Chapter Four

Smile Like You Mean It

Willow sat in her English classroom staring up at the rounded circular clock that was moving all to sluggish. She for once didn't take pleasure in class. She'd watched the clock move from two o'clock to two o'clock before looking away. It'd be a long time before she'd get to leave and go home.

She had planned it clearly and perfectly. She would exit the school and head for the bus as fast as possible, running if necessary. She didn't want to stick around. How could she? After this day she wanted to crawl up and die. The day was miserable, just like the weather outside.

The bell rung finally after several games she played in her head, hoping to speed the time away. She imagined herself and Xander hanging out at the Bronze just the two of them. Her and him dancing at the fall ball that was to take place this year. That was solely Principle Flutie's idea. Everyone had to be there, it was some sort of grade. That and he wanted everyone to get along, or else. Flutie wasn't that bad. Willow just figured he wanted everyone to get along.

Willow sprung from her seat scooping up her book in her arms and heading outside into the hallway. But before she could get to the bus before seeing anyone, her mission was interrupted.

"Willow!" Xander said getting her attention.

"How was class?"
"It was class."

"Do you want to talk about.. anything?"

"Like what?" Willow said holding her books in her arms firmly. As if they were protecting her.

"What's going on Will?" He said while stopping. He pulled her over to the side and waited for an answer.

"It's just that no body cares. I'm just always in the way of things. Like me, I'm always getting in the way of Cordelia and me in the way of you and Buffy. I'm just reliable Willow that gets in the way."

Xander stroked her arm conditionally trying to cheer her up and soothe her from the pain and agony she must have been feeling.

"Willow you know that I care about you."

"I know you do. And I'm glad. We've been friends for so long. It's like I can tell your every move."

"And I'm grateful for that at times, you keep me from falling on my face."

She couldn't help but make a smile come across her pale face.

"Ah there it is!"

"Plus, things could be worse. For any of us."

"How so?"

"You could be dating Cordelia."

"Pfft, why would I do that?"

They headed towards the library. "I don't know."

"Well how about this. We'll just say no to her, like the dare program taught us. Say no to drugs!"

"Or the 'We Hate Cordelia Club'."

"Oh what an idea!"

"I call dibs on President!"

"I guess you have a right for that. Can I control the mu-lah! For like cool buttons and stuff."

"It's not an actual club, but okay. You can be the treasurer."

They both couldn't help but laugh at the thought of having a club devoted to hating Cordelia and her likenesses. She was starting to liven up a bit. The smile on her face was prime example of the situation.