"You're right. I should, like I made one when we ki-" Takuya covered his mouth.

"Koji had another smirk on his face. "So you kissed her, I had a feeling about that."

"What's that Zoe? Sorry, Zoe's calling me." He ran out the door.

Zoe saw Takuya sat next to her. She knew something probably happened, but didn't ask. She looked back up at the stars like she did every night since the goodbye party.

Takuya just now noticed this and asked, "Why do you always do that?"

"Always do what?" She turned to him and smiled.

"You've been looking up at the stars all day, why?"

"It's just…It feels like they're watching us…Kasemon and Agunimon. Waiting for us to be with each other."

"I don't think they are…" He wrapped his arm around her. "I do think that they were waiting." They kissed and headed back inside to Koji…

"Well we have been watching you!" Kasemon yelled. "It doesn't matter now." She sighed.

She was floating in the sky, but was see through like a ghost. Agunimon was there looking down at the house with her. (I know he can't fly, but it's supposed to seem like they're images from he Digital World)

"I knew she saw us that one night. And you told me she didn't."

Kasemon went behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "At least they're together now."

"You think Rika and Takoto like being Tamers or singers? And Tai and Mimi being regular teenagers instead of digidestines?"

"Who knows? But I do know this…Zoe and Takuya love being together every second." With that they diapeared…

End of Ex-Singer(I tried to hurry to get it done. Sorry if it was bad.)

Takuya: End of the fanfiction? That means…I'm free!

Zoe: I was actually enjoying the songs too…

Lovelyanime: Don't worry you can sing one more. You can sing the ending theme song of Fruits Basket.

Zoe: I said I liked the songs not I liked singing them.

Lovelyanime: I watched it with the subtitles to get the song. It was kind of hard too.(Glares at Zoe) Sing it or you'll sing the 'I love you' Barney song!

Zoe: Fine I'll do it!(clears throat) Now let's all gather

Enjoying the company we share…

Takuya: Yeah right.

Zoe: Our tears will dissolve into thin air

As we drink up this wonderful life

Takuya: You call this sweet? I haven't had a drink since chapter 1.

Zoe: La, la, la, la, laa, la

Takin' in all the sweet love and life

La, la, la, la, laa, la

Drinkin' up all the good love and life

Takuya: I-

Lovelyanime: Say another word and you're going to sing it.

Zoe: la, la, la, la, laa, la

Takin'it all this sweet love and life

Lovelyanime: I know the chapter wasn't that good and sorry that's all the chapters. I asked everyone what fanfiction and no one told me. So I'll choose instead and it's…The three dreams. That one will probably be better than Ex-Singer. It won't have song lyrics though. I hope you'll enjoy it. Bye!

Zoe/Takuya: Bye!

Thank you to all the reviewers(Sorry if I spelled the names wrong):

Konfused Kitty: I'm happy you liked Ex-Singer. And when I was trying to ask what I should do for the last chapter you were the only one who told me, thank you.

Midnightdothack: Thanks for the hug, but I think you almost squished me though. Also thank you for warning me about copywriting, I tried being careful.

Dbzgtfan2004: I'm happy you thought it was cute and funny. And I agree with you…Takuya and Izumi forever!

Meli09: Thanks for saying you liked the song 'Butterfly' and the rest. Also don't need to worry anymore, Takuya didn't kill me.

Everyone else: Thank you for taking the time and read it. I'll be sending in The three dreams in soon. I hope you'll enjoy it.