A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I don't have much time to get on the computer anymore thanks to school. I hope you enjoy this, even if it is a little short. I promise to try to update REALLY soon!

Dinnertime came around and Ulrich was still as grumpy as ever, especially when he caught sight of Artemis making her way around the lunchroom trying to find a seat, Jim had also joined the hunt.

"Doesn't she have anything better to do?" he grumbled to the rest of his group.

"Well, seeing it is dinnertime," Odd said as he shoved a chunk of food down his throat, "eating would be the best thing!"

"You think eating is always the best thing Odd…" Ulrich rolled his eyes as his friend devoured another mouthful.

Jim walked over pushing a reluctant Artemis in front of him with a stern smile towards the table. "Now, see? There's a seat right here! You guys don't mind, do ya?" He glanced over the heads of the teens ignoring their squeamish frowns. "Good!" With that he turned and lumbered across the cafeteria to steal another round of dessert before the cook could smack him over the head with her big wooden spoon.

Artemis tensely stood where Jim had left her, awkwardly trying to smile. "Um…May I sit here? Uh, please?"

There was a moment of silence before someone broke the ice, "You can sit here if you like." Artemis looked over and recognized the boy from earlier. Inwardly, she breathed a sigh of relief as she walked over and sat down.

"You're name is Jeremie, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. These are my friends," he said pointing to everyone at the table with him, "That's Ulrich over there and Odd is next to him. And this is Aelita." He motioned to the pink haired girl across from him.

"Um, hello," Arty replied timidly, "I'm Artemis." She hastily moved a strand of her hair, streaked a bright electric blue, behind her ear nervously.

Aelita smiled to her, "Did you make the soccer team?"

"Uh, yes. I'm the new substitute." Arty barely looked up as she replied. She didn't seem to get along easily with other people.

"Substitute? But you played pretty good to me!" Odd chimed in between bites of chicken, all the while nudging the grumpy Ulrich in the ribs.

Artemis shrugged, "It's really no big deal, anyway…"

There was an awkward pause before Aelita began to ask Odd some question about music. Artemis looked up and saw Ulrich glaring at her from across the table. She quickly finished eating and went to put her try away.

"Where are you going?" Jeremie looked up at her as he asked.

"Um, I need to go…fix my computer…" She paused for a moment and caught Ulrich's look again, "Um thank you for letting me sit here…Um, I'll see you guys later." She hurried off before any of them could get another word in.

Artemis sat in the middle of her dorm room with the lights turned off. The glow of her computer lit the small area around her.

"I just don't get it…I thought I did pretty good at the tryout, but I'm still only an alternate!" She sighed, "Oh well…maybe something good will come from it."

She looked down at her computer, "That Jeremie boy seems nice, well, nicer than everyone else."

Arty let out an exasperated sigh and fell backwards onto the floor and stared up at her ceiling. There was a handful of glow in the dark stars she had stuck up there earlier. She lay there calmly for a moment before grabbing the back of her neck and sitting up again, grabbing a small notepad off her desk.

Using the light of the computer, she wrote a small reminder on the sheet of paper: Remember to recharge soon.