Woah… I haven't updated in awhile! Sorry 'bout that! Anyway, here's the third song in the group! The real song is "Just the Girl", but I changed its lyrics a bit to fit my story; though I probably should've changed them a bit more… Oh well! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own neither Fire Emblem, nor the song used in this fic!

Just the One

You're crude and you're cruel but you know what you're doing

You pushed me in the pool at our last school reunion

Guy crawled exhaustedly out of the river, completely soaked.

"Matthew!" he cried, "I'll kill you!"

You laugh at my dreams

But I dream about you're laughter

Strange as it seems

You're the one I'm after

The myrmidon began to recall the events that led him to be in such a state.

Guy proclaimed, "I'm going to be the greatest sword master ever!"

"Really? That's quite a large goal fore someone as scrawny as you," the thief teased playfully.

"I'm not scrawny! I'm slender! And I'll make it! Just you wait and see!"

"Whatever," Matthew said as he gave Guy a rough pat on the back, which caused the Sacaen to lose his balance.

Splash! He fell face-first into the large pool of water.

'Why is he such a jerk!' Guy mentally screamed.

'Cause you're bittersweet

You knock me off of my feet

And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else

You're a mystery

You're too much for me

But I keep coming back for more

You're just the one I'm looking for

Finally, the swordsman made his way back to camp. Upon arrival, though, he noticed that everyone was staring at him. Then they suddenly erupted into fits of laughter, but the one who chuckled the most devilishly was Matthew, who was standing in the center of the clearing.

You can't keep a secret for more than an hour

You run on one-hundred proof mischievous power

Uncomfortable with being the center of attention, Guy ran back into the woods as fast as he could.

Eventually, he came to a stop at the river that started it all. He sunk into the water, no longer caring that he was soaked already.

"What, did you forget to scrub behind your ears last time?" a voice taunted.

The green-haired one squeaked, "M-Matthew! What did you t-tell them!"

Hopping down from his perch on a tree branch, said spy explained, "I told them you were trying to take a bath with your clothes on!"

And the more you annoy me

The more I adore you

What can I do

I'd do anything for you

"Wh-what! You jerk! Why would anyone do that!"

"I dunno. I was kind of hoping you might be able to tell me," the Ostian smirked.

The myrmidon screamed, "I hate you!"

'Cause you're bittersweet

You knock me off of my feet

And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else

You're a mystery

You're too much for me

But I keep coming back for more

You're just the one I'm looking for

Matthew sighed and stepped into the flowing water, offering his hand to the Sacaen.

Still angry, however, Guy huffed and turned away from the thief. He realized his mistake too late, though, as the blonde scooped him into his arms.

"Nandayo! M-Mathew! P-put me down!" he squealed.

He flailed wildly, causing Matthew to yell, "Cut it out, or I'll drop you on your head!"

Continuing to squirm, Guy shrieked, "I w-will not! Let go!"


"Idiot," the thief muttered, "Now you're gonna get it…"

Guy froze in place as the blonde crept over to him.

"Wh-what are you…!" he trailed off as the spy towered over him.

Carefully, Matthew grasped the other's chin and tilted the swordsman's head upward.

Fighting the blush that was forming on his face, Guy clenched his eyes shut, afraid of what the caped man was planning.

You're crude and you're cruel, but you know what you're doing

Know just what to say so my whole day is ruined

"You lost again, didn't you?" he taunted with a crooked smirk.

Eyes snapping open, Guy glared, "You bastard!"

'Cause you're bittersweet

You knock me off of my feet

And I can't help myself, I don't want anyone else

You're a mystery

You're too much for me

But I keep coming back for more

You're just the one I'm looking for

Guy smacked his hand away and backed up a little, still unable to stand.

At this Matthew frowned, "You're such a sore loser… Especially since that time you thought you beat me."

"Don't bring that up, jerk! I already apologized for that, so don't expect another 'sorry' from me!" the Sacaen glowered.

"But…" Matthew began, "I think you still owe me for that…"

"No, no, no! No more favors!" he protested.

The thief corrected, "Not so much a favor… Just answer me one question… You don't really hate me, do you? And I know you can't lie; you are a Sacaen, after all."

Stammering, Guy replied, "I-I… I… no, I-I don't…"

"Good! Let's head back to camp then, shall we? I'd like to get out of these wet clothes!" Matthew winked.

Unwillingly, Guy blushed at the insinuation and cried, "Y-you pervert!"

Muahahaha! I am evil to Guy! Sorry again about the late update! Ja, please review and tell me what you think!