Sai-chan: Yup, as you can see, I decided to continue Beautiful Sad Eyes. I'm not sure how long it will be though, probably up to four or five chapters considering my growing number of unfinished stories. I'm really sorry for taking ages to upload this.

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. Comments are very much appreciated.

Dedication:To Cristal-Shian who recently celebrated her birthday. Happy Birthday!

She is always watching me.

I know, but I don't have the courage to ask her why.

As much as I feel flattered for the sudden attention – from Ms. Seijou High herself, of all people – I have to admit that I feel uncomfortable at times.

There is a certain intensity in her gaze that sends my cute little descendant and his future brother-in-law glaring at me for all of eternity; add to that the indescribable looks I get from her bodyguards and her overprotective mother every time I see them. Apparently, they still can't forget the previous month's events when they saw me and their beloved Tomoyo by the King Penguin slide, soaking wet and um… very close to each other.

Well, it's not like we did anything revolting or scandalous. People can have really wild imaginations at times. We were just… talking. Like what do they expect us to be doing?

My only consolation from all the hatred I have been receiving from her family is the fact that Tomoyo-san and I actually started to talk more to each other – this time without being unnecessarily interrupted by every living creature imaginable; and this time, beyond the boundaries of school work and politeness.

Contrary to what most people expect, we don't have much in common. In fact, we are complete opposites when it comes to our preference in food, books, music, color, sports, and many more. Strangely, we get along really well.

I've never met anyone like her. She's such a witty and very scheming (and bossy) person – and beautiful too.

Did I mention that her fan club members cornered me just the other day? It was amusing. They had with them Tomoyo plushies and banners and were in the verge of choking me with it when I told them that I don't find anything wrong with my growing closeness with Tomoyo-san.

We are just… friends – close friends.

Besides, it's common knowledge to everyone that she loves Sakura-san. It's one of the things I don't dare question.

As of me, I'm just someone who is uncertain of what I want after a recent break-up. People change and as much as I like to think that Kaho and I love each other enough to withstand everything, fate has its ways of proving otherwise. Maybe we just need time and space to grow, meet new people and learn new things. Or maybe, we're not really meant for each other. Only time can tell.

The only thing that I am certain of is that there are no coincidences in this world.

Things happen for a reason.

I just don't know the reason behind everything that's going on now. I'm not bothered at the very least though. Uncertainty of the future is part of being human.

And I've never felt more human than when I am with Tomoyo-san. She treats me as Eriol – not Clow Reed or his half reincarnation, just Eriol. And I can't be any happier about it.

"What are you smiling at?" I heard her ask as she entered the room.


"I knew it! My mother's shoe really distorted your brain!" she kidded, setting her satchel by her desk. Turning to me, her expression changing into an apologetic one and she said, "I'm really sorry about yesterday. Mother overreacted when she saw us together."

She is referring to her mother's outburst when I walked Tomoyo home yesterday. If you ask me, 'overreacted' is a mild term to describe Daidouji-sama's reaction. She was ballistic. From the looks of things, I think I remind her of somebody she loathes.

I can't help chuckling at the thought.

"What?" she asked smiling.

"M-May I walk you home again today?"

I don't know why I said that. The words simply came out like a reflex or something. It's her fault she has this I-know-something-you-don't look on her face and that annoys me – just a bit. I'm supposed to know everything after all. Well… almost everything, anyway. I hate to admit this, but despite my magic and powers of observation there are some things I don't know and can't figure out (at the moment). Take the reason behind Tomoyo-san's fascination to the rain for example.

For the last five minutes she's been dancing in the rain- with me.

I honestly don't remember how or why. One moment we were walking, talking about the day's activities and Terada-sensei's exam; then it rained. I told her I could conjure an umbrella for the two of us, but she merely waved the idea off. The next thing I know we were dancing.

It's ridiculous, even for me. But with her eyes shining with excitement and all, I just can't say 'no' to her.

She looks happy. Really happy.

"Eriol-kun, you like the rain too don't you?"

Eriol-kun. She makes it sound like we've known each other all these years.

"Don't you?" she repeated, slightly tilting her head sideward like a child.

I looked at her thinking of what to say. My head was spinning, and she was sparkling, radiating with warmth like a ray of sunshine, and I couldn't help smiling and saying, "Yes, I do."


Sai-chan: That's it for now. Hugs to everyone!