Trapped in a cage, Rayman watched from below decks as many Robo-pirates ran along on their given tasks; ignoring him in the process. Those who did see him kicked the cage and insulted him. He ignored them; the words of Admiral Razorbeard stuck in his mind, replaying over and over; "If you don't co-operate, we'll just have to kill them off… one by one…"

Ignoring the hands lifting his cage, Rayman failed to notice the grins and funny remarks of his captors as they hauled him onto the deck; only to throw his cage down with a hard thud. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he watched and waited as the assembly of pirates stepped aside to allow their leader to approach him. Eyes gleaming, he ordered them to throw the cage overboard, not forgetting that they were high up in the air. They obeyed and watched as the cage disappeared to the forest canopy below…

(Sound of the cage breaking, followed by the thud of Rayman rolling on the floor)

Getting up slowly, Rayman shook his head to clear it, realising that he was no longer in familiar turf. The forest was darker than Clearleaf Forest and the sounds emanating from within seemed uncomfortable to him. The beating of heavy drums and the sounds of chanting filled the air, and the smell of a heavy fire burning seemed too much for Rayman, forcing him to advance carefully forward.

Crouching forward, he hid on a small crevice. The sight of strange characters dressed in war gear with feathers decorated on their heads and wearing skull necklaces around their necks filled the ground below him, all standing and raising their spears, calling in a strange tongue to a statue on a wooden platform in front of them. Their chanting caused Rayman to become dizzy and disorientated; losing his balance, he fell down and landed on one of the drums below him. The player of the drum grabbed the unconscious Rayman by the hair and dragged him and the drum towards the platform. They passed the crowd, all falling silent as they spotted them. Once on the wooden stage, a warrior dressed with headgear adorned with glittering stones and feathers and a large cloak made of Animal hair walked from behind the statue and gazed angrily at the intrusion.

The drum-player showed the leader the drum and Rayman and told him what happened. The leader took one look at Rayman and ordered them to lock him up in their own tongue before returning to the secret room behind the statue. The warrior then took Rayman to the prison and threw him in forcefully before slamming the door shut and locking it with a heavy lock. The warrior then returned to the congregation outside to continue were he left off with one of many drums lying about…

In the prison cell next to him, the sound of heavy chains could be heard, followed by crying. Between sobs, the strange voice kept on calling him to wake up. Opening his eyes slowly, Rayman took notice of his surroundings and realised that he was locked up once again in a cell, unable to escape. He felt weak and realised that his captors must have taken some of his powers away from him, all but one ability; the ability to throw 'one' fist. Looking up, he spotted a hole in the wall leading to the cell next to him and the small sobs emanating from within. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he kept looking up and tried his best to stay calm and to listen to what the voice has to say.

"Please answer me… Are you okay?"

"Yes, I can hear you and I'm fine, thank you. Who are you and where are we?"

There was silence, followed by the sound of chains being shifted.

"Rayman, is that you? It's me, Uglette. I don't know where we are but I can only guess to what's going on outside."

His face changed from shocked to relief.

"Uglette! I'm so glad to hear your voice. So what's happening outside?"

"You really want to know?"


There was a pause. Still looking up, Rayman could only guess what she was thinking.

"Al l that I can make out is that there is going to be a wedding of some sort and by the looks of it, there might be a sacrifice too."

Looking puzzled, Rayman asked her calmly.

"How do you know?"

She started to cry again and in between sobs, she answered.

"Because I'm the bride-to-be and the girl with me is to be the sacrifice!"


Back aboard the Buccaneer's Revenge, the Admiral wasn't pleased with the news he received from one of his spies.

"So… you lost track of Rayman… HOW IN LIVING BLAZES DID YOU MANAGE THAT?"

Nervously, the spy replied nervously, trembling and shaking.

"He disappeared into the forest below and that was the last time I saw him…"

His temper rising, Admiral Razorbeard slammed the throttle forward, only to stop a hair's breath away from the spy's face.

"I pay a FORTUNE for your services and this is the thanks I get? Thug 65 and 76, take this 'miscreant' out of my sight…"

The spy watched nervously as the two thugs approached him, grabbing him and dragging him out of the room.


The thugs stopped in front of the door and waited for their master's next order. Looking down at the spy, he grinned evilly.

"I give you one last chance… you better find me that limbless freak or I'll have your guts for my display, got it?"

Nodding his head in agreement, Admiral Razorbeard ordered the thugs to release him. Not daring to stay another minute, the spy ran out as fast as he could. Turning around and floating back to the window, he ordered the thugs to leave. They obeyed and closed the door behind them.

"Rayman… I will find you and if you fail me… you know what I'll do…?"

Back in the prison cell, Rayman listened to Uglette's tale of how she ended up in there…

"…When I got released from the Pirates; after I wrote that letter; I ended up being captured by these 'Savages' and now I'm to be the leader's wife! How can I be when I'm with Globox! Oh Globox…"

"It's going to be alright Uglette… Uglette, you said there is a girl with you?"

Looking dazed at the window, Uglette replied between sobs.

"Yes… she's here but she's unconscious and I've tried my best to treat her injuries…"

Looking confused, Rayman scratched his head as he tried to remember something.

"Uglette, does she have long brown hair; a black left eye and is she covered in cuts and bruises?"

Uglette's eyes grew wide at Rayman's question and didn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes… how do you know?"

Sigh " It's a long story… look Uglette, I'm weak and I'm sure that those 'Savages' took my powers away, but I'm working on a plan to escape so be ready when I need you, okay?"

There was a pause followed by the sound of chains clicking.

"Yes! I knew I should have kept this!"

"What is it Uglette?"

"Rayman, can you shoot one of your hands through the gap?"

Still looking confused, he obeyed and shot his right hand through the hole.

"Thank you, now listen to me. I've placed a Silver Lum into your hand so you can call your hand back now. I've been saving it for emergencies so use it wisely!"

Again, Rayman obeyed and was rewarded with the energy from the Silver Lum. Feeling the energy running through his body, he charged up and launched his fist to brake the cell door down. He then ran over to Uglette's cell and did the same, only to find both Uglette and the girl chained to the wall. Again he used his fists and managed to break Uglette's chains first, allowing her to be ready to pick up the girl when she was released. Once they were free, the sound of soldiers approaching filled the air, telling Rayman and Uglette to shift it! They ran to the door and were met by four guards; whom Rayman easily defeated with his powerful fists. They met more warriors outside and again, Rayman defeated them. The leader ran out and watched in horror as he's bride-to-be and sacrifice disappeared into the forest. Fuming, he sent out his warriors to track down the prisoners and to bring them back before returning to the room once more.

Running as fast as they could, they came across swampland; piranhas swimming, staring hungrily at them. Using the Lilly pads as platforms; which sank after a few seconds; Uglette and Rayman soon lost the pursuers in the mist and managed to find a cave beneath an old tree to catch their breath. Still holding the girl in her arms, Uglette looked nervously around her as Rayman checked the interior of the cave for any danger, only to return moments later with an ok. Once safely inside the cave, Uglette laid down the injured girl; checking her for any signs of recovery, only to find that there was no change. Rayman on the other hand explored the swamps around them, trying his best to find food and something to help the girl's injuries. Returning to the cave, he found Uglette crying outside, still shocked about everything that has happened since the pirates released her. Putting the stuff down, he approached her slowly and gave her a hug, gently talking to her to soothe her nerves.

"There, there, Uglette. It's okay. We'll be okay."

Looking down at him, she sniffed and shook her head miserably.

"How can you say that, Rayman. The girl's dying; I'm without my family, lost in Polokus-knows-where and I don't know where I fit into the picture anymore… not after what I did to Globox…"

Stepping away from Uglette, he went to sit down on a log, looking as miserable as Uglette. Taking a deep breath, he told her everything that has happened until they met. Her expressions changed from shock to fear to anger as he continued to the very end. Once finished, he couldn't read her face. She looked down at the stuff he foraged, recognising a few herbs and mushrooms between the fruits and nuts. Standing up, she picked up the ingredients, only to disappear into the cave. Without a word, he set out to find dry wood to make a fire since the weather was beginning to turn very cold.

Inside the cave, Uglette placed the food down on the ground and began to prepare dinner. She reached into her pocket and produced a pocket-knife and began to cut the food into edible portions, putting aside some of it to make a broth for the girl. Her mind constantly drifted to her family and the infernal machine that kept them there. She shuddered at the thought of them trapped in there with no where to go. She was so deep in thought that she failed to see the Zombie Chicken that advanced slowly behind her; only to hear it explode behind her. She dropped the knife and spun around only to find Rayman standing at he cave mouth, one hand holding wood, the other still glowing from the powered up fist attack. Uglette could only managed a nod before turning back to pick up the knife she dropped. Still shaking from the fright, she stopped cutting the food and placed the knife down on the makeshift table she made from flat stone. Turning around, she watched as Rayman stacked the wood in a neat 'tent' formation and filling the gaps with some dry grass. He then picked up two stones; hitting them against one another to create a spark. The grass took flame and burned brightly; allowing the wood to ignite in similar fashion. Sitting back, Rayman watched the flames growing larger in front of him; allowing the heat to warm his skin. He accepted the leafplate of food that Uglette brought for him before busying herself with a small pot of broth over the fire.

"Thank you Rayman. I was preoccupied with my thoughts when that Zombie Chicken arrived…"

Without looking at her, he swallowed his food and spoke warmly.

"No need to thank me Uglette, I made a vow to protect the world and you're like family to me…"

Uglette smiled and carried on busying herself with the broth. After a while, Rayman watched as she magically pull out a cloth glove to pick up the pot by its handle, only to carry it over to the table to place it down. Again she pulled out a small bowl and a ladle, only to start dishing up the broth into the bowl, allowing it to cool down. She then made her way back to where Rayman was sitting, taking a spot across from him and started eating her own food. Both Rayman and Uglette ate in silence. Once finished, Uglette got up and walked over to pick up the bowl to feed the girl. Rayman fed more wood to the fire before turning his attention to watch Uglette. Uglette carefully lifted the girl's head, bringing the bowl close to her mouth to allow little amounts of its contents to run down her throat.

"How long has she been like this?"

Taking the bowl away from the girl's lips, Uglette looked up at him with concern in her eyes.

"Ever since I was captured… maybe she was there long before me, I can't really say. But I've been feeding her the food they gave me in hope that she would gain her strength… but she's losing the battle, Rayman."

She then continued with her task, allowing the liquid to run down the girl's throat before adding more. She continued with this fashion till the contents were finished before letting the girl lie down again and getting up. She left the cave, only to return a few minutes later with the bowl clean and dry before putting it into her pocket once more. Rayman got up and walked past Uglette to stand and gaze out the cave's mouth to the darkness around them. Night set in faster than he imagined, engulfing everything around him with a dark veil. His thoughts trailed to his previous adventures in a similar swamp not to long ago before the thought struck him!

Smacking his hand against his head, he pulled out a small flute out of his pocket and played it. As if by magic, a purple-blue snake-like creature appeared out of the darkness and swam close to the water's edge where Rayman stood.

"Greetingsss Rayman. What bringsss you here?"

Looking at his reptilian friend, Rayman spoke as warmly as he could manage.

"Hi Sssam. Actually, that's a bit of a tale and a mystery…"

"This place is full of it, if you know what I mean."

Looking around Rayman nodded in agreement.

"I see what you mean… but tell me, friend. Do you know any Doctors around here?"

Looking puzzled, Sssam scratched his head with the tip of his tail, carefully thinking before answering.

"That's a good quessstion Rayman and luckily there is a doctor not to far away…"

"Well? Are you going to tell me or not?"

Looking at the impatient Rayman, Sssam could only guess what was flying through his friend's mind.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you but promissse me you won't do anything rasssh, okay?"

"I promise… now tell me please!"

Looking back from where he came, Rayman followed his gaze and spotted the glowing light of a fire in the distance.

"You mussst make it through the village of Ssskullumsss to reach the path leading to the mountainsss, but I know a ssshortcut to take you to the village without being ssseen… but tell me Rayman, why do you ssseek the Doctor? You ssseem fine to me?"

"Uglette and I are taking care of an injured girl; whom badly needs medical attention, So I need to find the doctor and bring him here to see what he can do to help her…"

"Well in that cassse, we cannot wassste any time! Ssshoot at my ssscarf and letsss go!"

Looking back, Rayman could make out the figure of Uglette standing at the cave's mouth. She waved at him, knowing that he was going somewhere important. Waving back, Rayman did as he was told and both Sssam and Rayman disappeared into the night.

(End of Chapter 3)