How come...?

Disclaimer: I don't own Girlmore Girls

So, this is the first chapter of my new Trory. I guess it's going to be a long one, because I honestly don't know where it leads…
Plus: I'll try to write longer chapters this time…It's just that I always have to look up so many words…
Anyway, this is what you need to know:

It's set in something like a different season 4 (what a description), some things and even parts of the text will be the same or similar, but most won't…
Luke and Lorelai are already together ('cauz I love Java Junkies, too) and Jess and Rory are best friends.
Dean is with Lindsay…

Tristin had moved away short after Rory went to Chilton, so they don't really know each other.
Paris and Tristin were friends in earlier days, but when Tristin changed into the cocky player, their friendship broke apart ( as in the series)
I think everything else will explain itself…

Another note: Thanks to KeitaWolf, my beta, who made this chapter at least 10 times better!

Chapter 1- the reunion

The day after his arrival, Tristin DuGrey walked through one of the dormitories of Yale.
Of course he and his roommates had celebrated their first night as such, so he first thought his mind was playing a joke on him, when a familiar blonde passed him by and headed for one of the dorms.
As he couldn't help but follow her aggressive run, he began blinking and rubbing his eyes in disbelieve.

The blonde's hand was about to reach the doorknob, when she heard someone calling her name.
The girl stopped surprised. Didn't she know this voice? Paris turned to the side and her jaw dropped open.
"Tristin? Tristin DuGrey?"
The guy nodded amused.
"The one and only." He said smirking as he approached
"Wow…It's been a while, huh?" He said running a hand through his messy hair.
"How are you?" Tristin pulled the blond into a short embrace as she hesitantly responded.
"I'm fine." Paris answered smiling in confusion. Not that she didn't appreciate the comity of their reunion - it just wasn't exactly the way they had gone apart…
"What about you?"
Tristin gave out a bitter laugh. He thought back to last night's party and his aching head piped up again by knocking heavily. Too many drinks, too little sleep- he didn't really want to answer this question. So he just smirked running his hand through his hair once more.

"I'd never expected to meet you here, Gellar. What happened to Harvard?"
He tried to change the topic, but noticed at once that he shouldn't have when Paris' face grew dark.
"Yale is an excellent university."
She snapped crossing her arms in front of her chest, while avoiding Tristin's gaze. Ouch, he had apparently touched a very tender spot…

An awkward silence threatened to close in, when suddenly the suit door in front of them was opened from the inside.
A brunette girl stood in the doorframe, obviously surprised by Paris' company.
"G'd mornin'." She murmured eying the blonde guy insistently from top to bottom. Although he seemed really underslept, he was still remarkably handsome. Especially his deep blue eyes shone out.
Something on her mind told her, that she was supposed to know him, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't recognize him.
She opened her mouth to introduce herself, but shut it immediately when she saw the expression on Paris' face and decided, that she'd better set off to get another cup of this fantastic coffee from the Kiosk at the library instead.
If she really already knew this guy, she'd surely remember sometime.

"Who was that?" Tristin questioned curiously while his eyes followed the petite girl down the hallway.
"Rory Gilmore. She started Chilton shortly before you went away. We're roommates now." Paris answered matter- of-factly.
"Rory Gilmore…" Tristin repeated thoughtfully.
"How come I don't know her?" He asked both Paris and himself the same time, wondering why he couldn't remember her.
Paris shrugged.
"Perhaps because she's not one of you're typical girls, DuGrey."
A smirk spread across Tristin's face.
"Not one of my typical girls?"

"Yeah, you know, blonde either in- or outside, most of them both."
"Ha Ha," Tristin said deadpanned. "Very funny Paris." Tristin frowned, leaning against the wall beside him. It seemed Paris' opinion of him was still low, but at the moment he didn't care.
"So, what kind of girl is she then?"
"She's smart, busy, ambitious, a bookworm, everyone likes her…"
"An innocent Mary then?" Tristin interjected Paris, taken aback by the fact that she talked about someone so positively.
Paris nodded.
"You might say so…"
She said watching Tristin's eyes drifting again in the direction Rory had left.
"Forget it, Tristin." She warned.
"You know what I mean."
Tristin smirked.
"Actually, I don't."
"Oh come on, I saw it. The look on you're face. I haven't forgotten what it means. Don't even think about trying it. You won't succeed."
"Try what?"
"Ah-"Paris waved aside. "Just don't" She warned again before she disappeared in her suite.

Shortly after Rory had returned to her suite, there was a knock on her door. She answered it and two of the girls, who had joined the little party that Lorelai had organized for the girls to get to know each other the last night, were standing outside. "Hey, you're up?" The first one, Mallory asked.
" Yes, I'm up."
Rory smiled, delighted about their visit.
" Aw, and you've already got coffee." The second one, Hannah, spoke a bit crestfallen, pointing onto the coffee mug Rory was holding in her hands.
"That's a shame, cauz' we Lorelai'd a few places and found some good coffee."
Rory raised an eyebrow.
"Checked places out." Mallory explained.
"Seemed like the appropriate word. We found decent muffins, too, but I bet there's better out there." Hannah shrugged.
"You'll Lorelai 'em another time." Rory smiled. She was amused by the fact that her mother had been dedicated her own verb. She couldn't wait to tell her!

"I'm sure we will. Well, actually this coffee should be a thank you for last night."
Mallory said raising another paper mug in the direction of Rory's.
"Do you want it anyway?"
What a question. Of course she wanted it. Rory quickly took the last sips of her own coffee and nodded.
"It was a perfect first night at Yale. " Mallory commended as she handed Rory the new mug of hot liquid.
"I thought so."
"We're gonna go to the freshman assembly together. Do you wanna come?"
Hannah proposed biting into a cinnamon muffin.
Rory nodded.
"Sure. I'll just ask Paris if she wants to come with us too - if you're OK with this… She's acting like something bit her this morning."
Rory said and disappeared for a few seconds into her dorm.

"Hey, we thought we'd conveniently lose our student ID's and go take new pictures after the assembly."
"Oh my God, I'm so with you on that one."
Rory laughed approvingly after she came out of the dorm with Paris.
"Cool." Hannah and Mallory said in union making all four girls laugh.
When they were leaving the dorm, Rory sipped her coffee with pleasure..
"Do you like it? Kiosk by the library."
Hannah explained proudly, when she saw how much Rory loved her present.
"I love it." Rory moaned.
"I got my first two cups from there, too."
"Oh, you found it first! " Hannah whined disappointedly.
"Kind of…" Rory smiled thinking of the person who really discovered it- most likely by testing every single place selling coffee on the whole campus. Chuckling she took another sip. Mallory watched her astonished.
"This is your third cup?"
She asked surprised at Rory's calmness with so much caffeine in her system. Paris, however, simply shook her head.
"You're so addicted, Gilmore."

Due to the fact that they just had to walk up College Street to reach the Woolsey Hall, where the freshmen assembly was taking place, the four girls arrived there before most of the other students.
When they entered the huge building, they gasped astonished by the overwhelming sight.
Although Rory had read a lot about the hall,- amongst other things, for example that it was built in 1901 and seated 2,700 students, she had never imagined it to be this big inside!
tThe big organ at the other end of the hall which had an enormous effect on the space, made the room marvellous. If she had had to guess its height, Rory would have said, it was at least ten times as tall as her!
Deciding, that they'd probably have the best view from the free seats on the balcony the girls went upstairs. They sat down on the puce wood and watched the hall gradually filling.

At about ten o'clock the assembly was introduced by the organ playing Bach's 29th Cadana. Afterwards the addresses of the university's president and dean followed.
Bored by the bulk of stirring words on the alas, so stately occasion, Tristin DuGrey found himself staring at the back of the brunette girl two rows beneath his.
Her smooth hair was tight up to a high ponytail, like it had been yet when he met her earlier this morning and it had a silky shine, which wandered slowly with the slight moves of her head.
Although he could have gotten lost in studying the details, Tristin could neither help it, nor explain why, but his eyes consistently returned to her ear. It fascinated him somehow…

After the freshman assembly had ended, Rory went back down the balcony stairs. Right when she was about to take the last step, someone suddenly bumped into her.
She tripped and nearly fell, but retrieved her balance just in time, when a hand caught her arm.

Rory turned around to see to whom it belonged to and found herself facing the same guy who had had been talking to Paris earlier.
He let go of her arm and ran a hand through his hair, before sending Rory a charming smile.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you…Are you okay?" He apologized.
Rory nodded.
"I'm alright, thanks."
"Well, fine then."
The blonde said going through his hair again and Rory knew at once, that his hair wasn't messy, because he was to lazy to comb it.
He thoughtfully nipped his eyes together.
"Don't we know each other?"
"We met, when you were talking to Paris this morning…"
"Yeah, yeah - uhm, no. I mean from former times…You went to Chilton, too, right?"
Tristin cleverly used the facts Paris had delivered him. Rory nodded approvingly.
"Absolutely. I'm-"she wanted to introduce herself, but Tristin cut her off.
"No, let me guess…You're Mary!"
Rory shook her head.
"Close. It's Rory."
"Rory?" Tristin asked doubtfully.
Rory noticed that his eyes drifted away from her.
"No." He spoke still staring over her head.
"I think it was Mary." He smirked to her, and it seemed to Rory, someone else at the same time. She shook her head, but before she could protest, he left.
"What the hell was this about?" Rory thought out loud.
"That was about Tristin DuGrey doing exactly the opposite of what I advised him to."
Paris grumbled appearing by Rory's side. She had watched the scene, which of course had started by pure chance.
"But I'm afraid I just willed him on."
Rory gave her a questioning look.
"Aha, I see." She muttered even more confused.

That's it! The first chapter…
Please take time to review, because I took so much time for researching for- and working on it.
Plus: I really think it's worth it :lol:
So- tell me what you think!
(and if you have any better suggestions for the story title…)