Author's Notes: I bright you the finale chapter. There will be no more after this. For those of you who have read, and enjoyed this fic: Thank you. There will hopefully be more GW fics from me in the future!

"…To be hurt, to feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked when you're down

To feel like you've been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

And no one's there to save you

No you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life…"

- "Welcome To My Life" by: Simple Plan

Chapter Nine: Welcome To My Life:

The four remaining pilots, along with Lynn returned to earth. As soon as they reached their home, Duo took care of all of Heero's funeral arrangements. He strayed himself away from Lynn as he did all of the work. He never forgot the fear in her eyes.

The funeral was held the next day. It was short and sad. The sky had darkened and let the rain fall. It was if Heaven itself was crying for the death of the fallen solider.

Quatre cried in Trowa's arms. Trowa did his best to comfort his lover, but that was hard, considering, he himself was just as upset. Wufei stood apart from them. He did not weep for the fallen. Instead, he said his prayers, then returned to rejoin Sally. He left without saying goodbye.

As for Duo, he knelt down in front of Heero's tombstone. He let his trace over Heero's name. He cried no tears, there were no more he could shed. The God of Death knew that Heero was where he wanted to be, he was with Relena. Now, more then ever he wished he could join him. He could be reunited with his friend, and his first love.

Duo felt the gun's weight in his pocket. He still had it. He could still pull off his wish. All he would have to do was buy one bullet. That's all it would take.


Trowa's soothing voice reached his ear. However, he did not turn to him. "It's time to go. We need to go back."

"Go back to what Trowa?" asked Duo sadly. "I have nothing to go back to."

"But Duo, what about Lynn?" Quatre asked.

He said nothing.


"Come Quatre, leave him be." said Trowa, and he gently pulled his love away.

When they left, Duo slowly got up, and went to another grave site. It didn't take him long to find the tomb he wanted to find. He smiled when he found it. It was Hilde's grave. He went beside it and laid down on the wet grass. Duo curled up next to it, it was if he was trying to hold Hilde once again in his arms. Since he didn't have bullets, he could easily rot here until it was his time to die.

Duo didn't understand it. It was as if God was punishing him for his dark past as the God of Death. All his loved ones were gone. Except for one.

When Duo noticed that the rain had stopped, he looked up. The rain had not stopped at all. Lynn stood over him with an umbrella over him. "I thought you might be here." she said, giving him a small smile. "Here, you better get up before you catch a cold."

Duo watched as Lynn extended her hand out to him. He slowly reached out to her. He didn't understand. Why was she doing this if she was so afraid? That's when Duo stopped, and withdrew his hand.

"What are you doing here Ainslynn?" Duo asked, turning away from her.

Lynn was hurt by his question. He never once used her full name, and she could hear all the sadness in his voice as he spoke. Lynn knelt down next to him, and gently turned his face towards hers. "I'm here for you Duo."

"I thought you were scared of me." he replied.

"I was, but I understand why you did what you did." she said.

"How could you understand?" Duo asked her angrily, pulling her hand away.

Tears began to form in her eyes. "I would if you would tell me!" Lynn cried. "I love you Duo!"

Duo got to his feet. Lynn followed his actions. "Love me? How could you love the God of Death?"

"I don't love the God of Death. I love Duo Maxwell. He was the man I feel in love with."

"I hate to break it to ya, but we're one in the same." continued Duo. "I just have a very good way of hiding it, and I might even kill you..."

Lynn watched as he took the gun out of his pocket. "You wouldn't hurt me." she said.

Duo knew that there were no bullets, and he knew that she knew as well. Still, he held it in his hands. He tried to hold it steady but he began to tremble.

"Give it to me Duo." Lynn told him.

Duo found himself unable to move, Lynn could see this, so she took the gun away from him and threw it as far as she could. After she threw gun, Duo through his arms around her. "I'm sorry... so sorry..."

"Shh... It's okay." said Lynn as she held him in his arms.

"No, it's not." he replied, parting from her. "Lynn, I can't be with you anymore."

"What!" Lynn asked in a shocked matter. "Why!"

"I can't risk you being kidnapped again." he said with a sigh. "Just because this battle was won, doesn't mean there won't be another one around the corner." Duo paused. "I've loosed so much all ready, I don't know what I would do if I lost you too..."

"Well, I hate to break it to ya," Lynn replied, mimicking her beloved. "But I'm not going anywhere, you are not going to have to fight this battle alone. I simply won't let you."

Duo gave her a small smile. "Come back home." said Lynn, returning his smile. "You promised you would always return... Remember?" Lynn once again held out her hand.

After all that Lynn had seen, and after all that Duo told her, she still wanted to be with him. This time, Duo took her hand. "We'll go home, plan, and talk. No secrets this time."

"All right, lets go home." said Duo.

Lynn lead her fiancé' out of the graveyard. Duo took one last look at Hilde's grave. Before they left, clouds parted, and the rain stopped. Duo smiled as he felt the warm rays from the sun. As a light breeze blew around him, Duo heard the familiar voice of his friend echo in his ear:

"Remember Duo, love is worth fighting for..."

Duo stopped a moment and looked Lynn. He smiled. Heero was right. Love was indeed always worth fighting for.


Author's Notes: (continued): Gotta love that cheesy goodness uh? I had a hard time writing this chapter. And forgive me, but its not long at all. Still, I hope this wasn't too bad. BTW: the title is inspired by a Bryan Adam's song from the Spirit Soundtrack. I love the song to death but I can't remember the name for it. Had to give Bryan his credit. Anybody know?