Can't you people tell that I don't own dragon booster by now?


Part 1; Maze of Doom

"Give Lance and Fracshun back, Payyn!" Artha yelled at Moordryd, who was using wraith gear on Fracshun that made the small dragon do whatever Cain, who had the control, said. And of course, Lance had to be stuck on his dragon when this happened.

Moordryd simply laughed, and he, Cain, their dragons, Lance (who had no choice), and the wraith-ified Fracshun took off, with the rest of Penn Racing tried to keep up.

"Where are we going!" whined Lance, who was really scared. Cain snapped, "Why are you still on your dragon kid, we just needed a weak little dragon, not a weak little rider!"

"Leave him alone Cain," Moordryd muttered quietly. Cain stared at Moordryd for a moment, then at Lance, who was trying to un-stick his foot from where it was trapped in his Dragon Star Gear. Lance glanced at Moordryd, remembering how Moordryd had helped him when Artha had gotten turned into a wraith, and how Moordryd had saved everyone that day. Then he snapped back to reality and remembered that he had been abducted, even if it was by accident. He tried to get to the wraith gear that was on Fracshun, but it was too far down to reach. Cain smirked and used his remote to make Fracshun shake wildly, flinging Lance every which way. Moordryd ignored it, and said, "We're here."

Lance looked around, "Where's here?" he asked uneasily. Cain grinned at Moordryd, who said, "It's the temple of the Black Draconium Empire, a giant maze. We need to retrieve a bone mark that's in there."

"So why bring Fracshun?" Lance asked suspiciously. Cain smirked, "Because we need a good amount of Draconium energy to open the doors, and your dragon should have just enough."

Cain then used the wraith gear remote to make Fracshun stand in the center of a marking. As the mark began to glow, Lance gave Moordryd a look like the one from when they were trapped in the black spire; and Moordryd said, "Cain, take him of the dragon first, it could interfere with the energy transfer."

Cain magged Lance off Fracshun, Corshun's energy easily pulling the boy free from the gear. Corshun dropped Lance on the ground. The wraith gear blasted off Fracshun, and the black energy started to drain him. Lance yelled, "Fracshun!" as the little dragon swayed as the glow faded. Cain and Moordryd both hooked some rappel gear onto Fracshun, and dragged him and Lance, who had defiantly hopped in the saddle, inside.

Fracshun was so weak; he couldn't even resist the cables. Lance just patted his dragon's head the felt something tap him on the shoulder. He turned and saw a purple tail, Decepshun's tail. She pointed to a Psi Assist gear with it, and Lance realized what the black dragon meant. He quickly reached over and took it right as Decepshun released her mag lock on it. He had just started to use the energy replenishing gear, when Corshun saw him with it. The black dragon magged the gear straight to Cain, who laughed, "Hey Moordryd, the mini-brat stole your gear! Hey kid, maybe you should join up with us with skills like that!"

Moordryd looked from Lance to Decepshun, then said, "Come on Cain, we need to get that mark before midnight, or we'll be trapped in here for three days!"

"Trapped?" whimpered Lance. Cain laughed again, "Relax kid, we've got just over an hour! See, you can check my watch if you're scared!"

"Um, you forgot to change it for daylight savings time!" Lance said, holding up his own watch. Moordryd glared at Cain, "You idiot! We need to get out of here-"

The doors suddenly slammed shut.

"Now," finished Moordryd, "Great job Cain, we're trapped in here for seventy-two hours!"

"In the dark!" moaned Lance. Moordryd turned to him, "Two words mini brat, thermal vision. I assume your helmet has it."

"Oh yeah" Lance muttered, and he activated the visor of his helmet, "Hey! I can see you guys!"

"That's the point," snapped Cain, "Come on Moordryd, we need to find a way out of this maze!"

"Moordryd stared off, then called, "Come on you two!" and Cain nearly fell off Corshun. The man snapped, "WHAT! Why should we bring the kid? Are you going soft?"

Moordryd silenced him with a glare.


"THEY"RE WHERE?" Artha yelled at Mortis. The dragon priest sighed, "They're in a temple that has vanished. The temple of the Xenox, a black bone mark, only appears from sunset to midnight every four days. What I wonder is why Moordryd would wait so late to try and kidnap Fracshun."

"Wait, so he didn't want Lance?" asked Parm. Mortis nodded, "Until the temple reappears, they will be trapped inside it, surrounded by darkness. My fear is that the bone mark will be activated while they are still ensnared inside the building. They would have no escape from the dragon that the bone mark attaches itself to."

"So, what can we do?" asked Kitt. Mortis said, "Very little. The only option is to wait for the temple to reappear, and to immediately go in, but Beau will have to use some of his energy to open the door. I can only hope that Lance will be safe."

"We all do Mortis" Parm said. Artha looked thoughtful, as he remembered what Lance had said about Moordryd after the wraith booster incident, "You know guys, I think he'll be alright with those two. I hope."


Okay, this will ahve 6 chapters or so. My other fic, HotD, is on tempreary hiatus due to lack of insperation.