The tower. They had made it home. Well, home for Raven. He was a vagabond now. An outcast among his people and his friends. And even if his team did forgive him…
No, they wouldn't. Not only had he worked for Slade but he had also hurt Raven. Attacked his friends mentally and physically. They would hate you, he kept telling himself, you'll have to start over, go to a new city. Who knows, maybe you could start over as a superhero in another town. Or maybe just go back to Batman.
He nimbly made his way to Raven's window, quietly breaking in and putting the unconscious Raven on her bed.
This was it. Slade was gone, they had finally done it. But Robin wasn't as relieved as he should've been. He would no longer celebrate with his friends. No more parties, no more games, no more Raven…
"I guess that means you're the leader now Raven," she was asleep but he knew she could hear him, "I want you to take care of them for me. Try not to get too annoyed of BB. His jokes and pranks may be stupid, but he means well. And Star, well, she's learned a lot," he could feel a lump well up in his throat and his eyes start to water under his mask, "Just make sure no boys get their hands on her. And Cy, besides his metal exterior he's the one of the best friends in the world. Tell him thanks. Don't worry, I'll visit you every once in a while. We just won't see each other as much." His hand gently stroked her cheek. "Bye Raven."
"Get away from her Robin." Robin suddenly turned to find Cyborg's sonic cannon inches from his face. "I don't know what your doing here or what you did to her but you're not getting away again."
"I'm not trying to steal anything. Slade is in jail. Raven should wake up in a few hours. And truthfully I think you should fix the security in the tower. It was almost too easy to get in." He gave a weak smile.
"I'm not falling for all that friend crap," Cyborg snarled, "What are you doing here?"
"Hey. Cy!" Beastboy ran in, "Some new reporters say Slade is in-" he froze, his eyes darting to Raven then back to Robin, "What did you do to her!"
Before he could react, Robin found himself pinned beneath a large green tiger. "Beastboy wait," Robin said trying not to get bitten by the tiger's snapping jaws, "Raven's okay! I swear!"
"Just because you brought her back you think that you can just waltz in here and pretend everything is fine?" Beastboy changed back to a human and was now throwing punches at the helpless Robin.
Suddenly Beastboy's fists became encased with black magic and he was hurled off Robin, landing uncomfortably against the wall.
Robin instinctively moved towards her to make sure she was all right but a blast of a sonic cannon near his head sent him frozen on the spot, not daring to take his eyes off Cyborg.
"Don't get near her Robin," he looked at Raven, "Are you ok?"
"Where's Slade?" she anxiously looked at her surroundings and finally realizing she was in her room, sighed in relief.
"He's in jail Raven. I sent a signal to the police after you fell unconscious."
Another sonic cannon barely missed his face and he ducked pulling his hands over his head.
"Don't talk to her," Cyborg commanded.
"Okay, okay. Just stop doing that."
"Cyborg," Raven walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Robin's not going to attack you. He was only doing what Slade was telling him to do to…to protect me."
"I still don't trust him. You know Robin, We're going to have to keep you in confinement in the tower."
He smiled. "I wouldn't expect any less."
So here he was, sitting in a white room located at the back of the tower with nothing to do except stare at the ceiling. It was almost like the room Slade had given him. Except this time he deserved it.
They had painfully taken out the chip Slade had put in his mind not caring about his well being or safety. Bur his and Raven's contacts remained, though she didn't say much. She spent most of her time meditating and recuperating after letting out her anger and nearly destroying Slade.
He knew that it would be hard. Starfire's trust would take a long time to rebuild, his talks with Cyborg would probably cease or disappear altogether, and Beastboy would stop making jokes around him…well that, may be a good thing.
The door to his cell opened but he kept his gaze to the ceiling. The Titans were given strict orders not to make any contact with him when they gave him his food.
"Raven?" he sat up in bed, "What are you doing here? Cyborg…"
"Thinks I'm meditating," she finished, "But…I can't…Every time I close my eyes…"
Tears threatened to fall and A she took a few short breathes in a desperate attempt to gain control.
"Raven…it's alright. He's gone. He can't read our thoughts anymore."
"I know…but, I almost killed him Robin. I almost stabbed him. I could feel his pain, his memories and they haunt me. I can still feel him in my mind. I am so…so scared."
Tears fell from her eyes and she turned away.
"Raven…" He placed his hand on her cheek and moved her face to his, "He's not coming back."
She placed her hand over his, holding it there so she could feel his touch on her skin. "I'm sorry," she said softly.
"For what?"
"For hurting you. I never meant…I never hated you."
"I could never hate you Raven," he gently wiped the tears from her face and placed his forehead to hers.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Because," A small smile played on his lips, "You said you hated me, and wanted to show you otherwise."
She blushed realizing how close they were now but she didn't move. She wouldn't mind another kiss…
"Raven! What are you doing here?"
She flinched and wearily faced the door where an angry Cyborg was standing.
"I said you weren't allowed to come in here. Don't you remember what he did to you?"
"Yes," she whispered, "I remember everything he did for me." She gave him one last look before turning to face Cyborg's wrath and lecture.
"Wait! I need to ask something." He looked to Cyborg, silently asking for permission.
"Robin…" He shook his head in disapproval.
Robin's pleading face seemed to change his mind. He sighed. "What is it?"
"Do you really think my uniform looks bad?"
A blush crept up on her cheeks and gave a small smile.
Ta-da! I always hate goodbyes. Sniff. Well keep scrolling down for dedications. And of course, to all my faithful reviewers…
Infamous One: huh…I guess your right. Robin was always a hypocrite. Hehe. Yes I guess that doesn't do too good with Slade's self-esteem either. It's ok though. If having your two apprentices betray and one of them kill you, then get reincarnated by Trigon himself, then go to the seventh circle of hell and become alive again isn't enough to make you crazy, then having a demoness mess with your mind should be enough.
Insanity 101: Haha. Yeah one time in third grade I buckled my knees and fell out of my chair and couldn't get up. Everyone laughed at me. It was pretty funny though. Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to kill Slade. Actually I cant really bring myself to kill any character. They are all so precious. Well, maybe not Gizmo…or Control Freak.
Bunnysquirrel: Hehe, well actually, though I have to admit, it was very touching, it was kinda thattimeofmonth sorta thing. Yeah…just gotta love hormones…
Actually yeah I do throw pillows at the tv but I had to stop cause my dad got mad and said I was going to break it. But then he threw a pillow at the TV after I told him that Terra had betrayed them. (Yeah my dad watches TT too. I know, he's crazy)
Wow the 10 chapter point? I hadn't really noticed either I guess. I just keep on writing. Well your Part of that world has past that point and its good. Yeah, I write a lot of one shots too but they usually don't make it either…
Well, as for inspiration my inspiration comes from a lot of things. Um, lets see…sometimes I listen to a certain song on the radio or on my ipod and the idea just strikes me. Others from dreams. That's where Team Player and Wanna Kiss came from. (I've had to change them a little or else it would be really confusing and weird) Others come from life experiences like Hand to Hand except the guy that was grabbing my waist was like 1 year younger than me and looked really ugly. I swear I was going to elbow him in the face if he touched me again. Which I had a chance to when we were sparring. Hehe. And sometimes it comes from stories I read here. I don't copy them of course but you get the point.
Wow, I don't know any of your quotes though the 1st and 3rd one sounds pretty familiar. A movie perhaps?
Angelwolf6547: Wow, thanks. I love your reviews.
Dragonslayerraven: Good. Did you fall on carpet or hard floor. Carpets have those little pokey things that always stab my foot…
Chica De Los Ojos Café: Yeah I guess it was the 'climactic moment 'like my English teacher used to say. I was never really good at English. Actually I hate it. And here I am writing on fanfiction. A little ironic I suppose…
Dark Protector: Sorry Dark Protector but this ones ending. I'm starting a new one soon though.
K.C. Raven: Sorry KC but no pain in this one. Well, emotional pain maybe. No physical pain. Except Robin almost got his head blown off. Twice!
Krandtm'sgrl: Sorry sorry sorry! Didn't mean to have a cliffhanger!
1x1pEngUIn89: Yeah! Attack his weak pathetic mind! Oh wait, I'm the writer. I can have whatever I want…hehehe.
CrazyInsomaniac: Yeah, I think if I got chained up by him and he brutally attacked me, I'd want to kill him too. Well, its always hard when Star finds out. You don't want to get a Super powered alien princess with a nanny named galfor angry…
Yeah this is last chapter. Sorry it had to end so soon.
Zarola: Yeah I though of that after I reread it too. I like the piano in the song. Too bad I cant play it.
CharmedNightSkye: Thanks. Yeah Cy's pretty mad. But he's the 'big brother' after all. Sorry no butt kicking in this chapter. It's the end of the story so its emotional time. Yeah well who says that can't be good too? Hope you liked. Till later writings.
Moving Mountains: Whoa, I just read one of your stories like a few minutes ago. Yeah, Silence and Magical. Jeez you beat up Raven more than I did! Way to go! It was very sweet, good inspiration.
Serasvictoria666: Don't get too sad. I hate it when I make people sad. I'm glad you liked it. Hope to see you later!
Alrighty! Dedications! Here we go! (no order)
Infamous one: You witty humor always made me laugh in your reviews and a Boba Fett Love Letter has got to be the funniest thing in the world. Thanks for a good laugh.
Insanity 101: Ah, Dusty. The thing I remember is the hormone suppressor theory. I laughed so hard. Ha, your crazy ideas never cease to amaze me.
Bunnysquirrel: Where to start? Ah your rants, it must've taken forever to write all of them and now you got me doing them too. And you quotes, although half of them I didn't know where they were from. My favorite one was from LOST. "What are you going to do? Hit me with your Jesus stick?"
K.C. Raven: You are one crazy person. Keep working on that evil laugh. One day, when you rule the world, remember Kamakazi Ninja over here…
1x1pEngUIn89: One day I'll be able to write you name in under 5 minutes. Lol. Good luck on that shirt and don't lets those darn penguins get a hold of you.
Chica De Los Ojos Café: Good luck with your hypnotism. You're getting pretty good at it. Wait…is that good? Hehe.
Last but not least, thanks to DC Comics for letting me use their characters, All you reviewers that inspire me always, and of course, good ol' God Almighty up there, he's done a lot of stuff over the summer. Love you guys lots, write lots, review lots. Chow.