a/n: Ok, this is the sequel to Emerald Eyes, if you haven't read that, this story might be a little confusing. I hope you like the first chapter! PLease review!

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Chapter one: The Engagement.

"Oh, Lily, it's absolutely gorgeous!" Jen said happily as she gazed at Lily's sapphire engagement ring.

"I know." She laughed. "It's a keeper."

"I'm so happy for you, it's so exciting." Jen said

"I know, I've only been engaged for like ten hours and I can't wait to start planning the wedding!"

"I'll help you if you want." Jen offered

"Help me? Jen, you're going to be the maid of honor!"

"What? You couldn't of already made that decision."

"I have. Jen, you're more like a sister to me than Petunia. I doubt she'll even come!"

"Is she really that bad?"

"She's worse." Lily said, she held out her hand an admired her ring, it was perfect.

"Are you still looking at that thing?" James asked, walking into the living room followed by Remus.

"James, it's beautiful!" Lily said as she gave him a kiss.

"Well, Lily, you deserve the best and nothing less."

"How very poetic of you." Jen laughed. "When are Sirius and Emma arriving?"

"I don't know, soon." James replied, "Though they are taking their time."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Remus said and walked out of the room. Two minutes later, he walked back in, Sirius and Emma walking behind him, hand in hand. Lily's living room was not very big, there was only one small armchair left, so Sirius sat down in it, and pulled Emma onto his lap.

"What was so urgent? I was in the shower!" Sirius said, pointing to his hair, which was wet and straggly.

"Yeah, why did you need us to come so quickly?" Emma added, James and Lily looked at each other, James grinned.

"Lily and I are engaged." James said

"What! That's brilliant!" Sirius shouted, as he pushed Emma off his lap and ran over and hugged both of them. Emma got off the floor, fixed her hair and hugged Lily too.

"Congratulations!" she said, she was happy for them, but her way of showing it was not as outrageous as Sirius', who was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. "How are you though Lils?"

"I'm great! I'm feeling better each day!" she said.

Sirius was now in the kitchen, they could hear cupboard doors opening and closing, then he shouted, "Lily, where's your Firewhiskey?"

"I don't have any, I never had much of a liking for the stuff." She called "There's some butterbeer in there somewhere."

"Ok, I found it!" he shouted, and then they heard the smash of a bottle breaking, then they heard Sirius say a rather rude word (which ought not to be mentioned), "I mean woops!" he added loudly. The rest of them just laughed.

"So, how did he propose?" Jen asked eagerly,

"Haven't we heard this story enough?" James laughed

"No!" Lily and Jen chorused

"And Sirius and I haven't heard it yet." Emma added.

"Ok, I'll start with the date, we were going to the Blue Moon. Everything was wonderful. Then he took my hand and led me outside where he apparated me to Paris." Lily said happily,

"The Eiffel Tower." James added

"Yes, the Eiffel Tower, then he gave a little speech and then he got down on one knee and proposed, and obviously I said yes!"

"You old softie James!" Sirius said, who was almost at the end of his first butterbeer.

Lily laughed at Sirius and continued, "I love my ring." She showed off her ring, which consisted of a silver band with a sapphire and two diamonds on either side. Jen and Emma cooed at the ring in awe.

Later that day, when all the excitement had subsided. Lily decided to pay a visit to her parents; she wanted to tell them of his engagement. She walked with James down the roads of her neighborhood. She remembered how she used to ride his little pink bicycle through the streets. They walked past the old mansion where the crazy cat lady lived; Lily remembered how the lady used to sit on her verandah and scream verbal slurs.

They turned into Jessica Place; the street was lined with big trees with orange leaves, she looked up at his house, it was about thirty meters away, then something happened that made James' blood curdle. She heard a high-pitched scream. They both broke into a run towards the house. Lily's heart was beating rapidly; James grabbed his wand out of his pocket. They ran up the driveway where a red car was parked, the blue front door was left wide-open.

Lily burst in through the doorway and ran down the hall, James not far behind him. They ran into the kitchen to see a dark figure towering over two motionless bodies, covered in crimson blood. Lily gasped, the figure whirled around, whoever it was had a black cloak on and the hood was pulled up over its head. They heard a crack! And the person was gone.

Lily crouched down beside the bodies; they were her parents. She put two fingers on her mother's neck desperately checking for a pulse. James kneeled down next to her father and did the same.

She looked up at him, her eyes welled with tears, he shook his head sorrowfully. She stood up, but her knees buckled underneath her. James, who was now on his feet, caught her. She cried softly into his chest. Her world came crashing down, she felt like the whole world was darkness and the only light was James.

a/n: hope you liked this chapter! i'll update soon... i hope!

Remember it is a sequel!

please review.

luv pinocchio.