Entering the Penalty Box Caitlin was feeling surprisingly refreshed, her plan was going on without a hitch! Ah, the joys of matchmaking. Soon she spotted Jen uninterestedly helping a customer.

"The nose plug pinches my nose and makes it really hard to breathe when I swim." The nerdy man complained in a nasally voice.

Jen raised an eyebrow, "It's suppose to do that so water doesn't go up your nose." She handed him a case, "Here, why don't you try these goggles first and see if they fit." She turned to Caitlin as the man struggled to stretch the goggles over his head.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Caitlin asked cheerfully.

"Ow! My eye!"

Jen winced as the goggles collided with the nerdy man's face, "Not as smooth as I'd hoped. Wyatt wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of dating you or me."

She brushed off the comment and giggled, "Oh, you're just exaggerating, besides, you don't want Wyatt to be interested, you want Jude!"

"Ok, wait, why do you sound so happy?" Jen's heartbeat raced with hope as she clutched Caitlin's arms, "What happened with Jude?"

Caitlin practically glowed, "Omigosh Jen! Jude is such a sweetie! I mean, who knew, eh?" she showed Jen her forearm, "Look! I've got goose bumps!"

Jen's eyes widened, "Woah, this is big…"

Caitlin nodded, "Are you on break soon?"

She looked around the near empty store, save for one customer rolling on the floor clutching his eye, "I can take one now, lemme get changed first."

As soon as Jen walked out, Caitlin grabbed a hold of her, leaned down and whispered as if she was telling a secret or a juicy bit of gossip… which she kind of was… "Well, we got to talking about Starr- I mean, Nebula, and he was really sweet about it. Even though it's been a while since they broke up and he's had other girlfriends, he still thinks she was special. How adorable is that?"

Jen's felt her brain explode. Like literally. Like, a bomb went off inside her head and now brain goo was oozing out of her ears. Her mouth dropped open but no sound came out. Noticing Jen's blank stare Caitlin panicked and waved her hands frantically in front of her face, "Jen? Are you okay?"

Suddenly her eyes focused and with renewed energy Jen latched onto Caitlin. "Caitlin!" she squeaked, "That's horrible!"

"W-why?" she stuttered while being shook.

"That means Jude still isn't over her! I can't compete with an ex, who was completely perfect for him and who he still has feelings for!"

Realization dawned on Caitlin's face as what her findings meant for Jen, "Oh… right…"

Jen's shoulders slumped in defeat as she placed her hood over her head, "Ugh, I think I'm just gonna go curl up and die." she moaned as she pulled the strings to hide her face.

Caitlin's mind raced as she caught a glimpse of Jude skateboarding from the corner of her eye, "It's not time for a pity party yet!" she grabbed Jen's hand, "Come on!"

"W-wait, where are we going?" Jen wobbled, her hoodie obscuring her sight.

"I'm making it up to you, just play along." She called out to the skater, "Jude!"

Seeing his two friends he slowed his skateboard down to a slow roll, "Sup, dudettes?" he peered inquisitively at Jen, "What's up with Jen?"

"Jude, I need you to do a favor for me…" Caitlin pressed her hands to together and gave her best puppy dog eyes, "Jen's not feeling well, but I gotta go back to the lemon, so you're in charge of making Jen feel better. You can't let go of her hand until she does, ok? Can I count on you for this?"

Jude thought for a second and saluted to Caitlin, "You got it bra!"

"W-what? Caitlin, wait!" Jen tugged off her hood to see Jude had taken her place… and he was holding her hand.

Jen closed her eyes hoping it was a dream, "She left, didn't she?"

"Yep, dudette can run pretty fast on heels."

Hearing Jude, she sneaked a peek with one eye, 'Nope, still here.' "O-oh, well, um, I gotta go too, see you!" Jen turned to leave, but Jude still holding on to her hand, pulled her back.

"Sorry bra, no can do. I promised Caitlin I'd helped you feel better."

"Ahaha…" she laughed nervously, "She was just kidding… I feel totally fine! Totally… you can let go now."

"You don't look fine to me." He said as-a-matter-of-factly, "What's the damage?"

Jen squirmed, "I'd rather not say."

Jude looked at the ceiling, "Well, that's ok, you don't have to tell me, I guess. We'll just go through the patented Jude Lizowski's Make Jen Feel Better Program!" he finished proudly.

Jen bit her lip and tried not to laugh, "And this is suppose to make me feel better?"

He grinned, "I guarantee it or double your money back!"

She opened her mouth to retort but was dragged away by an excited Jude, "To the arcade!"

Leading Nikki into a near empty theatre, Jonesy inwardly cheered, 'Score! Perfect alone time with Nikki.' They decided on seats in the middle row and sat down to wait for the movie to start. Soon the lights dimmed as the previews played on the big screen.

Nikki turned to Jonesy who gave her a wink and a grin that made her heart melt, 'This isn't so bad, I could get used to this,' she thought to herself as she settled in her seat.

Suddenly something hit Jonesy in the back of his head, "Hey!" Jonesy yelled and turned around in his seat to see Stanley holding a nerf gun. "You little brat!" he lunged at the troublemaker with arms outstretched as if to strangle him before Nikki pulled him back down.

"Just ignore him." Nikki told him.

Jonesy glanced back at Stanley who stuck his tongue out with a 'Nyah' and protested, "B-but he-" he stopped when Nikki gave him a look. A look that said she was going to kick his butt if he didn't listen. He closed his mouth.

Yummy Mummy chimed in, "I'm sorry Jonesy dear, was my little Stanley being naughty again?" she asked innocently.

Unable to help himself, Jonesy's eyes strayed to her pouty lips and pushed up cleavage, "Ah-buh…" he failed to form anything coherent.

Nikki smacked him on the back of the head, "Stop ogling her!" she hissed.

"Ow!" he rubbed his head, "I wasn't!"

"Oh really? You have a little drool left on your chin," she said pointedly.

Wiping his mouth, Jonesy smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."

Jen stared at the entrance, "Are you sure about the arcade?"

"It's the perfect place to unwind, just don't mind the little dudes." Jude ushered her in and stopped in front of an arcade machine, "Here, this one's good for unwinding."

Recognizing some of the graphics she asked, "Isn't this the game you and Jonesy play all the time?"

Jude nodded and inserted some quarters, "Basically you take this gun and you shoot any bad guys that pop up." He picked up the gun and looked at it thoughtfully, then he looked at their still together hands, which caused Jen to blush, "Hmm…" he tapped the gun against his head, deep in thought.

Jen frowned, "…Jude?"

"Ok, I got it."

Jen furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until she realized Jude had stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around hers so that the two could hold the gun with all both hands. "There, I'm still holding your hand." Jude grinned.

"Ah… right." Jen hid her crimson face behind her hair.

"Alright, who's ready to shoot some baddies?" he asked enthusiastically as the game started.

Jen's heart thumped quickly in her chest, 'This is exactly like that time in the photo booth, except… except his arms are around me! What do I do?' she thought to herself frantically.

"Relax," Jude breathed in her ear, causing Jen to shiver, "Ok, feet apart, aim with both eyes, you're the guy in blue, and shoot that guy!"

Jen pulled the trigger, "I got him!" she cried incredulously.

"Awesome! You're a natural, dudette, keep going!" Jude cheered.

'Time for the ol' yawn and stretch.' Jonesy thought to himself and faked a yawn to put his arm around Nikki.

"Wow, do people still do that?" Nikki snorted but smiled and leaned in, she tilted the tub of popcorn towards Jonesy who grinned and took a handful and popped them in his mouth.

"It worked didn't it?"

Latecomers Jason and Joanie took the seats in front of them and started making out.

"Aw, gimme a break, I didn't pay to see these two swap spit." groaned Jonesy.

Nikki rolled her eyes, "Wonderful."

"Why don't we give them a show of our own?" Jonesy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

She blush slightly and punched him on the shoulder, "I'll just settle with throwing popcorn at them."

"Hey, that looks kinda fun." Jonesy grabbed some popcorn and joined in.

Nikki grinned, "Oh, it is."

Unknowingest to them, the couple kept kissing with popcorn showering over them, it looked kind of romantic actually… until they broke apart to gasp for air and a kernel of popcorn flew into Jason's mouth and he started choking.

"Oh my God! Dude, I'm so sorry!" Nikki cried and started slapping his back.

"Nikki, I got this!" Jonesy moved Nikki to the side and started the Heimlich maneuver. Nikki watched in horror as Jonesy did abdominal thrusts to the gagging Jason. All of a sudden the kernel flew out and hit Joanie on the forehead and the crowd behind them started cheering.

"Jonesy that was amazing!" Nikki said in disbelief.

He shrugged, "Jen made me take a first aid course with her. It was nothing." and sat back down.

Nikki sat down as well, "No really, I was so freaked out and you just came in and saved him."

Someone else took a seat on the other side of Jonesy, "Howdy, partner." the cowboy put his arm around Jonesy, "That was some mighty nice Heimlich maneuver you got there." He tipped his hat in appreciation.

Of all the people who came to congratulate him. "Ok, this is getting a bit ridiculous!" Jonesy jumped up and backed away from the cowboy. The people behind them groaned and shushed, eager to get back to the movie.

"Ahem." A flashlight shone on their faces, "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you two to leave." the usher said monotonically.

"I can't believe we got kicked out." Nikki sighed and slapped her forehead.

"I can't believe it either! I'm supposed to be a hero!" Jonsey cried with his arms outstretched, "Sorry about the bogus date, Nikki." he slumped his shoulders in defeat.

She smiled slyly, "Well, I had fun." Placing her hands on Jonesy's face she stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss.

Surprised, Jonesy quickly realized to close his eyes and wrap his arms around Nikki.

Jen scanned the high score list, "Who's Zamboni Dude? Is that you?"

"You bet!" smiled Jude.

Jen raised an eyebrow and smirked as her competitive side got the better of her, "So, I guess that means I just beat your high score."

Jude took a second look, "No way! Dudette, you rock!"

She laughed, "That was fun, thanks Jude."

"No prob."

Looking down at their hands and thinking that the 'program' was over, Jen hesitated, "So… I guess-"

Jude's stomach growled, "Hold that though, time for some snackage. To Burger McFlipster's!" Jude pulled her along again, "You can't feel better on an empty stomach." He reasoned.

'Something seems odd here.' Wyatt thought to himself. A few minutes ago, Jude and Jen came in and were thinking about what to order but something seemed different and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Two Combo #4s my good man." Jude drawled.

"Sure thing, Jude." Wyatt turned around to get their orders and sighed, 'What is it? I can't figure it out.' Putting the tray on the counter, he rung up the order on the cash register, "That'll be $9.18."

Jude pulled out some change from his pocket and a coin fell to the ground, "Whoops, dropped a quarter." He bent down to pick it up and that's when Wyatt saw, they were holding hands!

Realization dawned on Wyatt's face as he thought back to the conversation with Jen, "You-"

Jen panicked as Wyatt opened his mouth and shook her head furiously.

He continued unable to stop himself, "-like J-" Jen swiftly grabbed a handful of fries and stuffed them in Wyatt's mouth.

"Dude," Jude frowned as he came back up, "I would've given you some if you'd asked."