Disclaimer: Don't own the Ninja Turtles, and never pretended I did.

A/N: This could fit any turtle, but I'm sure many of us will have one certain guy in mind after reading this, or not. Please leave a review. Hopa ya like!




Genre: Tragedy/Poetry

Language: English

Rating: T

Summary: Ever heard of the expression 'go out with one big bang'? Well, here's one version of what that could mean.

You hunted my brothers, killed my father and tainted my city
Never once flinching
You murdered the innocent, tortured the guilty and butchered the good
No regret within

You sent your army of assassins after me
Watched from the shadows as they tore me to pieces
But I fought them
Killed them all with the very hatred you gave life to
And even though I can feel the end coming
Feel my last breath slip past my pulsating, crimson lips
It doesn't matter

Because I can still feel the warmth of your blood on my hands
Mingle with my own in one gory juice of beauty
As I stiffly rub my fingertips against each other

Saki, you may have finally taken me out
You cowardly piece of shit
But it doesn't matter

For I didn't lose

I get to take you with me
You and those heartless murderers you trained
As my obstinate flame flickers for the last time
And goes out with one big bang of fatal justice