Musa is Chinese with royal blue hair and eyes. She's 5'5 and she's 18 years old. Her cloths are a tight one strapped red shirt, tight blue jeans that shows her pink underwear and red shoes. She is Princess Musa of Harmonic Nebula. She goes to Alfea a school for fairies and her boyfriend is Riven. She has the power of music.

Riven has magenta spiked hair and is white. He's 5'9 has dark blue eyes and pretty big muscles. He's 19 years old and he's in his last year at Red Fountain, a school for guys to train and become heroes. His long time girlfriend is Princess Musa of Harmonic Nebula. He wears a blue sleeveless shirt with the British flag on the front, magenta wrist band on each of his wrists, light blue pants, a black belt and white tennis shoes. His weapon of choice is a magenta colored saber.

Today was suppose to be the best, school starts back up in a week, she'll see all her old friends after three months and most importantly see Riven. But it was the exact opposite; she was on her way to the hotel after last her performance with her father before she had to go back to Alfea. They were riding in their limo when out of nowhere they were attacked. Musa was thrown out of the limo, while her father and the limo driver were stuck in the limo. When she came to she had no idea where she was all she could feel was this sharp pain in her head and right side.

She sat up as much as she could on the metal, white sheet covered bed in a bright white room with a lot of windows and some flowers by the bed.

"Whoa" cried Musa weakly as she fell back on the bed

"Ah, princess you're awake" smiled a petite nurse as she walked in

"What happened?" asked Musa weakly

"You were in car accident" sighed the nurse sadly

"I...I was?" sighed Musa weakly trying to remember

"Yes, you were the only one who survived I'm afraid" sighed the nurse

"Do you remember?" asked the nurse sadly

"Ya, ya I remember" sighed Musa sadly as her eyes filled with tears

"It'll be"

"How long?" asked Musa sadly, yet mad

"How long what?" asked the nurse confused

"How long have I been out?" growled Musa holding back her tears

"Almost a week, princess" sighed the nurse taking her blood pressure

"Can I go?" asked Musa looking away from the nurse

"I'll talk to the doctor" smiled the nurse

"Thanks" sighed Musa as the nurse left

A few minutes later the door opened again

"I'm glad you're up Princess Musa" smiled the doctor

"Can I go?" whispered Musa sadly

"Yes, are you going to be alright?" asked the doctor semantically

"Ya" sighed Musa

"Do you have anyone you can call to pick you up?" asked the doctor sadly

"Ya, my boyfriend" sighed Musa

"Oh, you mean that young man who's been here everyday?" smiled the doctor

"Huh?" asked Musa as she finally looked at the doctor

"Yes, he's quiet scary, he has spiked magenta hair" smiled the doctor

"Ya, that's him" smiled Musa

"Well he's waiting for you in the waiting room" smiled the doctor

"He is?" asked Musa happily

"Ya, he just got here a few hours ago" smiled the doctor

"I think he really likes you he's been really worried" smiled the doctor

"You want me to tell him you're awake?" asked the doctor

"No, I'll be out in a little bit" smiled Musa as she got out of the bed

"Okay then, goodbye princess" smiled the doctor as he left Musa in the room alone

"I'm too tired to put my hair up I think I'll just leave it down" sighed Musa as she walked to the door

"Whoa, he doesn't look really happy." thought Musa as she stopped in the hallway looking at Riven as he sat in a chair reading a book with an evil look on his face

"I bet the guys and everyone haven't had it easy." thought Musa as she started walking to Riven again

"Hey." smiled Musa as she stood just inches from him

"Huh!" yelled Riven as he dropped his book on the ground and grabbed Musa around her waist and hugged her tight against his chest

"Musa...Oh Musa I've been"

"Shh" smiled Musa as she pulled away from the tight embrace and place two fingers on his lips

"I didn't go anywhere." smiled Musa as she removed her fingers

"Ya and you never will again." smiled Riven as he pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss