Author's Note: This is pre-HBP. I hope that you enjoy it.

Chapter One

Hello, my name is Pansy Parkinson and I am eleven years old. Yes, that's right, I am a pureblood Parkinson. And, yes, I have everything that comes with being from an old pureblood wizarding family; long blonde hair, ice blue eyes, petite. So I have the old looks, but I also have the old heritage, breeding, and arranged marriage. I also have the cut throat, don't trust anyone, and don't give a damn personality.

Part of that personality, though, I know is going to get me in trouble with my fiancé; Draco Malfoy. I hear the shocked silence, yes, I got Draco Malfoy. But my "Don't Give a Damn" personality is probably going to get me in trouble. I know you probably don't understand what I am saying. Oh, you think you do.

Look, we're different from you. Our families are different from yours. Old blood, rich, aristocratic to other wizards. Looks down on everyone else. It's a dark circle, involve in…you know, and old fashioned. Arranged marriage, heirs, male heirs only, men go off to work, or disappear for months without a word on secret orders from the Dark Lord. Women do nothing. Don't you see? Don't you understand now that you understand nothing that I am talking about?

Women in old, pureblood families aren't allowed to say whatever comes on their mind. They aren't allowed to not give a damn. Don't you understand?

Okay, let me put it to you this way. I was meant to be a boy. Only boys are useful, only boys are cherished. Only boys are forgiven.

As soon as I was born, my father left the room. It was a week before I was named. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy had brought Pansy flowers with them when they came to talk about me being engaged to their six month old baby boy, Draco Malfoy.

He was a wanted child, a boy. Well, it wasn't until the Malfoy's came that my mother and father realized my significance. They had just created the most powerful match that had ever been created in a long time.

You see, a Malfoy by himself is very powerful. And a Parkinson by herself is very powerful. But a Malfoy and a Parkinson together were to be the most powerful people ever to be put together.

So my future was set. I was to grow up, raised properly. Go to Hogwarts and get good marks. Become a prefect. Get married to Draco. Become head Girl.

I knew that plan my heart by the time that I was two years old.

What my parents didn't count on was that I didn't want to follow the life that had been set out before me. I didn't want to grow up to be perfect.

My father did, of course, beat that out of my system soon enough and I grew up to be the perfect daughter, whenever they, or anyone else was around. And to mother, that was enough.

Enough reminiscing. Back to the present. You see, the problem is that I am about to go to Hogwarts and be sorted into Slytherin, and I don't even know what my fiancé looks like.

I have to warn you, you are about to enter the highly secretive world of pureblood witches and wizards. Anything you see and hear is not to be repeated to anyone.

Author's Note: Her speech in their about not knowing old pureblood families, the third paragraph, is taken from some other story I read. I liked it at the time, and copied it down. I no longer remember what story that was. Thank you for reading it, and please review.