Kaylee sighed as she tinkered with the engine. Everything seemed shiny, but the test fire she'd tried hadn't worked.

Now she was checking every single piece. If she had to, she could take the engine apart and put it back together.

As she was thinking to herself about how exactly to go about that in the tiny space she had to work with, 3 figures walked into the engine room.

"HI!" They yelled.

Kaylee screamed and banged her head as she tried to sit up in the enclosed space. "Ow…"

She slid out and looked dazedly up at the three identical girls staring down at her as she rubbed her head.

"How'd you get in here?"

They blinked. "The hatch was open."

Kaylee shook her head and sat up. "What are you doing here anyway?"

The three grinned. "We're bored."

Kaylee sighed. "So am I. This engine won't do what it's supposed to do. Makes no sense."

"Can we help?"

Kaylee blinked. "Um…"

Brittany smiled. "We know all about fixing things…"

"Like what?"

"How to make teddy bears fly."


The three girls gestured to her to follow them out. So she went.

When she got outside the ship, she watched a man with a mask scream as he held on for dear life to a jet-propelled teddy bear.


As General Hawk opened his mouth, Jayne spoke up.

"Can we go eat something while you and the doc swap stories?"


"Come on Captain. We already know her story. And I haven't eaten anything in…"

"Two hours?" Zoe asked with a slight smile.

Mal attempted to look stern as a part of him lightened slightly. She might not have healed from her loss yet, but she was living instead of just going through the motions. That had to count for something.

"Oh come on Zoe, you know what I mean."

Hawk shared a look of commiseration with Simon. As he did, River spoke up.

"Can I go to?"

Simon looked over at her. "Mei-mei…"

Hawk sighed and pressed a button. "B.A."


"Do we have any pizza left?"

"Yes General. But are you sure you don't want me to…"

"Not unless you can guarantee that it won't eat the building." Hawk snapped.

Mal and Inara blinked. Jayne ignored it in favor of talking to an increasingly annoyed Covergirl.

Simon just stared in confusion. "What?"

Hawk looked at him with a slight tic in one eye. "Don't ask."

He pressed the button again. "And B.A., just have it ready in the mess hall for our guests. And bring a box to the conference room for myself and two others."

"Yes sir."


Everyone turned and looked at Jayne who was lying on the floor with a dazed look on his face.

Covergirl stepped on and over him, then walked out of the room.

"It's about time." Zoe said.

River chuckled.

Hawk groaned. "I never thought I'd say this."

Then he pressed another button "Althea, would you and Todd come to the main conference room. We have a few guests for you to show around."

"So, how many planets have you been to?" Althea asked as she and Todd escorted the guests down the hallway.

Mal sighed then flinched when Inara elbowed him. "More than I can count."


"They were boring trips."

Althea elbowed Todd. "So you didn't write the names of you and your girlfriend on the moon?"

Mal blinked. "What?" Then he shook his head. "Never mind. I don't want to know."

They all paused as two individuals rolled out of an office, punching and kicking.



Mal, Jayne, and River watched them squabble. "What the…"

Althea shook her head. "It's our resident navy seal and marine. They argue at the drop of a hat. Or in this case, I'd guess pizza."


"Now what?" Mal asked.

Todd shook his head. "Sounded like our maintenance area."

They paused to look out a window in its direction.

Jayne blinked. "Is that…"

Althea sighed. "Two grown men jousting while riding on top of their tanks? Yep."