Reincarnated Brothers

A Ranma ½ Oh My Goddess Crossover

Chapter Five: Dreams, Schemes, and Brawls

A/N: I'm ALIVE! And with Internet connection! Anyone that I may have badmouthed about long periods between updating in the past I am sorry.


Dreams. They are said to be windows into the subconscious. Glimpses of what your mind within your mind thinks about. Many people dismiss dreams because they can never make sense of them, while others dissect them to determine their meaning. Some believe dreams are premonitions about the future while others believe that dreams are a visual representation of who and what you are.

Hiroshi knew the basic concept of dreams since he has been studying human psychology. It was actually quite fun to poke and prod into the concept of fortune telling based off of random neuron firings inside the brain. Now he had another dream to tear apart piece by piece when he had time. His own that he was experiencing right at this moment. "I wonder what it means to be surrounded by pitch-black darkness?" he asked to no one in particular. "The end of the world?"

"Not really," a voice called out to Hiroshi. "It could mean numerous things like being totally shy and being depressed."

Hiroshi nodded. "You do have a point… wait a minute, who are you?" he called out a bit irked. 'Been hanging around Dai too long.'

A form materialized in front of Hiroshi. He could tell it was humanoid, but the form kept itself dark so that he couldn't tell any features. "Will this make it easier for you to talk to me?"

"A little," Hiroshi replied. "I'd rather see who you are exactly."

The shadow form in front of him started to chuckle. "If you knew that your whole world would shatter in front of you. Right now that isn't my goal."

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow. "So what is your goal?"

"Enough questions for the moment," the shadow form stated. "It would be best to wait for our last participant for our discussion to emerge."

A few moments later Daisuke appeared from out of nowhere. "Well this is new," he stated while looking around. "Usually I see the giant squid before it attacks me. Wonder what changed."

Hiroshi just looked at Dai for a moment. "Dai, I like you and all, but you need to see a shrink."

Dai looked at Hiroshi a bit confused. "Hiroshi, what happened to your tutu you usually wear? Get kicked off the Swan Lake production?"

Hiroshi looked towards the shadow form. "You sure you want to have him here?"

"I tried doing this last night with just him but I had to leave after three minutes. I need you here to help tone his warped mind down."

"Now I know you're a demon," Hiroshi stated. "Only a demon would put someone like me through such cruel and unusual punishment."

"Not all of us are like that. I'm actually a vengeance demon so torture is my forte, but not all demons like hurting people."

"I have to admit you're good at your job," Hiroshi stated. "Is there a particular reason you're invading our minds or is this a random act of cruelty?" Hiroshi looked to the side to see a nervous Daisuke. "I'm afraid to ask this, but what's wrong Dai?"

"You don't think this is the dream where I'm attacked by a large horde of fiancés do you? I had that dream yesterday and it isn't fun being pulled in fifty directions at once."

Hiroshi promptly turned away from Dai and towards the shadow form. "Ignoring the peanut gallery can you please answer my question."

"I'm here to have a friendly chat with you two actually," The shadow form replied. "It concerns you and your families."

"What about them?" Hiroshi asked defensively.

The shadow form sat down while floating. "I usually don't do this but special circumstances calls for special actions." The demon cleared its throat. "I am under contract to eliminate both your families. I cannot go into details, but I can say that the terms were not very specific. Now I don't like doing things like this without good reasons and this guy doesn't have a good reason, so I want to strike a deal with the both of you."

Hiroshi glared at the demon. "I'm listening."

"Stop interfering with my work and I'll end it quick and let you two go free. How does that sound?"

"That doesn't sound good," Daisuke stated.

Hiroshi glanced to his side. "Glad to see you were listening."

Dai shrugged. "I figured this was a totally new dream so I'm winging it."

"Same here." Hiroshi looked at the shadow form. "We will decline the offer and we will give you one. Leave us and our families alone and we won't destroy you. How about that deal?"

The shadow form stared at the two young men. "I see you won't be corporative. Sad, really. I have no choice but to destroy you both." The shadow form chuckled. "I will leave peacefully for now but after sunrise tomorrow war will be waged, and believe me when I say this you will not win. I have been in this business far too long to lose to anyone, even if you are blessed by the gods."

Hiroshi smirked. "I love a good challenge so please don't disappoint me."

The shadow form chuckled as it disappeared.


Hiroshi awoke slowly the next morning. He looked at the alarm clock with stated a few minutes before the alarm was supposed to sound. "Great, at least I woke up a bit early." Hiroshi stretched. "What a weird dream last night. Seems that hit over the head last night did a bit more damage than I thought."

Switching his alarm off Hiroshi got dressed quickly and got ready for school. He went downstairs to see Kasumi in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. "Good Morning."

Kasumi smiled. "Good Morning. Sleep well? Does your head still hurt?"

Hiroshi shook his head. "Not really. Been hit over the head too many times for that to hurt long." The phone started to ring. "I got it. Moshi Moshi?"

"Hiroshi, is that you?"

Hiroshi smiled. "Hey Dai. You wouldn't believe the dream I had last night."

"Did it involve a shadow form and some threats?"

Hiroshi's smiled dropped. "I take it you saw the same thing."

"What's going on Hiroshi?" Dai asked a bit nervously.

"Meet me after school today. We need to talk." Hiroshi rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Things just got worse."


Hiroshi and Daisuke met up at the burger joint after school that day. Urd soon joined them. "How are you two doing today?" she asked cheerfully.

Hiroshi looked at Urd. "Tell me what you know about vengeance demons."

Urd frowned in thought. "They are some of the nastiest demons in existence. They usually are contracted out. If they are not told how to deliver the vengeance they usually go for whatever comes to their minds, which usually isn't pretty. They also reside here in Midguard. Why do you ask?"

Hiroshi ordered a small meal while Daisuke ordered just a burger and a soda. "Because we had a visit in our dreams last night by one."

Urd crossed her arms. "Don't always believe everything people say Hiroshi. You should know this by now with your studies and all."

"How many beings do you know that can link both Dai and my minds together to talk to us at the same time with both Dai and I in different locations?" Hiroshi countered.

"That takes a bit of power and control," Urd admitted. "But even if it was a vengeance demon he wouldn't come out like that, and you have all the wards so demonic magic shouldn't have influenced you."

Hiroshi reached into his pocket. "I don't take them into bed with me…" Hiroshi paused and searched all of his pockets. "And it seems I don't have them now either."

Dai looked confused. "Don't you always carry a few just in case? It's like their attached to your body or something."

Hiroshi frowned. "I always carry some in this jacket. I hardly ever take them out."

Urd looked over the jacket. "No demon touched them near this jacket. No demonic trace was left behind."

"So the demon's powerful enough to touch wards without getting hurt?" Daisuke asked. "Who are we dealing with?"

Hiroshi shook his head. "They didn't have to be powerful to get them Dai, so calm down. A ward has to touch demon skin to work, so anyone using gloves could remove them."

"That depends on the power of the ward but for the most part you are right," Ud stated. "Been doing some research lately?"

Hiroshi shrugged. "I got out of school today and went over to my favorite shrine. They have a great library."

"You skipped school?" Daisuke said a bit dumbfounded.

"I didn't skip I got excused," Hiroshi countered. "And besides what am I going to learn anyways?"

"So what else did you learn?" Urd asked.

Hiroshi scratched his chin. "I leaned quite a bit but mostly about history. Specific details about demons aren't readily available. That's why I'm asking you about vengeance demons. Maybe get some info to help us."

"What if he entered our dream knowing how we would react?" Daisuke asked. "Maybe he's screwing with our minds."

Hiroshi looked at Dai confused. "You actually thought a useful thought. Now practice doing that more often."

Dai looked at the ceiling. "Another thing. What war did he mean anyways? Nothing's changed yet."


Hiroshi glared at Daisuke. "Okay you can stop now." He turned towards the sound of the voice to see Ryoga Hibiki inside the restaurant looking very angry. "May I help you?"

"I'm looking for Ranma Saotome. Where is he?" Ryoga yelled.

"First off, we're in a restaurant so please lower your voice," Hiroshi said calmly. "Secondly, Ranma is not here."

"Why are you looking for my brother?" Daisuke asked.

Ryoga stared at Daisuke. "You're his brother?" he growled. Dai nodded. "That means you're as dishonorable as him. You must die as well."

Dai looked at Hiroshi a bit confused. "Did he just say what I think he just said?"

Hiroshi started to stand. "Yeah, he did."

"Be careful you two," Urd stated. "I can feel the demonic influence on him from here."

Before the two friends could reply Ryoga grabbed a bunch of his bandanas and threw them wildly at Daisuke. Out of nowhere Daisuke drew a katana and started to cut them own quickly. "Hey, it's crowded in here! You could hurt someone!"

"Casualties of war," Ryoga replied as he charged forward.

Realizing this was getting very serious Hiroshi quickly redirected Ryoga's charge threw the wall and outside the restaurant. As Daisuke went to pursue Ryoga Hiroshi turned towards the other patrons of the restaurant. "Sorry about this folks. Please enjoy your meals, and don't forget desert."

Meanwhile outside, Daisuke had put his blade away and started to fight Ryoga hand to hand, and realized that was a mistake. Ryoga was much stronger than he was and his anger was numbing Dai's blows considerably. Fully knowing that this must end now Daisuke jumped back a distance and pulled out a bow and some arrows. "We can talk this out! Just calm down!"

"I've heard enough talk!" Ryoga roared as he bum-rushed forward.

Daisuke shook his head. "Sorry to do this, but you leave me no choice." Dai let Ryoga charge pass like a bull-fighter. Dai leveled his bow at Ryoga. "SUCKER PUNCH ARROW!"

Ryoga turned around when Dai yelled his attack. "Wha" He didn't get any further as a high velocity arrow with a punching glove hit him dead in the face. Ryoga stood there for a second before slumping to the ground.

Hiroshi looked at Dai with a hint of confusion. "Sucker Punch Arrow?"

Dai nodded. "One of my original moves. Using the Anything Goes Philosophy of misdirection and confusion I made that move up."

"Where did the arrow come from?" Hiroshi asked. "While we're on the subject, where did the bow and the sword come from? You weren't carrying them earlier."

Daisuke smiled. "It seems that the weapon styles of Anything Goes also include basics for Hidden Weapons Style. Makes it easy to confuse an enemy when you're pulling weapons out of nowhere."

"I bet." Hiroshi went to Ryoga and picked up the arrow with the punching glove. "What's in this thing? Lead?"

"Steel," Dai replied. "Easier to use."

Hiroshi looked at the arrow and then to the bow. "And you were able to fire this thing using that? How?"

Dai smiled. "Secret."

Hiroshi shook his head. "Secret, ey?" He went into his shoe and pulled out a slip of paper.

Dai looked confused. "What's that?"

Hiroshi smiled. "An emergency ward." Hiroshi placed the ward on Ryoga's forehead. A brief light show commenced. After about ten seconds the ward burst into blue flame. Hiroshi smiled. "There, that should do it."

"So he isn't going to chase after me like that again?" Dai asked.

Hiroshi shrugged. "I'm not sure but we can hope."

Daisuke looked towards the restaurant. "You think they're let us back in? I'm still hungry."

"See if you can get some takeout." Hiroshi glanced down to Ryoga. "I have some questions for this guy."

A/N: Another chapter finally done and out.

Questions, Comments, concerns, complaints, let me know.

Until then, Peace!