Rogue Darkholme of the New York Police Department (NYPD) again opened the case folder on her cluttered desk

Disclaimer: Remy, Rogue, and all other X-men used belong to Marvel. Story is an alternate reality story. NYPD=new york police department.

Authors Note: Here is my Remy/Rogue alternate reality series. Rogue is a reformed young detective and Remy is a skilled thief. Read it to find out what happens when their paths cross. I use other X character throughout the story. Read it and Write a Review so I know what y'all think!

-the Rogue

Stolen Hearts

Rogue Darkholme of the New York Police Department (NYPD) again opened the case folder on her cluttered desk. She reread the lacking information it contained.

There seems to be a connection between all the following robberies...Believed to be one highly skilled individual known to be male and go by the codename Gambit.. Most of the other so called evidence the folder contained were testimonies & rumors of the master thiefs crimes and abilities.

Rogue had been so excited when given her first major solo assignment. She had been in the force for a bit over a yr. and thought this could be away to show her value. However, the strenuous amount of research or "desk work" was beginning to frustrate her. She preferred lots of action. At a loss for what to do next she called her friend and sorta counselor Logan.

When she was first recruited Logan had shown her the ropes and became a father like figure to her. Most did not care for the ill-mannered man, but for Rogue he showed a caring side. Due to authority problems with Lt. Summers Logan left the force. Yet he was still stationed in NY as a member of a small, skilled undercover SWAT team. Logan was very knowledgeable and experienced; he would know what to do.


"Hey Darling, hows that case coming?"

"Like a turtle on a hot day in July."

"That slow huh?"

"Slower, infact I was wonderin if yah could gimme some help?"

Rogue went on to explain to him in detail the problems of the case.

"Well it seems to me Rogue that all the rumors reported about him have to come from somewhere so start looking for the sources."

Rogue got an idea. "Thanks Logan, ah think ah know where to start."

"Good luck kid."

Rogue took the next available bus to the outskirts of New York. It was there that her mother (Raven Darkholme) was carrying out her sentence in a small prison. On the ride there Rogue thought about her mother. She was a mutants rights activist who aggressively fought for mutants with little remorse for the human race. Her mother had been apprehended a few months ago, but Rogue's efforts of illegally discarding some evidence had gotten her a light sentence. Rogue thought she owed it to her mother. While growing up she had been strict and a bad influence, yet her mother really did care for her.

She arrived at the prison and went directly to Ravens cell. Raven saw her coming and smiled. She noticed by her daughters expression that this was not entirely a social visit.


"Rogue, I have missed you my child, so are you gonna ask me."


"I said are you gonna ask me, while you do a commendable job of hiding it you are my daughter and I can tell when you want something."

"Well momma ahm on a case and I need your help."

"I still cannot get over the fact that you joined the NYPD?! After all I've taught you and they've made you a sap."

"Momma ah didn't come ta ya ta discuss mah career..Ah need your help, do you know anything about a master thief, codename Gambit. Ahm workin on a case involving him and several high scale robberies. Ahm more than sure theres a connection but this guys good, hes a-"

"Phantom? Yes my child I've heard of him, but little details. Most believe he is a mutant, but his powers they are unsure of. The only physical description known is he has strange eyes. He is supposedly from the legendary thieves' guild, a true master who works only for himself and can steal almost anything. Seeing as he's already stolen enough to live well more than comfortably I'd say hes in it for the thrill. Hes more than a master, but I have confidence in you."

"Thanks momma"

"Oh and Rogue might I suggest you go to the scene of a possible new crime. Every good thief visits his target before hitting it."

Rogue smiled as she left the visiting area. She stopped outside the door and mentally collected her information: Codename is Gambit, a master and a phantom, cant be hired-probably works for the thrill, strange eyes, a mutant, that'd explain his impossible feats, and he's a member of the secretive thieves guild, which means hes likely a southerner. It still wasn't enough, but she was getting there.

She felt someone staring at her from across the hall-there a black woman with silvery white hair was walking down towards her. There was something strange about this woman. Her thoughts however ended, when the woman passed her she spoke to her barley above a whisper:

"I must strongly suggest you cease

your investigation for the nature

will take her course and the storm

will catch up to you."

Without waiting for a response the woman continued on when Rogue turned around to confront her she was gone. What in tarnation did she mean and how does she know about the case?! Despite her warning Rogue was now more determined than ever.

The bus ride home had been hard, watching the television monitors on the bus Rogue had seen a news report on a mutant who had been captured "terrorizing" a public school. Rogue saw pictures of the mutant- she was just a little girl who looked so scared. She probably couldn't even control her powers. Plus she had seen a face that had reminded her of Cody-that brought back some memories.

Rogue leaned over the rail of her apartments small balcony. No matter how hard she tried to escape her past. Under her mother's jurisdiction she had permanently absorbed Carol Danver's superstrength and flight powers. Absorption that curse had belonged to her. When she was young she had no control and when she had kissed Cody he was put in a comma. Uck! The pain of her past. Now they had taught her a certain level of control. She could mentally switch her absorption powers off for up to 4 hours straight, but when she would feel them return and she would need time before she could concentrate enough till she could shut them off again. It took a heavy amount of concentration to move this mental switch in her mind, but once she had she could relax until her powers came back. This was enough for her however, being able to touch someone was something she never took for granted. Her insecurities and caution lead her to not get into a relationship and she still wore gloves most of the time. She made sure not to get close to anyone. After all Ahm still a freak. Too much had already happened to her for her to ever live a normal life.


Hidden, he watched her closely, unable to take his eyes off her. She was beautiful and fascinating all at once. She seemed deep in thought. He leaned in closer; there he saw pain in her eyes as small tears emerged down her soft cheeks. Every piece of his heart urged him to comfort her and make the pain in those gorgeous eyes go away. He watched her calmly collect herself, such strength she had for such a beautiful and delicate woman. Normally he would feel satisfaction seeing his opponent in such a weak state, but now he felt compunction at seeing this woman during a personal moment she seemed to have no intention of sharing with anyone. Yes even to himself it was awkward, Remy Lebeau felt deep empathy for this woman, he reminded himself his opposition.


The next morning Rogue ran into NYPD headquarters. Ahm late again! As if on cue she ran right into Lt. Summers.

"Rogue how many times can one person be late, we can discuss your tardiness later, for now Sgt. Lehnsherr is on line one, pick up."

What does he want?! Rogue thought. Eric Lehnsherr was the one who had accepted Rogue into the NYPD, he always kept a close eye on her. No one knew much about him, just that he a main authoritative figures. While their relationship remained professional Rogue sensed he had a twinge for her, and she had considered him for a time. Yet he was more of a leader to her. She picked up the phone.

..Their conversation had been brief, he had just told her he expected to see some progress on the case and soon.

Worn out already from the days events Rogue went to her office hoping she'd get some work done. She went to turn on her radio when she noticed a small magnolia flower with a note attached to it.


I dunno if this is any good, but I posted it anyway so tell me if I should continue?!