Disclaimers: 'Rainbow Brite' is property of Hallmark Properties respectfully. The song 'Rainbow Connection' was written and conceived by Paul Williams and Kenneth L. Ascher and therefore does not belong to me.

The Rainbow Connection

By Charles Xavier

Chapter Nine


His vision began to clear once he awoke to her call. Wisp greeted him mildly, happy to see him well after his long nap. Although startled to find himself in hospital, he was just as glad to see her alive.

"Alice, what happened?" he asked. "Why…why are you dressed up like…"

Wisp only sighed, having to say: "I'm sorry, Brian."

"Rainbow…?" Brian rubbed his eyes, checking he wasn't dreaming. The woman standing before him was indeed Rainbow Brite…though in a more adult appearance. The revelation was overwhelming for him…this entire time, he had been living in the same town with the 'imaginary' girl he once believed in. Yet despite the sudden excitement, he wondered what it was Wisp was apologizing for. "What's wrong?" he said, concerned with her joyless look on her face.

"I can't be with you like this anymore." she replied bleakly, uncurling her fingers to hand back Brian's proposal ring. "We've had a lot of fun times together. I've enjoyed every day spending time with you. Thanks…but know, this world needs me just as much as you do. Dark times are always out there to cloud everyone, and they will need somebody they can look up to and pray for that speck of hope."

Brian took back his ring, clutching it. Already in tears, it was hard for him to stomach. For this was not what he had hoped for himself.

"I love you, Brian. I've dreamed about marrying you as long as you have. But we can never be together…because I'll always be Rainbow Brite."

"No…what are you saying? You can't leave…" his voice whispered.

He tried to hold it back, and Wisp was not blind to see how hurt he was. It was merely the truth, but she felt that this was only a passing thing. She knew Brian well enough that he would eventually learn to accept this fate…his sadness would surely pass…in time.

"Hush, it's okay." Wisp wiped his tears away. Gently settling her hands around his cheeks, she gave Brian a soft kiss on the lips to ease his internal pain. "You have a life ahead of you, Brian. Please don't cry…I'm sure you'll find your happiness again somewhere. And I'll always be watching you over the rainbow. You'll be fine…"

Brian nodded, treasuring her words preciously. As the sun rose beyond the open window, it was time for Wisp to part. With each step she took, Brian saw her shrink as her hair began to grow longer. Light engulfed her like a holy angel, rejuvenating her…and then a rainbow appeared, opening its colorful gates to welcome back its heroine once more.

Wisp turned back at Brian for her last time, smiling elegantly and giving him a wink.

"So long, Brian."



50 years later…

"Dearly beloved…"

Clarice Kennedy was among the mourners who had gathered for his funeral. Word had spread quickly about Brian Redfield. Family and friends had gathered to pay their humble respects to a man who lived out his life following his dreams until the very he passed away in his sleep.

Brian had been gifted with a wife and three children, who then gifted him with several grandchildren. A great loss to all of them, he was a caring grandfather who didn't hesitate to put his family first before anything else. Clarice hoped her husband Daniel could do the same for their family…

With their children growing up fast, she slowly understood how much the gift of life meant, and she wished to cherish every moment of it. She knew death in a family was harsh and far too inevitable, but it would all soon pass. People would pull through just like how her mother did with her grandparents.

For a glimpse, Clarice swore she saw a little girl passing through the shadows of the trees. She left the crowd to investigate, making a dash to see if her initial beliefs were true. Searching every branch and bush, however, she could only assume her imagination taking over her. Yet the image of that youthful child she saw wouldn't vanish. Realizing that she was alone, she returned to the funeral.

Looking up towards the blue sky, Rainbow Brite galloped on Starlite, back to her home…

It had never snowed in Rainbow Land before…a gift from a departed friend. While the Sprites and Color Kids were sleeping soundly, Wisp took this night to return to Rainbow Falls, recalling all her tender past years. There was not a single day she would forget about her, her wit, her charm and her occasional pride. Everyone missed her dearly. Yet none had ever known her as close as Wisp, of whom she had trusted with all her heart since the very beginning.

Sitting by the river where they used to play, Wisp gazed at her own sad reflection, remembering every moment she spent at this memorable spot. A reverie overtook her, and she thought she saw Stormy, smiling back at her…

"Do you ever wonder, Rainbow, if something terrible ever happened? What would you do if someone tried to break the Rainbow Connection?"

"There's always one inside all of us, Stormy. I don't think anyone could ever tear that apart in themselves. It's why we choose to make the best out of our lives, no matter how far it stretches…maybe even forever."

"Forever, huh? Well, I'll do everything I can to live up to that time with you, through any danger we'll face together…friends forever, Wisp?"

"Friends forever…Trista."

The End

Author's Note: Well, there goes two years of my life working on this rather 'long' story. I wasn't entirely sure how to tie up the loose ends, though I hope it hasn't seem all too rushed. And I hope this chapter has offered you readers a heartwarming closure.

I'll be happy to read any of your reviews and comments. So do please send me as much as you can. Always appreciate them! See you later! Thanks for reading, mina-san!