The Soul in the Dark
A small boy runs about in what is clearly a Armet too big for the boys head, and a long plastic fishing rod with the line missing, he was clearly having fun
"Hey Ryushin, come in now buddy, it's starting to get dark"
An older Tyh had called out to his son once more, which caused the young one to lift the helmet up a bit to see his father and mother.
"Coming Daddy!" he called out running like a small Tarutaru over to his dad to be lifted up.
"Have fun Kiddo?" His mother asks smiling brightly to her son who nodded in satisfaction
"I…I…I Poked a lot of baddies today, Gobwins, and Birdies and and Yaggu and and"
A small chuckle was heared from inside the house as a grown up Carla poked her head over her brothers "Sounds like Ryu kicked some butt huh?"
The little boy raised his arms with a loud yell, almost hitting his father square in the nose "Yeah! Me kick big butt, bwing on Fenwir"
DeMondé chuckled as did Carla "I'm sure Fenrir would be paralyzed with fear from you" Carla teased, poking her little nephew in the shoulder softly.
So After a good while Tyh, DeMondé and Carla all Settled down, but due to laws Tyh and Carla couldn't marry, so instead they changed their name to Tenryu, to make them one 'family' in one way.
Ok. How did you guys like it, I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry for the massive delay, but ive been swamped with College work and stuff at home, I'm just glad to get this done so I can work on my other fics glad you guys read, you all rule
PS: Soon once I get the laptop back I'll be adding a timeline of the whole family so be on the look out for that on this fic
Edited: Sorry for my n00bness, I got Prologue and Prelude mixed up, ;; My bad hehe