(A/N: This is my first story guys, please be nice!)

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters, movies, songs, or phrases mentioned in this story.

Chapter 1


She was sprinting down the walkway as fast as she could because the train had already blown it's whistle. '5 minutes left Hermione, pick up the pace,' she thought . She dragged along her trunks and belongings and finally found a door to go through.

Hermione was beginning to haul her third trunk in when she felt the weight lift off and someone was putting it inside the train. She turned around to thank the person, but whoever it was, was gone. She decided not to worry about it, so she went inside.

She looked around for a while longer and found the head's compartment. She was after all Head Girl. She slipped into the compartment out of breath and sat down, not knowing who was there.

"Out of breath running after Potter and Weasel eh Granger?", Malfoy broke the silence.

Hermione nearly jumped a mile in the air when she heard his voice. 'That voice...god that VOICE!', she thought with a look of disgust.

"What's wrong mudblood, my good looks too much for you?", he sneered while he looked her up and down. She definitely has changed this year. And in all the right places too.

"Malfoy, if I'm so filthy, what's with the staring?". That brought him back to his senses. He felt himself blush, but turned his head to laugh instead.

"You think I'd stare at your ugly self when I could be with whoever else I wanted?"

He has that husky voice that can make anybody get all warm inside. And that quidditch is definitely paying off now...

NO NO NO! I can't be thinking this...

But those gorgeous eyes...

NO, HE'S MALFOY! The git who completely humiliated us all of our lives...

Not so much me, mainly Harry... STILL!

Hermione snapped out of her mind battle when she heard Malfoy tapping.

"Will you stop it with that tapping, its bloody annoying!" she screamed just as McGonagall stepped in.

"I am only going to be here for 15 minutes, and I would like no interruptions. Now, this year you two will be in charge of organizing all school balls and keeping things in order. You will be sharing living quarters, I will give you a tour when we arrive. I expect you to get along because I will not tolerate any nonsense from you two this year. You will also share patrol duties. Ms. Granger, you have Tuesday and Thursday, and Mr. Malfoy, Monday and Wednesday. You will BOTH patrol on Fridays, no exceptions." She gave a glare to Draco and kept going. "Please get prepared for school, we will arrive shortly."

'The gods must hate me if they'll put me through this torture. I can't believe we have to live together. What next, we have to TOLERATE each other. Nooooo, that doesn't go well in my book.'

She looked to her left to see Malfoy laughing...yet again. She turned around to see what it was, and he laughed even more. She turned a bright shade of crimson when she realized what it was. Her skirt had ridden up on her thighs and was getting dangerously close to exposing things Malfoy shouldn't see. She quickly fixed it and sat down. She didn't realize she was standing up.

Malfoy got up and went to leave, but stopped in the doorway, turned around and smirked. "Damn Granger, who took you over and threw out the trash?", he laughed, thinking what was under there. 'Eewww, its GRANGER for Merlin's sake. Jeeze, I gotta get my act together. And with that, he left.

(A/N: I'm sorry, its short.but i promise you the next ones are longer. plz stick with me! and REVIEW!I'll have the next chapter up soon. heres a little overview:more fighting, some SECRETS, and some naughty thoughts! huh, gasp! What is that, Hermione being naughty? Never! LOL catch ya guys later)