Author: Ginluvzharry

FlyingIn On Us

Disclaimer: These toys belong to JKR. I'm just playing with them.

An/This is the revised edition. I condensed Ch 1-3 into 1 big chapter

On August 9, the summer after graduation an owl flew into Harry Potter's bedroom window at number 12 Grimmauld Place. The owl dropped the letter onto his bed and flew back out the window.

Harry Potter

12 Grimmauld Place

Dear Harry,

As captain of the Montrose Magpies and former captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, I wanted to inform you that the Magpies have the position of seeker open and would like you to consider filling this position. Please meet me tomorrow in the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade at 1:30pm. Please send a reply.

Oliver Wood

Harry sat in his room. His owl, Hedwig was the only other creature in the house. Sirius had just left for a date with a woman with whom he attended school. He sat on his bed re-reading his letter from Oliver Wood.

"Wow" he thought," the Magpies, the best team in the league, want me to be their seeker."

Suddenly, a small hyperactive bird flew in the window. It was Pig, Ron's owl. He took the letter and began to open it. Pig flew over to Hedwig's perch.

Hi. How are you? We haven't written each other since you graduated. Anyway Mum said I could invite you to come over for dinner tonight, if you want. I'd like to see you and I'm almost sure Ron and Hermione would stop snogging long enough to at least say hi. Seriously, they never stop. It's kind of like when Ron was dating Lavender and he ate her face, only 10 million times worse. It's disgusting. Bring your broom so we can play Quidditch. Charlie's here so we can actually play with seekers. I have a birthday gift for you, but I didn't trust Pig to deliver it to you. I'm sure the lovebirds have already sent theirs. I hope to see you really soon.


I was named the new Gryffindor Quidditch captain. Bill and Phlegm got me a Firebolt as an early birthday gift. Ickle Ronniekins is really jealous.

Harry looked back at the letter. In his 7th year, he had fallen deeper in love with Ginny. He never told her because he was sure she didn't like him as more than a friend and her brothers would murder him or at least make sure he would never have children. He scribbled down a return quickly.


I'll be there in a bit. I have something to tell you. I'll bring my broom. Congrats on making captain and getting a Firebolt. Tell the lovesick puppy dogs I said hi.


He sent the letter with Hedwig. His heart jolted at the thought of seeing Ginny. She was gorgeous. She was definitely not the little girl he saved from the Chamber of Secrets in his second year at Hogwarts. She was about 5'5 to his 6'2, and slim. Her auburn hair had golden streaks in it from the sun. She could intimidate her brothers quicker than their mum could. She wouldn't take bull from anybody, even Harry. He loved that about her. Well actually he loved everything about her, but her independence really stood out.

"Wait" he thought, "What did I put before my name on that letter? Love, I can't believe I put love"

Maybe she won't notice


If she can read me like a book then why doesn't she know I like her?


No, she'd say something.


I'm going mental. I'm arguing with myself. I'll just go reply to Oliver.



I'll meet you tomorrow. I'm definitely interested in the position of seeker. See you tomorrow.

Harry Potter

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Harry apparated to the Burrow with his Firebolt in tow. He walked into the back yard where the gardens, orchard, Quidditch pitch, and grove of ordinary but ancient trees were located. He picked a daisy. During the summer after his sixth year, he learned that daisies were Ginny's favorite flower. It soon became his favorite, too. He wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings so he didn't notice someone sneaking up on him from behind. Ginny had one of Fred and George's new products, Smashing Sprinklers. It looked like a regular muggle sprinkler until it was activated. Harry heard a large thump behind him. He whirled around but by that time Ginny had run like a bat out of hell into the nearest garden. She watched eagerly from behind a particularly large rose bush. When Harry had first turned around he activated the sprinkler. The more he tried to use magic to try and shut it off, the harder it poured.

"His shirt looks quite good when it's wet. Quidditch does him some good. "Ginny thought as she silently inspected him in his dripping T-shirt.

Finally a giggle erupted from her. A soaking wet Harry turned only to see Ginny laughing at him. She moved near enough to the sprinkler to shut it off.

"That wasn't funny, Ginevra." Harry said

"Don't use such language, Harry, but you're right, it wasn't funny," Ginny said without even smirking, "it was bloody hilarious!"

Ginny ran with Harry chasing after her. Her red hair was in a ponytail bouncing after her. Harry became so transfixed by this that he tripped over his feet. Ginny turned around, helped him up, then running away again. Harry continued to chase her. She ran through the back door of the Burrow into the kitchen. Harry was right on her heels. Ginny ran into her bedroom and jumped on her bed, where Harry practically tackled her. He was lying next to her on the bed trying to keep his thoughts out of the gutter.

"Why'd you set something from Fred and George's shop on me?"

"Cause' it was funny. Why'd you tackle me?"

"I wanted revenge for you setting the sprinkler on me."

Suddenly Fred and George entered the room.

"Well done little sister" said Fred.

"You could be great if you could work on stealth." said George.

"Thanks" Ginny said with a matching evil grin on her face.

"Harry, you were an unsuspecting target and I want to get major revenge on Snape this year, so I used you as practice." Ginny said.

"Up for some Quidditch?" asked Ginny.

"Sure" replied Harry.

"Oh, speaking of Quidditch, let me get you your birthday gift" Ginny said.

"You didn't have to get me anything Ginny." Harry said

"Yeah I did, and don't worry about it. The prank was enough to repay me and if you still feel bad my birthday is August 11th.


"Here you go." Ginny lugged a large chest over and sat it on her bed. Harry opened it and his mouth dropped in awe. Ginny had gotten Harry a set of quidditch balls including a golden snitch and beaters bats.

"Ginny, this must have cost you a fortune."

"Yeah, but I have a summer job and pranking you got the set. Look at the snitch. Fred and George didn't think I'd have the guts to do it."

Harry looked at the snitch. Engraved on the side it had a small HP and the Gryffindor crest on it. On the silver wings it had Harry Potter - Gryffindor Seeker written in a deep red.

"Wow Gin this is the best gift I have ever gotten."


"Yeah. Let's go get the others. You're on my team, ok?"


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ginny and Harry split up and walked to the bedrooms rounding up Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione.

"Ok, here's how it's going to go" Ginny said. Harry came back outside carrying his new Quidditch chest. Ginny ran over to help him.

"Thanks Gin"

"No problem, Harry."

"Bloody hell! Harry, where'd you get that?" Ron asked.

Harry looked over at Ginny who just merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Ginny" he replied shortly.

"Ginny? Where'd she get the money to do that? I know Mum and Dad didn't give it to her. I don't even have enough for a quaffle." Ron asked.

"Since you're so interested Ronald, I got a job this summer, unlike you. Fred and George pay pretty well and just one prank got me 100 galleons, 57 sickles, and 28 knuts." Ginny stated.

"Awww . . . our little Ickle Ginnykins is growing up." Fred said.

"Shut up Fred, you know absolutely nothing." The youngest Weasley huffed at her older brother.

Ginny, Harry, Fred, and Bill killed the others at Quidditch. The others headed back towards the house, leaving Ginny and Harry outside, alone, where they were able to bask in their victorious glory.

"We did pretty damn good didn't we?" Ginny asked.

"Yup we did. You'll make a wicked Quidditch captain." Harry answered.

"Glad you think so."

When they finally made it back to the house, Ginny opened the door. The room was totally dark. Suddenly, all of their friends jumped out yelling "Happy Birthday Harry and Ginny!"

There were lots of people there. There were all of the Weasleys, Sirius, Neville, Luna, Cho, Seamus, Dean, Tonks, Lupin, Parvati, Lavender, Angelina, and Katie Bell. Oliver Wood was also there with some members of what Harry assumed to be the Magpies. He nodded at Harry as if to say "Welcome to the Team".

After dinner, all of the teens, as well as Sirius, Bill, Tonks, and Charlie went to their rooms to put on their swimsuits. They were going out to the lake on the property. Mostly everyone had gone out besides Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Ron and Hermione were downstairs waiting on the other two. Harry and Ginny met in the hallway. Both stopped in mid walk, with their eyes almost popping out of their heads. Ginny was wearing a black bikini with a pair of capris and a cropped hoodie. Harry wore a navy blue tee shirt with a pair of navy blue swimming trunks that had yellow Hawaiian flowers on them.

"You look great Gin, but your mum is going to pass out when she sees you like that." Harry said.

"Possibly but at least my hair is being tame. It is never this straight by itself."

"Ready to go get screamed at?"

"Yup" replied Ginny.

With that, the pair walked downstairs to face the terror that was Mrs.Weasley.