Chapter 6 Meeting the creator pt2 The truth.

(Back to where Chapter 5 left off. Yup it's an update!)

628 stared up at the vortex.

"I got a bad feeling about this." He said.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A distant voice came from the distance.

"6… 621?" 628 said. "Correct Zerox." He replied.

"Zerox?" 628 asked. What like you don't remember?" 621 said as he landed.

628 stepped back with a confused look on his face.

"Fine, looks like you may need some help." 621 appeared in front of Zerox and placed his hand on his face with the same purple aura. "L…let go!" Zerox yelled as he struggled to get 621's handoff him.

(Back with anyone else)

"How'd he get in there?" Angel exclaimed.

"How else, he came hell... Jumba can you get me in there?" Zero said.

"I cannot, if I do it may cause malfunction into the system and 628 may disappear with the program." Jumba explained.

Angel looked back at the screen with her hands closed together. "Please, be careful.

(Back with Zerox and 621.)

Zerox had finally fainted from 621 aura.

(Inside his mind)

Zerox had finally opened his eyes but appeared inside a laboratory. It was pretty much trashed test tubes were shattered the lights were destroyed except for a few. Huge containers that looked like they could hold other experiments were destroyed, Black marks from fire covered the walls, and one experiment in particular was lying on the ground wounded near death.

"Where, where am I?" Zerox asked as he rubbed his head.

He looked over to the experiment and felt his heart sink.

"Angel!" He yelled Angel wake up please wake up, don't die on me, please!" He yelled as he held her head in her arms.

"K, keon, help please." Angel struggled to say.

"Who am I, what happened, that's all I want to know!" He yelled.

Suddenly a men with a white lab coat walked in. His hair was red and smooth and went to the back of his head.

"Excellent work Keon, your power is a great as I had expected, and your demon was perfect. You'll make the perfect war experiment." The man said.

"However I am not sure, how are you sure that 628 is stable." Jumba said as he walked in.

"Oh he's stable all right at least he showed the others mersy."

This conversation left Zerox confused with these questions.

'One who is Keon?'

'Two what on earth happened?'

'And three who is this guy?'

Zerox looked down at angel who was now unconscious.

"Zion, you really think he could be the ultimate war experiment you haven't even seen me fight." 621 said.

"He's here as well?" Keon whispered.

"621 you know we can't allow you to fight you'll go crazy, even Keon is not strong enough." Zion said.

'Some how I gotta get out of here.' Keon thought.

(Back to the real world…)

Keon woke up in a dead of sweat while he was still in the simulation.

"Did you seen enough?" 621 asked.

" I'm…… Keon, or Zerox, what am I?"

"Prove to me that you are the war machine you were meant to be."

"Fine let's go!" Keon shouted as he charged at 621 and punched his face and kicked him into a building.

621 blasted out of the rubble and fired a black orb that hit Keon. As the smoked cleared Keon was gone.

"Well I guess that's it then." 621 said as he landed on the ground.

"I don't think so!" Keon shouted above 621 as he performed the same move that 621 did, except this time he knocked away into the distance that created a blinding light.

"I guess I ought a be careful then." Keon appeared under 621 and kicked him into the air then followed up with a three punch combo, and axe kicked him into the ground that created a huge eruption.

621 tackled keon into three building before letting him fly across the air and hit the ground sliding.

"Crap, he never stops, it's like my hits aren't doing anything!" Keon said.

"I think it's about time I end this." 621 said as he stretched out his arms.

Suddenly four orange that took up half the city surrounded Keon.

"This is not…good."

The orbs closed in on Keon fast and hit him at the same time destroying the entire city.

"No!" Angel screamed as she looked away.

'He can't be done yet.' Zero thought.

"He is done for." Jumba said

As the smoke cleared Keon was lying on his back covered with smoke and bleeding every where. 621 appeared beside him and picked him up by his neck and grinned.

"Looks like all that work Jumba did was for naught." 621 snickered as he raised his paw.

But before he could strike his eyes opened his eyes that soon turned red. His hands grabbed 621's and tossed him into the air and shot him with multiple red and black spears.

"I don't think so…" Keon said as his voice got darker.

Keon levitated into the air as he transformed into a green orb.

"W…what's happening" Angel asked. "I-I think he's transforming." Zero replied.

The orb started to crack until two black wings bursted out of the orb along with the rest of his body. He was black with a red mark on his chest. It looked like a C but it had spikes along the curve.

"Now let's see what Jumba Jookiba created." Keon said as he grabbed 621's head and bashed his head into the ground and kicked him into the and chased him.

Keon kneed his back and punched him to the ground, but he kicked him into a building before he could hit the ground. He then closed his hands together and spread them apart creating a black sword. the handle a black and at the bottom had the same shape on Keons head. The main body looked like the way to the Dawn. (Riku's Keyblade except for the wing on it.)

Keon dashed and slashed through 621 freezing him as keon slashed him multiple times, and ended with a downward slash. As the sword disappeared 621 fell to the ground bleeding to death,

"Damn you, you may have won this one but you will have to face your past sooner or later." 621 said as he disappeared.

"Aw well, I guess that's life." Keon said as he reverted back to normal and fell to the ground as he slowly passed out.