Chapter 30 : Worst Case Scenario

Author Note/Disclaimer: Okay this is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed my story, and every reader who has taken an interest in "The Wedding Planner". The sequel will come very soon, so stay tuned for that. Oh, and don't kill me for how I ended this instalment… lol. I need to go get some security or something. Hehe. Thank you again, and please feel free to leave your final comments and reviews.


Sunday April 18th, 2004 : Edmonton, Alberta.

"Do you need anything else?"

Beth took another nacho from the bowl resting on her pregnant tummy and popped it in her mouth, looking to her right where there was a table filled with peanut butter treats, salty snacks and anything else Randy thought she may need. To her left sat Dave Batista, her babysitter for the night. She glanced up at Randy and nodded her head. "I want you to leave."

Randy's face scrunched up in confusion. "What? Why?"

"Because you have a match in like twenty minutes and instead of getting ready you're stood here worrying about me. I'm fine, okay? I've got enough food here to eat for a week, a 6 foot something watcher and plenty of paperwork to do."

"Alright," Randy sighed, turning to Dave. "Look after her, okay?"

"Will do," Dave nodded. "Good luck, man."

Randy smiled, taking in a deep breath as he turned and walked towards the door. He stopped, turning when he heard Beth call out for him. "Yeah, boo?"

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss?" Beth pouted, opening her arms. Randy smiled and walked towards her, kneeling down to her level as Beth wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Once it ended, Beth held onto him.

"Please be careful," She whispered to him, feeling herself well up in fear.

"I will," He promised, kissing the side of her head. "I love you."

"I love you too," Beth sniffled, doing her best to smile.

Once he was gone Beth felt herself fall apart. Her hands were shaking and her hormones were only making her even more emotional. Dave scooted over and put his arms around her, pulling her in close as he supportively rubbed her back. "He's going to be alright, Princess…"

"God, I hope so." Beth said, pulling herself up using the couch arm and Dave's shoulder. She walked over to the television monitor and switched it on; taking a step back to observe what was on the screen. "He's on after this, right?"

"Yeah," Dave confirmed. "But I thought you told Randy you're not going to watch the match?"

"Yeah… I lied." Beth retorted, sitting back down on the couch.

As the match began, Beth felt herself almost explode with nerves. She found herself flinching every time Randy took a bump and almost had a heart attack when Mick started chasing him with the barbed wire covered bat.

"You know, for once I wish Randy was wearing more clothes," Beth observed, sitting back as she rested her hands on her bump. "He's going to be so cut up by the end of this…"

She jolted as Mick hit Randy over the head with a trashcan, leaving him lifeless on the outside of the ring. This was followed by an onslaught of moves against Randy, leaving Beth with her hands over her eyes.

"Relax, he's fine." Dave insisted, cringing as Randy was baseball slid out of the ring. "Ouch."

Beth continued to watch through the gaps between her fingers, gasping as Randy began bleeding due to a stiff shot using the barbed wire bat. She struggled to sit up, her mouth wide open as she watched him place the same bat between Randy's legs, hitting him with a leg drop straight on top of it.

"Help me up," Beth mumbled to Dave. "I think I need to be sick."

Dave did as she asked and helped her up, watching as she disappeared inside of the bathroom. She reappeared just in time to see Randy body slam Mick onto a board covered in barbed wire. "Ha! That's for trying to dismantle my boyfriend's manhood, mother fucker."

Dave chuckled and shook his head, helping her sit back down as she reached over and took a nacho from the bowl, popping it in her mouth. She almost choked on it as she saw Randy pour out the thumbtacks; this was the moment that she had hoped would never happen. "Oh god, Oh god, Oh god…"

"Beth, maybe we should turn this off now…" Dave swallowed. He knew what was going to happen to.

"No," She said simply, sitting forward.

As Randy went for the RKO, just as planned he was slammed back first into the thumbtacks. The look on his face told Beth how much pain he was in and while Dave winced in recognition of his friend's pain, Beth's breathing became ragged and she burst into tears. Dave sat forward to hug her, but Beth placed her hand up to stop him, her eyes not leaving the screen as she watched in complete shock. It was one hundred times worse than she had ever imagined.

Seeing him head for the curtain, Beth pulled herself up using the arm rest and left the locker room in a hurry, Dave following behind her. She rushed down the corridor, soon arriving at the Guerrilla position where referees were trying to pull out some of the tacks. He was in absolute agony which only sent Beth into another fit of tears. "Baby?"

"What are you doing?" Randy asked, wincing as they pulled another tack from his back. "Go back to the locker room. I'm fine."

"I told you I'd be here when it ended, and I am. This has got to stop, Rand… Look at you!"

"We've got to go back out there," Mick interrupted.

"We owe it to the fans, Beth." Randy told her, examining his blood stained hands.

"And what about me? What about our baby?" Beth sniffled. "I'm begging you, Rand. Please don't go back out there."

He ignored her last comment and took a shaky step back towards the stage. "Just go back to the locker room."

As she went to follow him, Dave pulled her back. She was hysterical by now, and things took a turn for the worse when she witnessed Randy get thrown off the stage, crashing into wooden boards, cables and other things that were stacked below. She pushed herself away from Dave and closed her eyes as she felt a crippling wave of pain travel through her stomach. Dave instantly recognised something was wrong and so did those around them.

"Call an Ambulance!"


Randy was helped backstage by referees, his body battered, bloodied and bruised from the match he had just endured. He expected to go backstage and have everyone applaud him, but instead everyone looked at him like someone had died. "Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Randy, Beth's been taken to the hospital." Paul revealed, stepping forward.

All the colour seemed to drain from Randy's face. "I-is she okay? What happened?"

"We're not sure, but she was complaining that she had stomach pains, so we think it's something to do with the baby…"

With match commitments, Paul couldn't leave the arena until the end of the show. Instead Chris Jericho drove him to the hospital and pulled up outside so Randy could get out. He rushed inside the building, stopping at front desk to find out where his injured girlfriend was. He didn't have to ask, because almost as soon as he went inside Dave saw him and jogged over. "Randy…"

He spun around, wincing as he felt earliers match catch up with him. "Where is she?"

He followed Dave to one of the private rooms where Ric was stood talking to a doctor. Randy and Dave made their way over and listened as the doctor informed them on what was happening.

"We performed a routine ultrasound and the baby's fine." He told them, much to Randy's relief. "I am concerned about the pain Beth initially suffered, which is why I'm going to run a few more tests just to be safe."

"Can I see her?" Randy wheezed, holding onto his chest.

"I think you should see a doctor first, Randy." Ric advised. "Beth's going to have a lamb if she sees you covered in blood and thumbtacks."

"She's right," Dave said, turning to his friend. "You're in a state."

Randy reluctantly agreed and got himself looked over by a doctor. After cleaning himself up and getting stitches one of the nurses showed him to Beth's room where inside she sat talking to her Uncle. She did her best to smile as he entered, but behind that smile he could tell she was scared to death.

"I'll be back later," Ric said, kissing his niece on the cheek before excusing himself so they could be alone.

He sat down on a seat beside the bed and took her hand in his. "How are you feeling?"

"Shouldn't I be asking YOU that?" Beth quipped.

"I'm fine," Randy sighed. "I'm more worried about you, though."

Beth looked down at her lap, a few stray tears falling from her eyes as she slowly looked back up to meet his eyes. "I'm so scared, Randy…" She admitted nervously. "I've never been in so much pain, I mean… It was almost as though someone was stabbing me or something. And now they're doing all these tests…"

"They're just precautions, boo…"

"But what if there's something wrong with me?"

"You trust me, right?" Randy asked, looking straight into her eyes.


"Then believe me when I say that nothing is wrong, that you're going to be fine, and that in less than four months you and I are going to become parents to a wonderful baby boy…"

She smiled, tugging on his hand as he stood up and leaned forward to give her a kiss.

"… And future fourth generation superstar," He finished, laying another kiss on the tip of her nose.

The doctor reappeared hours later, his eyes firmly glued on his clipboard. By now the show was over with and Dave, Paul and a few of the other wrestlers that had come to check on her had been forced to leave due to upcoming house show commitments. Randy & Ric had been given time off from live shows and were allowed to stay with Beth until she was released. With both of them sat either side of her, they waited for the doctor to put them out of their misery.

"So am I okay? Can I leave now?" Beth asked, carefully sitting herself up.

The doctor had a look on his face which told her no. Each of them began to play out their own possible worst case scenario whilst Beth's eyes remained on the doctor.

"I have some bad news…"

Randy held her hand tighter. It was times like these that made him really start to wish that he went to church more often.

"We have found out the cause of Beth's un-comfort due to the tests we ran earlier today…"

"Just spit it out, Doc…" Beth interrupted.

"…Beth has a heart problem," The doctor revealed. "A heart problem that needs to be fixed by immediate surgery. Now we can perform the operation, but in order to do that you are going to have to terminate the pregnancy."

Beth felt all the air leave her lungs while Randy let go of her hand and sat back in his seat, his hand covering his mouth in shock. Ric was obviously shook by the news but kept on a brave face for his niece.

"A-and what if I say no? What if I don't get the surgery?" Beth wondered.

"Miss. Flair, This heart condition is serious. The complications that come with turning this operation down are immense. If you don't follow through with this than there is a high risk of your heart failing and you eventually dying. You need this surgery, Bethany. And you need it now…"

Nobody said anything after that, but in their minds all three of them knew their worst case scenario had just come true.