Jim sighed tiredly as he quickly clicked through a few different programs on his computer

Author's Note – I do not own Outlaw Star or anything that has any affiliation with it.  This is my first attempt at an Outlaw Star fic so be gentle.  It's also only the second fic that I've written.

Jim sighed tiredly as he quickly clicked through a few different programs on his computer.  It seemed that to him that he had been doing this for as long as he could remember.  The constant mad hustle for any and every little bit of work just so he and his partner Gene could afford the expenses of living was had really been starting to wear him down.  However, things had gotten better after they came across the Outlaw Star.  Sure, the money situation was still pretty bad, but at least they were able to finally go into space and have some adventures.  True, it wasn't all fun and games, but with the people like Mel, Aisha, and Suzuka at his side, the universe wasn't quite so scary.  Not to mention that his Ainki had proven he could take just about anyone they met up with.

It was actually pretty funny when he thought about it.  Here he was, an eleven-year-old kid traversing the stars in the most powerful ship ever made.  Along with him was the already famous Outlaw, Gene Starwind, and the man who was his brother, father, and friend all wrapped up in one.  Next up was "Twilight" Suzuka, one of the most feared assassins in the universe.  However, she stuck with the crew for the simple reason that things were simply more fun with the crew of the Outlaw Star around.  Then there was Meflina.  Jim wasn't exactly sure how he felt about the bio-android.  The most likely description was that she was like a big sister, or mother to him.  That seemed most appropriate seeing as that a relationship between Mel and Gene was inevitable.  They were the closest things to parents that Jim had.  Last up was Aisha.  Now, that was a tough one to define.  Probably the most accurate way Jim had to describe his relationship with Aisha was that of a crush.  He had to admit it; he had a crush on the girl.  Of course she would never pay him any attention because he was seven years younger then she was.  Jim sighed in frustration.  If only there were some way to eliminate the age difference between them.  He was already far more mature than the average eighteen year-old, but that didn't matter, as long he was still physically eleven. 

A loud banging at the door interrupted his thoughts.  Jumping out of his chair, Jim rushed into the main room to answer the door.  Before him stood two older men and a younger lady, the latter dressed in suitable business attire for women working with the government.

"Jim Hawking?"  The lady asked.  Jim's eyes narrowed in suspicion.  How did this lady know his name, he'd never seen her before.

"That's me.  What can I do for you?"  Jim replied.

"My name's Michelle Summers.  I work for social services.  I have with me a document that transfers your care to that of social services.  I'm not sure why, but it's been overlooked that you have no parents or legal guardian, and as such, it's up to the government to provide you with a suitable home."

"WHAT?!  But I live with Gene Starwind, he's kind of like my guardian.  What's wrong with that?"

"Yes, well…we've looked into the conditions of your life with Mr. Starwind and have found that it does not meet our approval at all.  First of all, you're not enrolled in any type of schooling program.  Also, it's come to our attention that Mr. Starwind is a type of Outlaw, and is therefore completely inappropriate as a guardian for a young man such as yourself."

"I don't need to go to school, I'm way smarter than most people anyway.  And Gene is too competent to be my guardian, I've be…"

"I'm afraid this has already been decided by the government.  You'll have to come with me.  Don't worry, we already have a family set up for you, and they were more than eager to adopt you.  You'll have a great new life with them, and they'll be able to provide for you far better than Mr. Starwind can.  Now if you'll please come with me without any fuss this will be much easier."

"NO!!  I won't go!  You can't take me!"  Jim frantically tried to slam the door shut on the woman, but both the men moved forward to keep him from doing so.  Jim span around and took off running for the back exit, but one of the men surged forward and grabbed him before he could make it more than five steps.  The man easily lifted Jim off the ground a carried him outside to the waiting car.

"Put me down!  You can't do this!  Someone please help me, I'm being kidnapped!  Please, someone help me!  GENE!  AISHA!  MEL! SUZUKA!  HELP ME!"

Jim's cries were cut off when the car door slammed shut.  The two men quickly piled into the front seat along with Michelle and the car roared off into the dust before anyone could even tell what had happened.