Two Days Later

Inside the Falchion Palace

In the Ball Room

In the Ball Room Sky, Brandon, Helia and Timmy are in their Red Fountain dress uniforms standing next to Riven. He's in his royal attire, that's dark blue with long sleeves and pants, his dress shoes are black also the buttons and the trim of his shirt are gold. There are chairs on both sides of the huge room, along the isle on the chairs there are lilies and a red carpet going from the big two doors to Riven and they guys. The room is white with six windows on each of the long sides with two crystal and diamond studded chandeliers on the ceiling. The chairs are filled with the people of Falchion and Harmonic Nebula.

The Girl's Dressing Room

The room is normal size with pink carpet, a long golden mirror and six giggling girls. The girls (minus Musa) are wearing long light blue dresses with the sleeves hanging on their shoulders. Bloom, Stella, Flora and Layla all have their hair curled and half up. Musa is wearing a white sparkly strapless gown that goes to her feet. Musa has her hair is churls with a ruby studded music clip on the back of her hair holding some of her hair back.

"Oh Musa, you look soo beautiful." smiled Bloom

"Ya and I'm just loving this dress." giggled Stella admiring herself in the mirror

"You're getting married in less than five minutes." smiled Layla happily

"Thanks girls." smiled Musa nervously

"Ready sweetie?" smiled Flora

"Ya." she sighed happily walking behind her friends

"Good and you'll need these." smiled Tecna handing her, her lily bouquet

The girls walked through the halls and stopped at the Ball Room doors.

"Okay, see ya in a bit." smiled the girls as they walked through the doors. Stella, Bloom, Flora, Tecna and Layla walked slowly down the isle. When they were half way down the isle Musa started walking. Everyone stood up and smiled at her happily as they adored her beauty in her gown.

Riven almost dropped his jaw when he saw her. He's never seen her look soo beautiful before. He was filled with anticipation as she walked slowly to him. She stopped right next to him as they turned to the minister (or whatever) for their wedding vows. After he finished the vows and the rings were on, Riven grabbed Musa's hand. He pulled her to his chest as he laid a soft deep passionate kiss on her soft delicate lips.

Their audience cheered as their Prince and Princess were now married Also they are very much in love. They turned to their audience with Riven still holding her by her waist.

"Lets party!" smiled Musa as the chairs disappeared and music started

Within a few minutes it didn't look like there was a wedding here. People are dancing to the music or eating the food. Bloom and the girls are of course dancing with their boyfriends and Musa has Riven in the middle of the huge room dancing with her. Musa has her hands around his neck, while Riven has his left hand on her waist and his other playing with her hair.

"Like my hair this way?" she giggled just now noticing he was playing with her hair

"Maybe." he smirked

"I guess I should have it like this from now on?" she asked

"Don't matter to me, you look beautiful either way." he smiled tilting her head so he could kiss her

"Have I told you how happy I am that I was betrothed to you?" smiled Musa nuzzling his chest

"Ya, have I?" he smirked wrapping his arms around her back as they continued to dance

"Only since we found out." she giggled

"Just making sure." he nodded

"I love you, Riven." she smiled looking up at him

"I love you too, Musa." he smiled back