She doesn't like him, not one bit. Though all the rest of her friends dressed in normal clothes because they were requested to, Raven resisted. They couldn't force her to wear anything she didn't want to.

She sat there, looking straight at Inspector Patrick blankly. Or rather, she sat there, looking straight through Inspector Patrick. She was reading his thoughts, his memories, picking and prodding together every bit of information she could about him, before he could do anything of that about her.

"I know what you're doing, Raven," Inspector Patrick says shuffling a few papers. Raven doesn't seem to understand why his mind is blank. "You're trying to read my mind." She blinks and looks at him with her mouth slightly open. "You think I wouldn't know? I already did a research on you before you came in." He smiles. "And I heard a bit about you."

"Oh?" Raven says, because it's the only thing she can think of saying. But her mind is somewhere else, no matter how hard she tries to concentrate on the situation before her. The things at hand. She just kept wondering off to Beast Boy. She is worried about him. She can't stop being worried about him. And she never will until she knows one hundred percent sure that he is going to be okay. It's not like the doctor's who were taking care of him, cared much about him. In fact, the whole city wanted him to drop dead.

Raven balled up her fists in her lap, her eyebrows narrowed. The whole city cheered the National Guards on as they blasted at him. As blood was splattering out of his mouth and he held his stomach, barely strong enough to keep himself up on his knees. What was so sad about the event is that, Bernadette managed to escape from it. He saw what was happening and allowed Garfield to succom the body once again. But at a bad time.

Garfield was the one, lying on the ground, bleeding and sputtering his last amounts of breath. He was the one they were cheering and yelling at as they blasted him. He was the one getting hit with apples and other pieces of rubble the civillians could find.

It sickened her deeply. She couldn't control herself. She was about to seep into every single one of their brains and squash them.

Sure, Bernadette Barnes was attractive. But he was a menace.

And sure, Garfield Logan's jokes are annoying. But he was so sweet.

She liked Garfield, not Bernadette. But which soul truly belonged in that body? None of the Titans were sure, though they all agreed that Garfield deserved to stay. But how would it happen?

"I heard you and Bernadette had quite a relationship," Inspector Patrick says, he raises a lighter to his cigar, pauses, looks at her, "Mind if I die?"

Inspector Patrick had tried to break the ice, he knew Raven would be a tough one. He tried to get her to smile, but then again, what could he expect? Her boyfriend or lover or whatever he was to her was in a large heep of trouble. Of course she wouldn't smile. And even if she was in a good mood, she still wouldn't smile.

"No," she says, without a flick of emotion. That was so weird. How the only thing that came out of her was ... Nothing. No life in those violet eyes, no color in that skin, no movement from her what so ever, except the occasional blink of her eyes and twitch of her tiny pursed lips. And her voice? Just as weird. So flat, and chilling. It made Inspector Patrick feel strange, and uncomfortable. Something about Raven that made her stiff up the entire calmness of the room. But she was known to do that.

How on earth could any boy have a crush on her? Inspector Patrick thinks to himself. Then he also wondered how Raven would react while having sex. Most women, like his own wife, would get breathless and exclaim praises or other strange, irrational things. But Raven? She would probably just sit there and stare at you blankly, maybe even say, Is that all you can do? Blink, blink.

Then Inspector Patrick could almost hear Beast Boy's voice echoing in his head, replying to Raven's comment angrily, I'm trying as best as I fucking can!

Inspector Patrick smirks, then shakes his head. Then he stiffens remembering that Raven can read every single thing he's thinking. And if she just read his last thought, she didn't show it. She just sat there, staring at him, she didn't look upset or pissed off.

She crosses her legs then opens her mouth. "Having fun with yourself?"

"Having fun?" Inspector Patrick repeats thoughtfully. "Hmm. That's right, you can read my thoughts, can you?"

"Men are all the same," she says in that same humdrum tone. "Don't worry, I've read worse." That made Inspector Patrick laugh tremendously.

Inspector Patrick pressed on the record button.

Inspector: "State your name."

Raven: "Raven."

Inspector: ( Laughs. ) "I had this same problem with Richard Grayson. Your real name, missy."

Raven: "... Raven."

Inspector: "Raven is your real name?"

Raven: "Yes."

Inspector: "What is your full name, then?"

Raven: "Raven Roth or Arella."

Inspector: "Or?"

Raven: "It's complicated. Don't go there."

Inspector: "'k, then. What is your affiliation with the Teen Titans?"

Raven: "I'm a member..."

Inspector: "How long have you been a member of the Teen Titans?"

Raven: "A long time."

Inspector: "I see that you tried to join the Justice League, and they didn't allow you to join. Why not?"

Raven: "Because people just like you, are in charge of that team."

Inspector: "What do you mean by that?"

Raven: "I have a bad past. As you may already know, my father was Trigon, a powerful demon capable of taking over the world with a little help from me. Need I say more?"

Inspector: "So they didn't like where you came from?"

Raven: "Nope."

Inspector: "Then why did Mr. Grayson let you join the team?"

Raven: "Because Robin is smarter than most leaders are. He doesn't look at where you come from, just where you're going."

Inspector: "I see. But it's true you've turned on the Titans before, is it not?"

Raven: "That is true. But it was under the influence of my father, whom I was pratically incapable of avoiding."

Inspector: "I see. So what is the relation between you and Garfield Logan?"

Raven: "Friendship."

Inspector: "What's the relation between you and Bernadette Barnes?"

Raven: "Nothing."

Inspector: "Oh, really?"

Raven: "Yes."

Inspector: "That's not what Mr. Grayson, reported."

Raven: "What did Robin report?"

Inspector: "He reports you and Bernadette Barnes having quite a sexual go at each other, quite a bit."

( Table squeaks on the floor about an inch, due to Raven's emotional powers. She calms herself down hoping Inspector Patrick doesn't notice but he's already smirking. )

Raven: "Funny. Robin has enough nerve to say that and yet he spends about ninety-five percent of his time stroping Starfire."

Inspector: "Who is Starfire?"

Raven: "A member of the Teen Titans."

Inspector: "Ah yes, I remember now. But Raven, you failed to answer the question. Instead you merely changed the subject. Please answer."

Raven: "Hm. Sexual go at each other, you say? What's that supposed to mean?"

Inspector: "I don't know, you tell me."

Raven: "Do I look like a sexual kind of person to you?

Inspector: "No."

Raven: "Then, enough said."

Inspector: ( Sighs. ) "Raven, you keep failing to answer my questions. Instead you reply by asking me questions."

Raven: "Your point?"

Inspector: "Answer. The. Questions."

Raven: "Fine. What was the question?"

Inspector: "What's the relation between you and Bernadette Barnes?"

Raven: "I already told you. Nothing."

Inspector: "That's not what Mr. Grayson says."

Raven: "I don't care what he says."

Inspector: "He says that your powers are based off the characterization of your emotions. That's why you meditate and try to be patient and control your temper. So nothing will set off. I asked him why he thought you and Bernadette were screwing around and he said because random things would levitate and explode. How can you explain that?"

Raven: "Nobody's perfect. If you had my life I think you would often be depressed."

Inspector: "He says that you hated Bernadette at first, but then you liked him. Then he said you all had sex a lot."

Raven: ( Unreadable laugh. )

Inspector: "Where you aware that Garfield Logan had a crush on you?"

Raven: "Who said that?"

Inspector: "Richard Grayson. Well, he didn't exactly say Garfield had a crush on you."

Raven: "What did he say?"

Inspector: "He said Garfield ejaculated often, when you were present."

Raven: "Not surprised."

Inspector: "Meaning?"

Raven: "If a guy sees an attractive girl or a woman wearing tight clothes, they ejaculate. What else is new?"

Inspector: "Did you ever notice Garfield's erections?"

Raven: "No. But then again, I try not to notice a lot of things boys do."

Inspector: "When did you start noticing Garfield's strange behavior?"

Raven: "Well.. This might take a while..."

Inspector: ( Checks tape recorder. ) "We've got tape, and we've certainly got time. Spill."