Ok people…. Ethis will be the last chapter….. so sorry I haven't updated in a while (I got grounded for a REALLY long time… don't ask) so here it is….. the final chppie of "no matter what"…….
"Like, OMG Hermiona…. You, like, need to find a dress!!!" exclaimed Kourtney happily as soon as she found out through the grape vine that her and Malfoy where going to the Valentine Hogsmede trip together.
"Its HermionE you freak." Said Hermione dully… in case you hadn't noticed, she really didn't like Kourtney, but, she was going to help her find something nice for the next visit to hogsmede. Maybe not a dress, but something nice. She just had to put up with her until then.
"OOOH! How 'bout this pretty green strapless???" asked Kourtney, her eyes wide, pointing to the green dress in her closet "Because if you don't take it…. Heck, I will!"
"Sure Kourtney, take it…"
"You don't like it do you?" she yelled, her voice rising and her eye twitching "YOU DON'T LIKE IT AND YOU THINK IT WILL LOOK BAD ON ME DON'T YOU?!?!?!?" she was drawing the attention of the other Slytheryns, who didn't want Kourtney or Hermione in there anyway. But the few who didn't mind Kourtney or Hermione looked at Hermione with pity in their eyes.
"Kourtney… please…. Stop yelling!"
Even though that made absolutely NO sense to Hermione, she picked the fallen, tearful Kourtney up off the floor and dragged her out the common room, leaving the green strapless behind.
Malfoy wandered the halls thinking about Hermione, when suddenly, he saw her exit the Slytheryn common room, dragging a very red faced and tearful Kourtney behind. No wonder she got on so well with Weasly, he thought, they can both look like tomatoes when they're angry referring to the fact that both of their faces turned tomato red when angry or sad.
"Hey, Hermione…" he called
"Hey Draco, wut up homie G?"
"I've hung around Ronald too much…. That's his new catch phrase."
"oh.. well, ready for Hogsmede?"
At this, Kourtney let out a wail.
"whats wrong with her?"
"don't ask."
"Ok. Anyway, back to the original question…."
"Almost, just gotta find something to wear…"
Kourtney wailed again.
" Maybe we should take her to Ron…"
Draco and Hermione dragged Kourtney to Ron, who said "Yo, wut up homie G" when he saw them, which scared Draco and made him run away, telling Hermione that he'd see her later.
Finally, Hogsmede! Thought Hermione. She ended up wearing a nice purple shirt with a tie in the back and form fitting, hip hugging denim jeans.
She walked hand in hand with Draco and was almost permanently in a dream like state, as was Draco.
They finally sat down in the snow and made out until it was almost time to go home. In the middle of the make out session, Ron happened to spot them. But they where so caught up in each other, they didn't hear Ron yelling "Ahh… eeeewwwwww… ughh! I think I'm gonna barf! Ewwww… was THAT TONGUE I saw??????? Ahhhh, Kourntye, help me!"
When they had to leave, Hermione had just one question on her mind.
"Draco, if your father finds out and disapproves, will you still stay with me?"
"Yes. Hermione,"
"Will you always stay with me?"
"Yes, Hermione, I will, "
"No matter what?"
"No matter what."
Yay!!!! Ha! I'm done. Plz tell me if that was a crap ending….. When I started this story, I had a whole diff. ending planned out that was better than this, but I forgot it while I was grounded and I've been making this chappie up on the spot. Well, I'm done anyway…. Still wanna know if it is crap though.
- sarcastic