Mizu: I finally decided to update!
Kag: Why?
Mizu: My computer is lacking! I can't go on the Internet a lot these days! It's all because of my uncle! (He's my stepmother's little brother, so we are not blood related!) Ever since he came back from his vacation, he has been turning off my Internet connection! (It's plugged together)
Inu: HA! You have cheap Internet connection!
Kag: Anyway Mizu doesn't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, but she does own any villains or other supporting characters that might appear on….
Kag: Oops…. Pretend you didn't hear ANYTHING.
Full Summary: Things get complicated when Kurama falls in love with the new girl at school and Youko falls in love with the new girl in the spirit detectives' gang. The problem? Kurama hates the new girl in the gang and Youko hates the new girl at school. What does Hiei have to do with all this and which girl does he like?
Kurama/Kagome/Youko or Hiei/Kagome
Kurama/Kagome/Youko 6
Kagome/Hiei/Youko/Kurama 10
Few words from her: Too…Many…grammar…issues…Mizu…Talks…WAY…Too…Much……. (Rocks back and forth in corner from too much bad grammar and switching from past tense to present tense issues) THE GRAMMAR! NO IT'S HORRIBLE! IT IS HORRIBLE! (Sobs and dieing story she must revive) I am my own spell check! AND IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO QUIT YOU MAKE HIEI/KAG/KURAMA/YOUKO! FOURSOMES RULE! Crabby cause it's late!
Mizu: err… that won't be fair to the rest of the people… put I will make your vote count as 10! Please don't quit!
Chapter 4: The mission.
Everyone gave a small nod and Botan made a small portal under our feet. Next thing I know I was in Makai… again. I was getting sick and tired of this place. Wait…um…
"What were we suppose to do again?" I asked. Everyone sweat dropped.
"WHAT!" I exclaimed!
Sighing, Kurama told me what the mission was about. It turns out we have to cross Makai with the crystal ball. We need to find seven other crystals; they look similar but are very in different sizes. Once they are recovered, it is imperative that we bring them to Lord Sesshomaru. When I nodded my head signaling that I indeed understand what we need to do, we began our mission. What I DON'T get is what my TRUE mission is anymore? If master already knew that I was going to do THIS for my mission, why did he order me to do THAT? Unless he doesn't know what the mission I was going to do is about. Nah, that can't be right, master never gets these things wrong… there must be another reason….
"KAG!" Yusuke screamed.
I snapped out of my thinking zone and glared at the person who causes me to lose my concentration. It turns out that I wasn't moving from where I was standing and Yusuke was trying to get me to move. Still, what he did was still rude. I mean there's no need to scream in my ear just because I didn't answer the first five times. I mean it's just five times!
I sigh trying to calm down and ran up to catch up with everyone. We walked and walked, but it seems like we are not going anywhere. All I see is trees, trees, and more trees. It was actually boring really, all I hear is the sound of Yusuke and Kuwabara fight with each other. It was getting old really. Half of me want to go and quit this mission but the other half of me knows that that's not an opinion. Besides desperate times calls from desperate measures! Ta Da!
I pulled out my mini iPod and smiled. I knew it was here somewhere. It's amazing how a little thing like this could fit such beautiful things in it. I put on the white headphones and opened the song Every Heart. However I couldn't really hear the music over the loud fights of Yusuke and Kuwabara. It seems that this time, they are fighting over who should walk first. Sighing, I turn the volume of the music to max and though it was blasting in my ears, it was enough to block the noise out and it successfully prevent my mind from thinking any negative thought. And trust me, I had a lot.
I closed my eyes slightly, just open enough to see the road and started to hum and move towards the music. But during my happy music time, I thought I heard a growl. It was probably just my imagination so I ignore it. However as the time passed by, the growl grew louder and louder. Finally, I could no longer pass it off as just a thought.
I pulled down my headphones to see what was the matter. To my surprise, I saw Hiei, glaring at me, and growling rather loudly. His eyes were bloodshot and his glare promised death to all.
"What up with him?" I asked not so innocently.
"Kag- san..." Kurama started but I cut him off.
"Just Kag is ok,"
"Fine. Kag, you been blasting your iPod off very loudly, it's ringing through the forest and it just so happens that Hiei has very sensitive ears," Kurama explained
I gave a small nod and put the iPod headphones in my ears again. I look at the volume and turn it one notch lower but it was still very loud. I shrug and continued to walk. Suddenly I felt a rather sharp push on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Hiei's face, his eyes more scarlet than it have last been. I found myself pinned to a nearby tree and unable to move. For an instant a feeling of shock and fear came upon me but I quickly shrug it off. I was afraid that Hiei might be able to sense that on me.
My shoulder was starting to hurt, and I was sure that if anymore pressure was to be added to my shoulder, it would snap. Kurama's silent request for Hiei to cease fell on deaf ears. I thought it was pretty ironic for him to be able to hear my iPod but not Kurama's pleas. Sighing, knowing that I couldn't stay this way much longer, I put my left hand on his hand, which was on my shoulder.
"How long do you plan on staying like this? Unless of course, you want me to kiss you or something to that affect," I asked.
His eyes seemed to burrow into me even more. I guess the statement was pretty rude. However his eyes which had begun to bleed red in the whites, returned to their normal state and with a painful push, he loosened his grip and finally let go of me completely.
"I'm warning you to turn that thing off or…" Hiei began coldly.
"Or you'll kill me… blah, blah, blah… I know I know. Sheesh! Such a spoil sport…" I huffed.
Sighing, I looked up. It turns out that it's already nighttime. The stars shone as brightly as it did when I was in the feudal era. It reminds me of all the wonderful times I had. I halted in my tracks when I remembered it was already late, and that if I want to get any rest at all, I was going to have to get it the hard way. I sat down near a tree where I was just standing before. I waited till they realized I had stopped before pulling out my red book bag. It was similar to my dirty yellow one.
As I guessed, it didn't take long for the boys to come back. By then I had already laid my sleeping bag out and had gathered some wood. When they returned I gave a warm smile and patted the ground signaling for them to also sit down. However some don't share my way of looking at things. And when I mean some, I mean one crazy hybrid that doesn't know how to master his ice skills.
"Why are you stopping?" Hiei asked.
"Well… DUH! Unlike you, I'm human. Do I have to spell it out for you? Not everyone can be a demon who doesn't need rest you know!" I exclaimed.
And though this may sound childish; you have to admit that I do have a point there. Hiei's eyebrow twitched slightly and his hand slowly moved to the hilt of katana. However just when I thought he was about to draw his blade, he was stopped by Kurama. I almost gave a sigh of relief…. ALMOST.
"Hiei, she has a good point; let us set up camp," Kurama said politely trying to calm Hiei down.
Hiei gave a quick glance in Kurama's direction before slowly removing the blade. He sat down and turned his back to me. I thought it was strange at first, as to why Hiei would actually listen to Kurama. After all, Hiei look as if he was a person that would take no orders, from anyone.
I tried to think of a logical reason for his behavior, but nothing came to mind. Then suddenly a thought popped out of nowhere that made me giggle. What… what if he was gay? I laughed for a quite a while before calming down and shaking that idea away. Though it would have been funny if he had been. Though I doubt someone like Hiei would be homosexual, you never know. (A/N No offence to the fans but I hate Hiei/Kurama even though a lot of people do. But I like Yaoi (gay) in general. Like Satoshi/Daisuke, (Hiei/ Yusuke and Kuwabara/Kurama) editors faves Yusuke/Youko, Naruto/Sasuke, Naruto/Itachi, no says editor Dark/Krad editor hates Krad and so on.) I made a few of cups of ramen and passed them out.
Yusuke and Kuwabara were really happy to see food and were currently having a race: who can eat the fastest. Kurama accepted his graciously and I took a cup for myself. Don't get me wrong; it's not that I forgot or was ignoring Hiei. I had offered him some and he declined and simply ignoring me. I wasn't mad, I know what demons can be like; the only reason why Inuyasha was eating ramen is because he liked the flavor, it's not necessary. Shippo was still a pup so that doesn't apply to him.
I looked up, it was getting pretty dark, and I think it was about time I went to sleep or I'll never get any. I opened my dark blue sleeping bag and closed my eyes ready to sleep. It seems that the others were about to sleep too. Ironically Kuwabara and Yusuke end up sleeping together with their heads next to each other. Kurama was sleeping on what seemed like a bed made of vines. Hiei perched in a tree his eyes closed, but I could tell that with even the slightest sound, he would be in action.
I closed my eyes, but I was not welcomed to the comforts of the peaceful darkness like I wished. My mind couldn't help but wander back to the mission. It was something about that crystal ball that seemed oddly familiar. In fact, it almost seemed like I have seen it somewhere. And my instincts tell me that one of the jewels is really close, but I can't quite pinpoint where. In fact, it seemed to stay with us during our entire adventure. It was like the Shikon shard hunts all over again.
In the middle of my thinking, I found myself slowly falling asleep. Finally darkness took me, and I welcomed it with opened arms. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, or even how, but all I know was that I was sleeping and all is well… I'll stay this way.
"Kagome," someone called.
I cracked open one of my eyes, was it morning already? Not only did it not feel like morning, but also it didn't even feel like two hours since I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and tried to see who just called my name. To no success, everything was hazy. I tried to rub my eyes again, but it was again to no success. I stared up at the figure and tried to make out to whom he looked like. Something about him seemed oddly familiar…
"Kagome," the person beckoned again, except this time it was slightly louder.
I finally realized just who he was. I looked around and found that I was no longer in the campsite, much less in my sleeping bag. The same person called my name again, this time more intensely. I quickly got down on my knees, my head slightly bowed.
"Yes, master?"
Mizu: Mwhahahahaha! My super cliffy of doom! But hey look on the bright side! This chapter must be the longest one I ever wrote, AND the most detailed!
Majiin (the editor): CHEAPSKATE! You just want reviews so you left them at a cliffy! (Takes out Keiko's magically appearing frying pan O' doom) We'll see if you give your nice reviewers cliffies again! - BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Beware I AM coming for YOU NEXT!
Kag: ...She is crazy...OO;;;
Mizu: Hey… if you think she's crazy now… you
should look at her emails -.-