Disclaimer: Okay, you know the drill; I don't own any WWE superstars that appear in this story. They are the property of themselves and Vince McMahon. I only own my original characters and the storyline that I have created. Hope you all enjoy!

A/N – The italicized portion of this chapter is a flashback. Enjoy the final chapter!

Chapter 18 – So This Life Goes

-5 years later-

Alex moaned as she woke to the sun's rays streaming in her window and hitting her face. She had finally gotten some shades for the windows so that the sun wouldn't wake her in the morning. In her rush the night before though she had forgotten to close them. Alex laughed to herself when she started thinking about the previous nights encounter and what went on in the very bed she was sleeping in. It almost made her blush but since it was her husband, she didn't really mind. Thinking about her husband, Alex realized that her husband was missing from their bed.

Alex sat up and looked around the room wondering where he had gone. Then the familiar feeling set in and she rushed to the bathroom. After washing her mouth out following yet another morning of sickness, she finally knew that something was going on. So she decided it was time to test her theory on why she was so sick in the morning. After a few minutes her suspicions were confirmed and Alex smiled at the thought of telling her husband the good news. The couple was going to have another baby to add to their growing family and Alex couldn't wait.

She quickly showered and got dressed before heading downstairs to find the rest of her family. When she got downstairs though, she was amazed to find the house completely deserted. She found a note on the fridge from her husband though saying he would be back soon and that he had a surprise. Alex just rolled her eyes. He knew that she hated surprises based on her previous experiences with them.

It actually got her thinking about her past though. It had been a long 5 years since the fiasco with the surprise party and Randy's accident. It had been an even longer time since she had first crossed paths with the wrestling world for that weeklong experience through the contest. She had enjoyed that time though and even today she didn't regret going through with it all. It had all led up to the life she was leading now and she couldn't help but admit it was a wonderful life.

Alex thanked God every day that when she had walked into the hospital room she had found Randy awake and most importantly alive. She also thanked God every day that she still had the strength to not stay with him even after such a trying experience. That's right; Alex and Randy did not remain together.

Alex rushed into the hospital room to find Randy being checked on by the doctors and nurses. The important thing though was that he was alive. She was followed closely by John, Desiree, and Samantha.

"I'm sorry but we can only allow one of you in at a time." A nurse said stopping the group.

John sighed. "You can be with him first Alex. We'll wait outside."

Alex smiled gently as the tears of happiness threatened to fall. "Thank you."

She stood in the back of the room for a little while just watching the doctors and nurses check on Randy. They finally deemed him all right for the time being, leaving Alex alone with him. She slowly approached the bed and reached out to touch his hand. Randy smiled up at her. "I'm glad you are here."

"I'm glad that I'm here too." Alex said softly.

"So, I'm guessing you know about the surprise then?" Randy slowly found the strength to ask.

"Yeah, Samantha told me. You're parents are on their way here from the club right now." Alex explained.

Randy smiled. "That's good."

Alex sighed. "Randy, I know you didn't cheat on me and know I was being stupid for immediately assuming the worst but…" Alex paused, not sure how to explain herself.

"But…?" Randy questioned.

"But I stick by what I said about our relationship. We are through Randy. No matter how much I'm always going to love you or how bad I feel about telling you this right now, in the position you are in, I have to say it. We can't build our relationship anymore if there isn't trust and I obviously don't trust you enough."

"But Alex…" Randy started.

"No Randy. I'm sorry I have to do this now and I'm really glad that you are okay. I never wanted you to die, not for one minute, but I just can't do this anymore. My relationship with you has been amazing but I knew at some point I would have to walk away." Alex slowly leaned down and kissed Randy one last time. "Good bye."

Randy just sighed as he watched Alex walk out of that hospital room and out of his life. He knew she was right though. They didn't belong together but he also knew that he would always love her on one level or another.

Alex sighed, still not believing that she had the strength to do that those 5 years ago. She was broken out of her reminiscing though when she heard the door open. She rushed into the entry hall to find her husband standing there with a smile on his face. Alex jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her butt so that she wouldn't fall.

"Well, hello to you too." He said with a laugh.

Alex pulled back only to lean in again and catch his lips with hers in a very passionate kiss. She finally pulled back though and out of his arms. "I missed you this morning. Where did you go?"

He just smiled making the dimples that drove her crazy all the more present. "I was working on your surprise, so now you have to come with me." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door.

"John, where are we going?" She asked simply.

"Well sweetie, I'm not telling you because then it wouldn't be called a surprise, now would it?" John asked with a smile.

"No, I guess not." Alex continued with a laugh before letting John pull her out of their home towards his car. She then gave him a strange look before allowing him to blindfold her. The next thing she felt was the car start to move down the road towards its destination that was unknown to her.

That's right, Alex eventually fell in love and married the one and only John Cena. It was a strange road to this ending but when it was all said and done, no one was really that surprised. John had been attracted to Alex from the first time he met her back in that club. He didn't exactly make a great impression on her that night but they did become friends out of the situation. They later continued their friendship through making Randy jealous and John's relationship with Desiree.

Sadly John and Desiree were not meant to be. Desiree passed away during complications brought on through the birth of their son, Anthony. Alex was a great friend throughout John's struggle to get passed Rae's death and raise his son right. The two finally realized that they were crazy about each other and needed to be together. They had been together ever since raising 4 year old Anthony and later their 2 year old daughter, Jessica.

Finally, Alex felt the car stop and heard the door open. The next thing she knew John had her hand again and was leading her somewhere away from the car. When he took off her blindfold, Alex was shocked by a large group of people yelling "Surprise!" in front of her.

"Happy 29th birthday baby." John whispered in her ear.

Alex just smiled as she leaned over a kissed him. "Thank you." She whispered in his ear in reply. "I have a surprise for you too though."

"Really?" John said with a grin.

"Yup, and I guess since everyone is here I might as well let everyone know now." Alex continued with smile.

John looked at her with questioning eyes before Alex continued with excitement. "We're having another baby!"

John got a huge smile on his face as he pulled Alex in for another kiss. "That's amazing." He whispered as the crowd of their family and friends clapped and cheered for the couple's good news.

The next thing she knew, Alex saw Anthony running towards them. John picked him up easily and they watched as little Jessica plodded along behind him before Alex picked her up. Jessica giggled with delight and Alex couldn't help but smile at the beautiful family she was building with John.

As Alex took a moment to look around the gathering of all her friends and family though, she noticed a pair of blue eyes that she knew all too well. She smiled at Randy and he smiled back. Alex was still amazed that through everything Randy, her, and John were able to remain on friendly terms. She and John had been nervous at first about telling Randy about their relationship but he had surprisingly taken it quite well.

Both Alex and Randy had grown to realize that what they had was a fling. It was fun while it lasted but that was all it turned out to be, a weeklong fling. They tried to make it into something more but they couldn't change what it really was. She didn't want to change what happened though for anything because it led her to her amazing life with John. In the end, she figured out a valuable lesson about life: Sometimes you just have to walk away to get what you really want.


A/N – Sorry for the wait. Okay, so I'm sure that wasn't exactly what you all were expecting, but don't hate me. I gave you a twist but still a happy ending…just maybe not the ending you were all looking for. It wasn't what I had in mind when I started the story and it actually just came to me because I was having trouble figuring out how to end this one. Nonetheless, I'm happy with it and I hope you all enjoyed that story on some level or another. I would appreciate any feedback you could give me and I really enjoyed all that you've given me up to this point. Thank you so much to all my readers! I should be starting another story soon and I think I have a one-shot in the works as well so please keep checking back for both of those. I would appreciate the reviews once I start writing something else. Thank you!
